Department of ophthalmology
Scientific work
Person in charge – Associate Professor Iryna Ryzhova, M.D., Ph.D.
The main areas of work are neuro-ophthalmology , pathology of the optic nerve and retina, diseases of the anterior segment of the eye.
Еhe department is carrying out planned research work on the topic: “Improving the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the retina and optic nerve of vascular and endocrine origin” . Implementation period: 2020-2023.
Leader: head of the department, doctor of medical sciences, professor D.G. Zhaboyedov.
Responsible executor: candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Ryzhova I.P., candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Konakh V.M.
The clinical and functional features of the dry form of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in women with confirmed age-related macular degeneration , dry form (main group) or its absence (control group) are investigated; the presence of a confirmed decrease in the level of vitamin D.
The morphological state of the macular area in patients with AMD (dry form) with a reduced level of vitamin D is assessed using OCT.
The effect of correction of a reduced level of vitamin D on clinical, functional and immunological indicators is studied. A study of the level of cytokines (INF-g, TNF-a, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-12), superoxide dismutase , glutathione peroxidase in women with confirmed age-related macular degeneration , dry form and a confirmed decrease in the level of vitamin D is being conducted .
Recommendations for the use of vitamin D in the treatment scheme of AMD (dry form) are being developed.
Possible areas of application: the results of the work can be applied in the field of practical health care – ophthalmology departments.
The work will be implemented:
1) in the practical activities of ophthalmology departments;
2) in the educational process at the departments of surgery of NMU;
3) in the form of reports at scientific and practical conferences, congresses, publication of articles, methodological recommendations, information sheets;
4) by submitting applications for Ukrainian utility model patents.
Also, postgraduate students are trained at the department to obtain the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy ( Doctor of Philosophy , Ph.D. ): assistant T.M. Komarova, assistant A.M. Zhuk, assistant D.O. Pavlenko, G.O. Chmil , O.V. Kyrpichnikov , I.V. Havrylyak .