Наукові публікації
Співробітники кафедр стоматологічного факультету проводять наукову роботу. За рік друкується багато тез та наукових статей у вітчизняних та зарубіжних виданнях.
Artemchuk A., Savychuk O., Ostapko O., Krychkevych V., Koval O. Morphological changes in periodontal tissues of rats in the experimental model of type 2 diabetes mellitus. – World of Medicine and Biology, # 4 (78), 2021, P. 190-195.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26724/2079-8334-2021-4-78-190-195 (Web of Science)
Bilstein A., Heinrich A., Rybachuk A., Mösges R. Ectoine in the Treatment of Irritations and Inflammations of the Eye Surface. – Hindawi BioMed Research International, 2021, (4):1-16, Art. ID 8885032.
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Bilstein A., Werkhäuser N., Rybachuk A., Mösges R. The effectiveness of the bacteria derived extremolyte ectoine for the treatment of allergic rhinitis. – Hindawi, BioMed Research International, 2021, Art. ID 5562623, 16 pages.
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Borysenko A., Dudnikova M. Clinical rationale of choosing a tooth-bleaching agent. – Georgian Medical News, # 4 (313), 2021, Р. 48-51.
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Borysenko A., Kononova O., Timokhina T. Nearest results of treatment of exacerbated generalized periodontitis in patients with manifestations of psyhoemotional stress. – Georgian Medical News, # 12 (321), 2021, P. 28-31.
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Borysenko A., Timokhina T., Kononova O. Indicators of local immunity in the comorbid course of caries and gastroesophageal reflux disease. – Georgian Medical News, # 1 (310), 2021, P. 48-54.
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Brodetskyi I., Dyadyk O., Malanchuk V., Krotevych M., Myroshnychenko M. Immunohistochemical features of the expression of human papilloma virus type 16 in pleomorphic adenomas of salivary gland. – Wiadomości Lekarskie, 2021, Jan; 74(1):7-10.
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Brodetskyi I., Dyadyk O., Myroshnychenko M., Zaritska V. Morphological characteristics of pleomorphic adenomas of salivary glands (analysis of surgical material). – Wiadomości Lekarskie, 2020, Nov; 73(11):2339-2344.
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Brodetskyi I., Malanchuk V. Analysis of archive material of patients with salivary gland neoplasms according to the department of Bogomolets National Medical University for the last five years. – Journal of Stomatology, 2019, 72(2):70-76.
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Brodetskyi I., Мalanchuk V., Dosenko V. Expressions of miR-29а and miR-34а in Pleomorphic Adenomas of Salivary Glands. – Gland Surgery, 2020, 9(6):1914-1923.
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Brodetskyi I., Malanchuk V., Dyadyk O., Kulbashna Ya., Astapenko O., Kapustnyk N. et al. Morphological justification of the salivary gland tissue resection boundaries during surgical treatment of patients of with pleomorphic adenomas. – Wiadomości Lekarskie, 2021, Sept; 74(9):2182-2186.
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Brodetskyi I., Malanchuk V., Dyadyk O., Myroshnychenko M., Kulbashna Ya., Astapenko O. et al. Expression features of human papilloma virus type 16 and anti-Epstein-Barr virus in pleomorphic adenoma surrounding and intact salivary gland. – Wiadomości Lekarskie, 2021, Aug: 74(8):1789-1793.
Brodetskyi I., Мalanchuk V., Krotevych M. Complex immunohistochemical evaluation of pleomorphic adenomas of the salivary glands. – Healthy Aging Research, 2019, 8(9):1-6.
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Brodetskyi I., Malanchuk V., Sorokin B., Myroshnychenko M., Beketova Y., Dyadyk O., Kapustnyk N., Krotevych M., Brodetskyi S. Tumors and tumor-like lesions of the salivary glands: morphological characteristics of the surgical material. – Wiadomości Lekarskie, 2021, Apr: 74(4):929-933.
https://wiadlek.pl/wp-content/uploads/archive/2021/WLek202104122.pdf (Scopus)
Brodetska L., Natrus L., Lisakovska O., Kaniura O., Yakovenko L., Skrypnyk I., Flis P. The regulatory role of the RANKL/RANK/OPG signaling pathway in the mechanisms of tooth eruption in patients with impacted teeth. – BMC Oral Health, 2020, 20(1), P. 261.
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Chopchik V., Kaniura O. Conceptual approaches to organizing model of university stomatological clinic, based on public-private partnership. – Wiadomości Lekarskie, 2020, 73(8):1650-1654.
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Dakhno L., Vyshemyrska T., Burlakov P., Storozhenko K., Flis P. Assessment of the feasibility of using cone-beam computed tomography in children for diagnostics, 3D cephalometry and planning orthodontic treatment. – Georgian Medical News, 2022, 323:54-60.
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Dakhno L, Vyshemyrska T., Flis P., Burlakov, P. Comparative transversal evaluation of upper jaw following rapid maxillary expansion in the mixed dents son period. – Georgian medical news, 2021, P. 96- 102.
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Drannik G., Kurchenko A., Rehuretska R., DuBuske L. Th-17 Cytokines in oral lichen planus. – Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2014, 133 (2).
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Dmitriev М., Trofimenko Yu., Cherkasova O., Kernychnyi V., Gunas I. Features of using individualized standard values of the positions of the incisors according to С. Steiner in Ukrainian young men and young women. – World of Medicine and Biology, 2020, 2(72), P. 44-48.
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Gushcha D., Shpak D., Parii V., Tyshko D., Mykhailov A. The study of Ni-Cr, Co-Cr dental alloys and ceramics chemical indifference using ZrO2-HFO2-Y2O3 system in vitro – Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 2019, 12(9):4085-4089.
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Grigorenko A., Pliska E., Sorochenko G., Tormakhov N. Application of Methods of Numerical Analysis for Studying Mechanical Processes in Biomechanics. – International Applied Mechanics, 2018, Vol. 54, # 3, P. 366-371.
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Kolenko Y., Khrol N., Kononova O., Timokhina T., Lynovytska O. Effectіveness of laser therapy іn complex treatment of herpetic stomatitis. – Wiadomości Lekarskie, Vol. LXXIV, Issue 6, 2021, Р.1331-1336.
https://doi.org/10.36740/WLek202106108 (Scopus)
Kolenko Y., Lynovytska O., Khrol N., Timokhina T., Tsyzh O. Evaluation of the effectiveness of laser therapy in complex treatment of periodontal diseases. – Acta Balneologica, T. LXIII, # 3 (164), 2021, Р.183-188.
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Kolenko Y., Timokhina T., Lynovytska O., Mialkivskyi K., Khrol N. Epidemiological situation of pre-cancer diseases of the oral mucous in Ukraine. – Wiadomości Lekarskie, 2022, 75(6):1453-1458.
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Kolenko Y., Volovyk I., Bidenko N., Mialkivskyi K., Tkachenko I. Buccal cell micronuclei among patients with oral leukoplakia. – Wiadomości Lekarskie, 2022, 75(7):1713-1717.
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Kopchak O., Marchenko N., Kaniura O., Savosko S., Yanishevsky K., Makarenko O., Doroshenko O., Asharenkova O. The Effect of Hyaluronic Acid on the Periodontium in Spontaneous Periodontitis in Rats. – International Journal of Morphologythis link is disabled, 2021, 39(4):1028-1035.
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Kostiuk T., Kaniura A., Shinchukovskiy I., Tsyzh A., Medvinska N. EMG Activity of Chewing Muscles in Dysfunctional Disorders of Temporomandibular Joints. – Neurophysiologythis link is disabled, 2020, 52(1):43-48.
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Kostiuk T., Lytovchenko N. The use of occlusal splints manufactured «EXOCAD» software in the treatment of temporomandibular dysfunction. – International journal of medical dentistry, 2020, Vol. 24, Issue 1, P. 66-70.
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Kramarov S., Seriakova I., Yevtushenko V. Hepatobiliary system lesions in children with Covid-19. Literature review and own observations. – European Journal of Pediatrics, 2022, 11.7, P. 97-110.
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Kurchenko A., Drannik G., Rehuretska R., DuBuske L. Assessment of select serum cytokines tnf-a and il-22 in oral lichen planus patients. – Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 2018, 121 (5).
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Kurchenko A., Drannik G., Rehuretska R., Dubuske L. Assessment of CD3CD56 and CD16+ Granzyme B plus cells in patients with oral mucosal lichen planus. – Allergy, 2018, 73: 759.
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Kurchenko A., Drannik G., Rehuretska R., Dubuske L. Assessment of IL-16 from peripheral blood in patients with oral lichen planus. – Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2018, 141 (2).
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Kurchenko A., Drannik G., Rehuretska R., DuBuske L. Assessment of CD7-negative T-helper lymphocytes in peripheral blood from patients with oral lichen planus. – Allergy, 2016, 71: 579.
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Kulbashna Ya., Zakharova V.А. The role of project work in the process of future dentists foreign language competence formation. – Вестник Витебского государственного медицинского университета, 2018, Т. 17, #2, P. 87-92.
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Liubarets S., Kaminskyi O., Liubarets T., Afanasyev D., Shapovalova G., Savychuk O. Oral hygiene in children with disturbances in tooth formation who were affected as a consequence of the chnpp accident. – Problems of Radiation Medicine and Radiobiology, 2020, 25:478-489.
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Lytovchenko N., Kostiuk T., Syroizhko M. Analysis of the trauma of the middle part of the face over the past five years. – International Journal of Medical Dentistry, 2022, # 26, Issue 2, P. 314-317.
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Malanchuk V., Javadiasl A., Rybachuk A., Oblap M., Potochilova V. Species composition and susceptibility to antibiotics of microorganisms isolated from tooth sockets of extracted teeth in cases of alveolar osteitis. – Microbiological Journal, 2021, 83(6):41-48.
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Malanchuk V., Volovar O., Oblap M., Brodetskyi I., Dobryi-Vechir T., Hryhorovskyi V., Brodetska L., Dyadyk O., Myroshnychenko M. Clinical and morphological correlation dependencies and their significance in patients with complications of labored eruption of the lower third molars. – Wiadomości Lekarskie, 2021, 74(3p. I):441-449.
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Маланчук В.О., Воловар О.С., Тімощенко Н.М., Костюк Т.М. Діагностика положення моторних точок жувальних м’язів при переломах вилицевого комплексу. – Лікарська справа=Врачебное дело, 2015, № 3-4, С. 109-115.
https://europepmc.org/article/med/26827450 (Scopus)
Маланчук В.О., Воловар О.С., Чепурний Ю.В., Тімощенко Н.М., Жуковцева О.І. XXII конгрес EACMFS Європейської асоціації черепно-щелепно-лицевих хірургів. – Лікарська справа=Врачебное дело, 2014, № 11, С. 116-121.
https://europepmc.org/article/med/26638478 (Scopus)
Рибачук А.В., Толстанов О.К., Маланчук В.О. та ін. Аналіз захворюваності та смертності хворих на злоякісні новоутворення губи і ротової порожнини в Україні. – Світ Медицини та Біології, №2(80), 2022, С. 134-140.
https://womab.com.ua/ua/smb-2022-02/9388 (Web of Science)
Флис П.С., Филоненко В.В., Мельник А.А. Коррекция речевых нарушений с использованием устройства собственной конструкции. – Azǝrbaycan Tibbi Jornali, № 4, 2018, C. 109-114.

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Вибрані публікації співробітників факультету у зарубіжних виданнях:
кафедра хірургічної стоматологіїт та щелепно-лицевої хірургії:
Кульбашна Я., Никонов В., Гудар’ян О., Ідашкіна Н. Ідентифікація спеціальних компетентностей магістра у галузі стоматології: проект Sciences of Europe (Praha, Czech Republic). – 2016. – Vol.2. №9. Р.33-38.
Kulbashna Ya., Tkachuk O., Zakharova V. The development of foreign language and ledership competencies in providing competentivness of future doctors. // European humanity studies: State and Society. – 2016. – №4. P.45-64.
Маланчук В.О., Воловар О.С. Крижанівська О.О. Використання препаратів гіалуронової кислоти для лікування остеоартроза скронево-нижньощелепного суглоба. // Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal. – №1(17). Р.54-59.
Vladislav A. Malanchuk, Igor S. Brodetskyi Principles of surgical treatment of jaw osteomyelitis in patients with drug addiction. // Journal of stomatology. – №69 (4). P.436-442.
V.A. Malanchuk, V.М. Efisko, І.P. Logvynenko, N.А. Efisko Polypropylene mesh implant and A-PRF membrane for reconstruction of the traumatic defects of the lateral and back wall of the maxillary sinus. // Eureca: Health Sciences. – № 1. Р. 51-58.
- Palyvoda, V. Malanchuk, M. Kryschuk, O. Volovar Three-dimensional computer modelling and stress-strain Analysis of temporomandibular joint. // Eureca: Health Sciences – № 2. Р.11-17.
Volovar O., Malanchuk V., Lytovchenko N., Kostiuk T. Clinical manifestation of somatic pathology in patients with temporomandibular joint disorders. // Journal of research in medical and dental sciences – Vol. 3. Р.1-5.
кафедра ортодонтії та пропедевтики ортопедичної стоматології:
Фліс П.С., Ращенко Н.В., Циж А.В., Кузьменко І.С. Клініко-соціальні аспекти вибору механічного пристрою для мезіодистального переміщення зубів. // Науковий журнал «ScienceRise» Medical Science – №3/3 (20). – 2016. с. 51-57.
Flis P., Doroshenko N., Filonenko V. and other. Mechanics and mathematical modeling of Class III treatment with orthodontic appliances with a movable ramp. // Eureka: Health Sciences. –Vol. 3(3). – 2016. с. 3-11.
Skrypnyk I., Tykhonov D., Tereschuk E. Centric relations and vertical dimension determination in patients with occlusion abnormality resulted from improper dental treatment. // Modern Science – №1. – 2016.
Флис П.С., Дорошенко Н.Н., Филоненко В.В. и др. Особенности поведения ортодонтических сил в функционально-направляющих аппаратах с подвижной наклонной плоскостью. // Стоматолог-практик – №3 – 2016.
кафедра ортопедичної стоматології:
Volovar O., Malanchuk V., Lytovchenko N., Kostiuk T. Clinical manifestations of somatic pathology in patients with temporomandibular joint disorbers. // Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science. – Vol. 5. – 2017. Р.1-7.
Nespryadko V.P., Tereschuk O.G., Shynchukovskyy I.A., Proschenko A.M. Determination of optimization ways of re-prothesis using various schemes gnathological support of patients at the preparatory stage to the orthopedic correction of patients with occlusive iatrogenic disorders of tooth-jaw apparatus. // Мedical Teacher. – №12 (2). Volume 39. – 2017. P.1455-1461.
кафедра терапевтичної стоматології:
Kolenko Yu. G. Awareness of oral cancer and precancer among final year dental undergraduates in Ukraine. // Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(3):106-112.
Kolenko Yu. G. Precancerous diseases in the structure of oral mucosa pathology. // European Science Review. – 2016. – January-February, 2016. – Austria, Vienna, P.67-69.
Borysenko A.V., Kuvayev A.S., Kononova O.V., Palamarchuk S.I. Correction of nitric oxide metabolism in the complex therapy of patients with generalized periodontitis. // International Journal of Medical Dentistry. – 2016. – V. 6. – P.84-87.
Kolenko Yu. G. Argon plasma coagulation use for treatment leukoplakia of the oral mucosa. // Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science. – 2017. – № 5, Vol. 1. – P.70-73.
Kolenko Y. G. Awareness of oral cancer and precancer among final year dental undergraduates in ukraine. // Journal of Education, Health and Sport. – 2016. – №6(3):106-112.
Kolenko Yu. G. Immunohistochemical analysis of oral mucosa leukoplakia. // International Journal of Medical Dentistry. – 2016. – Vol. 6, Issue 2. – P.77–83.
Kolenko Yu. G. The role of human papilloma virus in the development of oral leukoplakia. // International Journal of Medical Dentistry. – 2016. – Vol. 6, Issue 3. – P.177-182.
Kolenko Yu. G. Malignant transformation of oral leukoplakia and oral lichen planus: a retrospective cohort study of 293 Ukrainian patients. // Journal of Education, Health and Sport. – 2017. – Vol. 7 (3). – P.273-279.
Kolenko Yu. G. Surgical treatment of oral leukoplakia. // Journal of Education, Health and Sport. – 2017. – Vol. 7, Issue 4. – P.489-496.
Маринина Е.И., Бычкова Н.Г., Бычкова С,А., Сидорук Т.Н. Состояние имунной системы у больных с артериальной гипертензией, сочетанной с неалкогольнй жировой болезнью печени и генерализованым пародонтитом. // East European Scientific Journal. №11. – 2016. – P.83-87.
Тімохіна Т.О. Клинико-иммунологические особенности течения генерализованного пародонтита у больных сахарным диабетом 2 типа. // East European Scientific Journal Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasosopismo Naukowe. – №8(12) vol. 1. – 2016. – с.108-112.
кафедра дитячої терапевтичної стоматології та профілактики стоматологічних захворювань
Bidenko N. Matematical-Statistical Research of the Influence of Various Factors on Caries Development in Ukrainian Children up to 6 Years / Bidenko N., Hrynokh V. // Pol. J. Environ. Stud. – 2016. – Vol. 25,No. 6 A – P. 117-121. (Польща) – наукова стаття у журналі, що індексуються у наукометричній базі даних Scopus.
Сороченко Г.В. Дослідження змін нанотвердості емалі постійних зубів в період вторинної мінералізації під впливом різних за складом засобів екзогенної профілактики карієсу / Г.В. Сороченко // The scientific heritage. – 2016. – №6(6). – С. 36-42.
Хоменко Л.А. Изучение in vitro минерализирующих свойств крема, содержащего разные противокариозные соединения в период вторичной минерализации эмали постоянных зубов / Л.А. Хоменко, Г.В. Сороченко // East European Scientific Journal. – 2016. – №6. – С. 117-122. (Польща)
Леус П.А. Европейские индикаторы в оценке влияния поведенческих факторов риска/ П.А.Леус, Л.А.Хоменко, Н.И.Смоляр, Л.Ф.Каськова // Стоматологический журнал. – 2016. – №3, Том ХVII. – С. 164 -170 (Белорусь).
Хоменко Л.А. Изучение влияния средств экзогенной профилактики кариеса с содержанием разных противокариозных соединений на химический состав эмали постоянных зубов в период вторичной минерализации / Л.А.Хоменко, Г.В.Сороченко // Стоматологический журнал. – 2016. – №1, Том ХVII. – С. 13 -16. (Белорусь).
кафедра хірургії
Mariia Rudyk, Olexander Fedorchuk, Yaroslav Susak, Yaroslav Nowicky, Larysa Skivka. Introduction of antineoplastic drug NSC631570 in an inpatient and outpatient setting: comparative evaluation of biological effects. //Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Volume 11, Issue 2, Pages 241-336 (April 2016).
Ya.Susak, V.Haponov. Amitozin Drug Effect on Skin Melanoma with Rectal Metastasis Complicated with Intestinal Obstruction: a case report. // Foundation of Spiritual and Molecular-Genetic Improvement of Human Health and Environmental Protection. Collective Monograph. Published by IASHE. London. – 2016. – P.46-47.
кафедра іноземних мов
Omelchuk S., Lymar L. Gender and professional factors of medical students’ psychological readiness for performing professional duties. – The International Academy of Sciences, Education, Industry & Arts. Georgian Medical news, No 2(251), 2016. – Р.45-50.
Lymar L.V. The physician’s readiness for the future professional activity, components and peculiarities developed by the medical students. Матеріали конференції Miedzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa (Kielce, Rzeczpospolita Polska) «Актуальні питання та проблеми розвитку соціальних наук» м. Кєльце, Республіка Польща 28-30 червня 2016 р., ст.. 19-22.
Lymar L.V. Characteristics of the medical students’ readiness for professional interaction with patients related to their age and residence. Rawal Medical journal, 2017(4), #2.
Аврахова Л.Я. Computer-generated histories – a solution or destruction of the doctor-patient synergy: linguistic aspect. // European Applied Sciences. – 2017.
Голік О.В. Deontological training of future doctors as an integral part of medical professionalism. // European Humanities Studies: State and Society. – 2017.
Кульбашна Я.А., Ткачук О.Г., Захарова В.О. The development of foreign language and leadership competencies in providing competitiveness of future doctors. // European Humanities and Studies: State and Society. – № 4. – 2016.
кафедра внутрішніх хвороб
Antonenko A., Beregova T., Svintsitskyy A. The peculiarities of colonic microbiota in patients with NSAID-associated liver injury // Abstracts of Symposium 201 “Gut-Liver Interactions: From IBD to NASH”. – Innsbruck, Austria, 2016. – P. 64.
Dynnyk N., Svintsitskyy A., Solovyova G., Bogomaz V., Baka O., Gurbych O., Golovchanska Y. Physical activity reduce hepatic apoptosis in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and visceral obesity // Journal of Hepatology. – 2016. – Vol. 64, Suppl. 2. – P. S491.
Њwiкcicki A., Deneka-Biaіucki E. Gіуwne kierunki dziaіalnoњci lekarzy polonijnych na Ukrainie // Wiadomoњci Lekarskie. – 2016. – Tom LXIX, №3, cz. I. – S. 416-417.
Dynnyk N., Rozhko S., Solovyova G., Baka O., Svintsitskyy A., Bogomaz V. Controlled and motivational programme of changing eating behavior reduce weight and cytokeratin 18 levels in patients with NAFLD // Abstracts of EASL Monothematic Conference “Nutrition in Liver Diseases”. – Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2016. – P. 83-84.
Antonenko A., Beregova T., Svintsitskyy A. Fecal microbiome in patients with prolonged use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs // Abstracts of Symposium 206 “From the New and Complex Concepts to the Real Patient: Science and Clinic in IBD”. – Madrid, Spain, 2017. – P. 74.
Dynnyk N., Svintsitskyy A., Solovyova G., Baka O., Chernyavskyi V., Yarmenchuk I., Hvozdetska L. Changing eating behavior by motivational and controlled program during 12 weeks reduce weight, cytokeratin 18 levels and steatosis in patient with NAFLD // Journal of Hepatology. – 2017. – Vol. 66, Suppl. 1. – P. S427.
Biriuchenko I., Bondarenko N., Svintsitskyy A. Effectiveness of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in patients with non-erosive reflux disease: a randomized trial // United European Gastroenterology Journal. – 2017. – Vol. 5, Suppl.