


Educational and professional training programme

Profile of the educational and professional training programme in specialty 221 «Dentistry»

General information

Full name of the higher

education institution

Bogomolets National Medical University
Scientific degree and the name of qualification in native language Scientific degree – Master’s degree level

Specialty – 221 Dentistry

Educational qualification – Master in Dentistry

Professional qualification – Dentist

Diploma qualification – Master in Dentistry. Dentist

Official name of the educational programme Educational and professional training programme of the Master’s degree level for the training of Masters in the specialty 221 Dentistry
Type of diploma and the scope of educational program Master’s degree diploma, single, the scope of the educational and professional training programme contains 300 credits ECTS.

Training is carried out in full-time (daytime) form of education only.

Study period is 5 years

Accreditation evidence Specialty accreditation certificate УД 11013121, valid until July 1, 2023
Cycle/level FQ-EHEA – second cycle, EQF-LLL – level 7, National Qualifications Framework of Ukraine of Ukraine – level 7
Conditions A person is permitted to obtain a master’s degree on the basis of complete secondary education, under the condition of passing of the external admission testing.

A person is permitted to obtain a master’s degree on the basis of the educational and qualification level of a junior bachelor,  professional junior bachelor or the educational and qualification level of a junior specialist in the specialty “Dentistry” or “Orthopedic Dentistry” under the condition of passing the entrance professional exams.

Language(s) of teaching Ukrainian, English
Expiry date Valid for 5 years
Website of university

Purpose of the educational program

To ensure the students’ competencies acquisition that allow them to solve typical or complex tasks and issues in the field of dentistry and health care or in the process of learning characterized by uncertain conditions and requirements; it aimed at training highly qualified, competitive, competent specialists

Characteristics of the educational program

Subject area (field of knowledge, specialty, specialization) Public health care; prevention, diagnostics and treatment of human dental diseases.

The field of knowledge is health care.

Specialty – dentistry.

The object of activity is preservation of health particularly dental health, prevention, diagnostics and treatment of human dental diseases.

The goal of the educational program: training the specialist capable of solving complex tasks and issues in the field of dentistry and health care or in the process of learning characterized by the uncertain conditions and requirements, and performing the professional activity of a dentist.

Theoretical content of the subject area: knowledge of humanitarian, fundamental (natural and social) and clinical sciences on public health, diagnostics and treatment, prevention of human dental diseases at the individual, family and population level, necessary for the professional activity of a dentist.

Methods, techniques, technologies: anamnestic, clinical, laboratory, radiological and functional methods of diagnostics according to the protocols of providing medical care; technologies of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of dental diseases, management and organization of work in the field of health care.

Instruments: modern diagnostic and therapeutic facilities, things and devices for carrying out professional activities.

Orientation of the educational program Educational and professional master’s training programme; has an applied orientation in the field of health maintaining as well as dental one.
The main focus of the educational program and specialization Higher education in the field of knowledge 22 “Health care”, specialty 221 “Dentistry”, knowledge on public health protection issues, diagnostics, treatment, prevention of dental diseases necessary for carrying out professional activity.

Keywords: higher education, medicine, dentistry, health care, master’s degree, dentist

Peculiarities of a program It’s implemented in Ukrainian and English. The program is designed in small groups with a combination of theoretical and practical training. It suggests the possibility of an individual educational trajectory formation through elective components which make up 25% of the total number of credits.


Suitability of graduates for employment and further education

Suitability for employment According to the NATIONAL CLASSIFIER OF UKRAINE, the specialist is trained for work according to State Classifier (SC) 009:2010


Section Q. Health care and Social assistance

Group 86.2 – Medical and dental practice

Class 86.23 – Dental practice

After the completion of study according to the master’s degree  in specialty “Dentistry”, the specialist is able to perform professional activity:

– intern  (code КП – 3229);

– trainee doctor (code КП – 3221).

After training in an internship, residency, a specialist is awarded the qualification of a dentist who is able to perform the professional activity specified in SC 003:2010 and can hold the appropriate medical position:

2222.2 Dentist

Further education For further professional training, a specialist has to be admitted to postgraduate education programmes (internship, residency) where training is carried out according to educational programmes for training a dentist; postgraduate student can acquire additional specialties and qualifications in the postgraduate education, and can also continue education at the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Teaching and assessment

Teaching and learning Conducting training sessions in the form of lectures, practical classes, seminars and laboratory classes in small groups, consultations, practical medical training, self-study and individual work and control measures. Student-centered learning; self-study; problem-based learning, a combination of academic activity of students with research and simulation training.
Assessment Current control of knowledge; final control of knowledge in the form of credits, differentiated credits, exams; attestation in the form of a Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE). It includes an integrated exam “STEP” and an exam in professional English which is conducted by the State Non-Profit Enterprise Testing Board for Professional Competence Assessment of Higher Education Trainees in Medicine and Pharmacy at the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, and an objective structured practical (clinical exam), which is conducted by the examination board of a university.

Programme competences

Integral Competence The ability to solve complex tasks in the field of health care in the specialty “Dentistry” in a professional activity or in the process of learning which involves research and / or innovation and is characterized by uncertain conditions and requirements
General competencies (GC) GC 1. Ability for abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis.

GC 2. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and professional activity.

GC 3. Ability to apply knowledge in practical activities.

GC 4. Ability to communicate in the state language both orally and in written form.

GC 5. Ability to communicate in English.

GC 6. Skills in the use of information and communication technologies.

GC 7. Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources.

GC 8. Ability to adapt and act in a new situation.

GC 9. Ability to identify, present and solve issues.

GC 10. Ability to be critical and self-critical.

GC 11. Ability to work in a team.

GC 12. Intention to the protect the environment.

GC 13. Ability to act socially responsibly and consciously.

GC 14. The ability to realize one’s rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to realize the values ​​of a civil (free, democratic) society and the need for its sustainable development, the rule of law, the rights and freedom of a person and a citizen of Ukraine.

GC 15. The ability to preserve and multiply moral, cultural, scientific values ​​and achievements of society based on understanding of the history and patterns of development of the subject area, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society and in the development of society, techniques and technologies; use different types and forms of motor activity for active recreation and keep to a healthy lifestyle.

Special (professional) competencies of the specialty (SC) SC 1. Ability to collect medical information about the patient and analyze clinical data.

SC 2. Ability to interpret the results of laboratory and instrumental studies.

SC 3. Ability to diagnose: to determine preliminary, clinical, final, concomitant diagnosis, medical emergencies.

SC 4. Ability to plan and carry out activities to prevent organ and tissue diseases of the oral cavity and maxillofacial region.

SC 5. Ability to design the process of providing medical care: to determine the approaches, plan, types and principles of treatment of organ and tissue diseases of the oral cavity and maxillofacial region.

SC 6. Ability to determine the rational regime of work, rest, diet of patients in the treatment of organ and tissue diseases of the oral cavity and maxillofacial region.

SC 7. Ability to determine the tactics of managing patients with diseases of the organs and tissues of the oral cavity and maxillofacial region with concomitant somatic diseases.

SC 8. Ability to perform medical and dental manipulations.

SC 9. Ability to treat major diseases of the organs and tissues of the oral cavity and maxillofacial region.

SC 10. Ability to organize and perform medical and evacuation activities.

SC 11. Ability to determine tactics, methods and provide emergency medical care.

SC 12. Ability to organize and perform a screening study in dentistry.

SC 13. Ability to assess the impact of the environment on the health status of the population (individual, family, population).

SC 14. Ability to maintain normative medical documentation.

SC 15. Processing the state, social and medical information.

SC 16. Ability to organize and conduct rehabilitation activities and care for patients with diseases of the oral cavity and MFA.

SC 17. Ability to support their professional activity legally.

SC 18. Ability to provide pre-medical aid according to the protocols of tactical medicine.

Programme learning outcomes

PLO 1. To identify and distinguish main clinical symptoms and syndromes (according to list 1); to establish a probable nosological or syndromic preliminary clinical diagnosis of a dental disease according to standard methods using preliminary data from the patient’s history, examination data of the patient, knowledge about a person, his organs and systems (according to list 2).
PLO 2. To collect information about the general condition of the patient, evaluate the psychomotor and physical development of the patient, the state of the organs of the maxillofacial region, evaluate information about the diagnosis (according to list 5) based on the results of laboratory and instrumental studies.
PLO 3. To assign and analyze additional (mandatory and optional) examination methods (laboratory, X-ray, functional and / or instrumental) according to list 5 to patients with diseases of organs and tissues of the oral cavity and maxillofacial for making differential diagnosis of diseases (according to list 2).
PLO 4. To determine the final clinical diagnosis in compliance with the relevant ethic and legal standards by making an informed decision and logical analysis of the obtained subjective and objective data from a clinical, additional examination, making differential diagnostics under the surveillance of a doctor-supervisor in a medical facility.
PLO 5. To identify a medical emergency under any circumstances (at home, in the street, in a medical institution), in a state of emergency, in the wartime, in the limited period of time, and when there is a lack of information.
PLO 6. To plan and implement measures for the prevention of dental diseases among the population, to prevent the spread of dental diseases.
PLO 7. To analyze the epidemiological status and apply mass and individual, general and local drug and non-drug prevention of dental diseases.
PLO 8. To determine the approach, plan, type and principle of treatment of a dental disease (according to list 2) by making an informed decision according to the existing algorithms and standard schemes.
PLO 9. To determine the character of the regime of work, rest and the necessary diet in the treatment of dental diseases (according to list 2) on the basis of the preliminary or final clinical diagnosis by making an informed decision according to the existing algorithms and standard schemes.
PLO 10. To determine the tactics of managing a dental patient with somatic pathology (according to list 3) by making an informed decision according to the existing algorithms and standard schemes.
PLO 11. To carry out the treatment of main dental diseases according to existing algorithms and standard schemes under the surveillance of a doctor-supervisor in a medical facility.
PLO 12. To organize medical evacuation activities among the population, military personnel in a state of emergency including wartime; during the deployment stages of medical evacuation, taking into account the existing system of curative and evacuation support.
PLO 13. To determine the tactics of emergency medical care using the recommended algorithms under any circumstances depending on a kind of a medical emergency in a limited period of time.
PLO 14. To analyze and evaluate state, social and medical information using standard approaches and information technologies.
PLO 15. To assess the impact of the environment on the health of the population in a medical institution using standard methods.
PLO 16. To form the goals and determine the structure of personal activity based on the result of certain social and personal needs analysis.
PLO 17. To keep to a healthy lifestyle, obey the techniques of self-regulation and self-control.
PLO 18. One should realize and be guided by civil rights, freedom and duties in one’s activity to increase the general educational cultural level.
PLO 19. To comply with the requirements of ethics, bioethics and deontology in one’s professional activity.
PLO 20. To organize the necessary level of individual safety (own and those for whom one cares) in case of typical dangerous situations in the individual field of activity.
PLO 21. To perform medical manipulations on the basis of a preliminary and / or final clinical diagnosis (according to lists 2, 2.1) for different segments of the population in different conditions.
PLO 22. To perform medical dental manipulations on the basis of a preliminary and / or final clinical diagnosis (according to lists 2, 2.1) for different segments of the population in different conditions (according to list 7).
PLO 23. To perform manipulations while providing the first aid using standard schemes under any circumstances depending on the medical emergency (according to list 4) in a limited period of time.

Resource support of programme implementation

Staff assistance They meet the personnel requirements for ensuring the implementation of educational activity in the field of higher education in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Approval of Licensing for the Implementation of Educational Activity of Educational Institutions” dated December 30, 2015, № 1187 (Appendix 12) editing dated 10.05.2018 № 347).

Project team: 9 Doctors in Medicine (8 professors and 1 associate professor), the General Director of the university clinics; 1 student of dental faculty. Guarantor of the educational programme: Doctor in Medicine, professor. All scientific and pedagogical staff with scientific degrees and academic ranks involved in the implementation of the educational component of the EP are full-time employees of Bogomolets National Medical University.

Material and technical support It meets the technological requirements for the material and technical support of educational activity in the field of higher education in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Approval of Licensing for Conducting Educational Activity of Educational Institutions” dated December 30, 2015, № 1187, Appendix 13):

– Availability of training and lecture halls, provision of computer workplaces, multimedia equipment, technical means of education in accordance with the actual number of students taking into account shift system of training;

– Availability of multimedia equipment for simultaneous use in classrooms for at least 30% of classrooms;

– Availability of distance learning with the help Likar_NMU, which provides the possibility of distance and mixed forms of learning.

–  Availability of social infrastructure: a library, including a reading room; food outlets, an assembly hall, a gym, a stadium, sports grounds, a medical centre;

– Provision of at least 70% of students with a dormitory;

– Provision of computer workplaces, laboratories, training grounds, equipment, facilities necessary for the implementation of syllabi;

Availability of clinical sites for students’ practical medical training based on the existing agreements for practical medical training in health-promoting institutions;

– Availability of standardized patients, specific mannequins, phantoms and simulants.

Information, educational and methodological support Сorresponds to the technological requirements for educational, methodological and information support of academic activity in the field of higher education in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine (Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On approval of the licensing conditions for the production of academic activity of educational institutions” dated December 30, 2015, No. 1187, applications 14–15).

To create an educational and professional program:

– the presence of a description of the educational and professional program;

– the presence of a curriculum and an explanatory note to it;

– provision of the library with at least five titles of local and foreign professional periodicals of the corresponding or related profile, including in electronic form;

– availability of access to databases of periodic scientific publications in English of the corresponding or related profile (sharing of databases by several educational institutions is allowed).

To conduct an educational and professional program, you need:

– availability of a work program for each academic discipline of the curriculum;

– the presence of a complex of educational and methodological support for each academic discipline of the curriculum;

– availability of a practical training program, work programs of practices;

– provision of students with educational materials for each academic discipline of the curriculum;

– availability of methodological materials for certification of applicants;

– The presence of the official website of the educational institution, which contains basic information about its activities (structure, licenses and certificates of accreditation, educational / educational / publishing / certification (scientific personnel) activities, educational and scientific structural units and their composition, a list of educational disciplines, admission rules, contact information);

– Availability of a platform for distance learning Likar_NMU, which provides the possibility of learning both in exclusively distance and in mixed forms.

– The presence of an electronic resource of an educational institution that contains educational and methodological materials with at least 60% of the academic disciplines of the curriculum, including in the distance learning system.

Academic mobility

National credit mobility National mobility is carried out on the basis of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, “Regulations on the recognition of the study’s results of students at Bogomolets NMU, obtained in non-formal and informal education” and agreements between higher educational institutions of Ukraine.
International credit mobility International mobility is carried out on the basis of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, “Regulations on international academic mobility and business trips abroad at the Bogomolets National Medical University“, “Regulations on the recognition of the study’s results of students at Bogomolets NMU, obtained in non-formal and informal education” and agreements between educational institutions of Ukraine and other countries.
Training of foreign applicants for higher education Training of foreign students is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the law.

– training of foreign applicants for higher education is carried out within the licensed volume of the specialty with preliminary speech training.

– admission to training is carried out in accordance with the “Admission Rules” with the passing of the relevant professional exams.

– Training is carried out in Ukrainian, Russian and English at the request of the student.

– The advantage of choosing elective components of EOP in the junior years is given to language training, and in the senior courses – taking into account the peculiarities of the incidence of the particular countries.



By the project team for the development of an educational and professional training program in “Dentistry” at Bogomolets National Medical University.


By the Academic Council of Bogomolets National Medical University (minutes No.11, dated April 22, 2021) with changes and additions approved by the Academic Council of Bogomolets NMU (minutes No. 12 dated April 28, 2022 and minutes No. 1 dated August 30, 2022)


  • Guarantor of the Program, Head of the Project Team – Bidenko N.V. – Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry.

Project team members:

– Kaniura O.A. – Doctor of Medical Science; Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific, Pedagogical and Medical Work

– Malanchuk V.O. – Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery;

– Kolenko Yu.G. – Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry;

– Kostiuk T.M. – Doctor of Medicine, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Orthodontics and Propaedeutics of Orthopedic Dentistry;

– Nespriadko V.P. – Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry;

– Savychuk O.V. – Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Department of Pediatric Therapeutic Dentistry and Prevention of Dental Diseases;

– Solovyova G.A. – Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Acting Head of the Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry;

– Tutchenko M.I. – Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry;

– Hrol N.S.- Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, General Director of the University Clinic;

– Marcinyuk E.I. – student of the 5-th course, acting Chairman of the Student Council of the Faculty of Dentistry



– Рожко М.М. – Ректор Івано-Франківського національного медичного університету, член-кореспондент НАМН України, лaypеат Державної премії України в галузі науки і техніки, Заслужений діяч науки і техніки України, д.мед.н., професор

– Мазур І.П. – Президент громадської організації «Асоціація стоматологів України», професор Національного університету охорони здоров’я України імені П.Л.Шупика

– Дахно Л.О. – Голова Правління ГС «Безперервного Професійного Розвитку Стоматологів», к.мед.н., Заслужений лікар України

– Скульська С.В. – Генеральний директор КНП БМР “Дитяча стоматологiчна полiклiнiка”, Голова ГО “Стоматологiчна асоцiацiя Київщини”, д.мед.н., Заслужений лiкар України

– Гуменюк О.П. – директор Комунального некомерційного підприємства «Київська стоматологія»

– Літун М.Є. – головний лікар Комунального закладу Київської обласної ради «Обласна стоматологічна поліклініка», м. Біла Церква

– Лепський В.В. – директор Приватного підприємства «Медична клініка «Брати Лепські», к.мед.н., Заслужений працівник соціальної сфери України, м. Черкаси

Educational and professional training programme “Dentistry” – PDF file

Рецензія Директора комунального некомерційного підприємства “Київська стоматологія” – Гуменюк О.П.

Рецензія Директора приватного підприємства “Медична клініка “Брати Лепські”, КМН, заслуженого працівника соціальної сфери України – Лепського В.В.

Рецензія Ректора Івано-Франківського національного медичного університету, Члена-кореспондента НАМН України, Лауреата Державної премії України в галузі науки та техніки, Заслуженого діяча науки та техніки України, доктора медичних наук, професора – Рожко М.М.

Рецензія Президента громадської організації “Асоціація стоматологів України”, професора національного університету охорони здоров’я України ім. П.Л.Шупика – Ірини Мазур

Рецензія Головного лікаря комунального закладу обласної ради “Обласна стоматологічна поліклініка” м. Біла Церква – Літун М.Є.

Рецензія Заслуженого лікаря України, Кандидата медичних наук, Голови правління ГС “Безперервного професійного розвитку стоматологів” – Лариси О. Дахно 

Рецензія Генерального директора КНП БМР “Дитяча стоматологічна поліклініка”, Заслуженого лікаря України, Голови ГО “Стоматологічна асоціація Київщини”, доктора медичних наук – Скульської С.В.

Рецензія Голови департаменту ортодонтії Тбіліського державного національного університету, Доктора медичних наук, Професора – Тінатіна Мікадзе

Mandatory components

MC 2 Ukrainian as a foreign language*
MC 4 Human Anatomy, including head and neck anatomy
MC 5 Histology, Cytology and Embryology
MC 7 Latin language and medical terminology
MC 8 Medical biology
MC 9 Medical biochemistry, including biochemistry of the oral cavity
MC 10 Medical and biological physics with the basics of medical informatics
MC 11 Microbiology, virology and immunology, incl. oral microbiology
MC 12 Physiology, including physiology of the maxillofacial area
MC 13 Introduction to clinical dentistry including nursing practice in dentistry
MC 14 Internal Medicine (Including Epidemiology, Infectious Diseases, Clinical Pharmacology)
MC 15 Hygiene and ecology
MC 16 Pediatric therapeutic dentistry including clinical practice in pediatric therapeutic dentistry
MC 17 Children’s surgical dentistry including clinical practice in children’s surgical dentistry
MC 18 Preclinical course in pediatric therapeutic dentistry including nursing practice in dentistry
MC 19 Emergency Medical Care
MC 20 General Medicine (Including Obstetrics; Dermatology, Venereology; Endocrinology; Clinical Immunology and Allergology; Medical Psychology; Neurology, Including Neurostomatology; Otorhinolaryngology; Ophthalmology; Pediatrics; Psychiatry and narcology; Physical Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine; Phthisiology)
MC 21 Orthodontics including clinical practice in orthodontics
MC 22 Prosthetic Dentistry (including fixed dentures, removable dentures, maxillofacial prosthetics, prosthetics on implants, clinical practice in Prosthetic Dentistry)
MC 23 Pathomorphology, including Pathomorphology of the head and neck
MC 24 Pathophysiology, including Pathophysiology of the maxillofacial area
MC 25 Training of reserve officers in the field of knowledge “Health care”  “Dentistry”specialty
MC 26 Introduction to Internal Medicine including Internal Medicine Nursing Practice
MC 27 Prevention of Dental Diseases including clinical practice in prevention of dental diseases
MC 28 Radiology, Radiology in Dentistry
MC 29 Social Medicine, Public Health and the Fundamentals  of Evidence-based Medicine
MC 30 Dental Therapy (including caries, endodontics, periodontal diseases, oral mucosa diseases, clinical practice in dental therapy)
MC 31 Pharmacology
MC 32 Surgical Dentistry (including: extraction of teeth, Anesthesia and Inflammatory Diseases of the Maxillofacial Area, Maxillofacial Traumatology, Oncology of the Maxillofacial Area, Reconstructive Maxillofacial Surgery, clinical practice in Surgical Dentistry)
MC 33 Surgery (including Neurosurgery, Oncology, practice of patient care in the surgical department)





Educational and professional training programme

Profile of educational programme specialty 222 “Medicine”

General information

Full name of the university and the structural departments where the training is performed


Bogomolets National Medical University

Medical faculty № 1

Medical faculty № 2

Medical faculty № 4

Faculty for training doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Faculty for training foreign citizens

Level of higher education Master’s degree level
Scientific degree Master’s degree
Field of knowledge 22 Health care
Specialty 222 Medicine
Form of education The training is performed in full-time education only
Educational qualification Master in Medicine
Diploma qualification Scientific degree – master’s degree

Specialty – 222 Medicine

Professional qualification – doctor

Official name of educational programme Educational and professional training programme «Medicine»
Type of diploma and the scope of educational programme Master’s degree diploma, single, the scope of educational and professional training programme contains 360 credits ECTS. Term of training is 6 years.
Accreditation evidence Certificate of specialty accredition УД 11012342, expiry date  01.07.2023
Cycle/Level FQ-EHEA – the second cycle, ЕQF-LLL – 7th level,

National Qualifications Framework of Ukraine  – 7th  level

Conditions A person is permitted to obtain a master’s degree on the basis of a complete secondary education under the condition of passing of an external admission testing.

A person is permitted to obtain a master’s degree on the basis of a bachelor’s degree, a junior bachelor’s degree, a professional junior bachelor’s degree or the educational and qualification level of a junior specialist in the specialty 223 “Nursing” based on the results of an external admission testing and under the condition of passing the entrance professional exams in accordance with the Rules of Admission to the Bogomolets National Medical University in accordance with current legislation.

Languages of teaching Ukrainian, English
Expiry date valid for 6 years, since September 2022
Website of university

Goals of educational programme

Formation of the ability to apply acquired knowledge, abilities, skills to solve typical tasks of a doctor’s activity in the field of health care, the sphere of which is provided by defined lists of diseases’ syndromes and symptoms, medical emergencies, physiological conditions and diseases that require special patient management tactics; laboratory and instrumental research, medical manipulations; issues of labor, judicial and military expertise and rehabilitation.

Characteristics of educational programme

Subject area (field of knowledge, specialty) Field of knowledge – 22 «Health care»

Specialty – 222 «Medicine».

Object of study and/or activity of medicine: prevention, diagnostics and treatment of human diseases, the impact of health problems on patients, their families and the population, health maintaining.

Learning goals: acquiring the ability to solve complex tasks and issues, including those of  research and innovation origin in the field of medicine. Ability to continue learning with a high degree of autonomy.

Theoretical content of the subject area: concepts, principles and theories of prevention, diagnostics and treatment of human diseases at the individual, family and population levels.

Methods, techniques and technologies: anamnestic, clinical, laboratory, instrumental methods of conducting the diagnostic process, determining main symptoms and syndromes, determining preliminary and clinical diagnosis; technologies of diagnostics, treatment and prevention, management and organization of work in the field of health care.

Instruments and equipment: modern diagnostic, therapeutic and other devices, objects and appliances used in professional activity.

Academic rights of graduates Acquisition of additional qualifications and medical specializations in the system of adult education, particularly in internship.

Obtaining an education at the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education.

Educational programme orientation Educational and professional training programme (professional orientation to medical theory and practice)
Main focus of educational programme and specialization Higher education in the field of knowledge 22 «Health care», specialty 222 «Medicine»

Key words: master in medicine, medicine, health care, higher education

Peculiarities of the programme It is implemented in Ukrainian and English. The program is designed for small groups with a combination of theoretical and practical training. The study of clinical disciplines and ensuring the formation of special (professional) competences by the applicants of the master’s degree in the specialty 222 “Medicine” are carried out at the clinical departments of Bogomolets National Medical University according to the syllabi. Professional training at clinical departments takes into account the specifics of each discipline and in order to acquire professional competencies it necessarily involves the use of simulation training methods, work with the use of diagnostic equipment and direct work at the patient’s bedside (in general, at least 50% of the classroom hours of the relevant disciplines).

Suitability of graduates for employment and further education

Suitability for employment According to the NATIONAL CLASSIFIER OF UKRAINE, the specialist is trained to work according to State Classifier (SC) 009:2010


Section Q. Health care and social assistance

Section 86.1 – Activities of hospital institutions

Group 86.10 – Activities of hospital institutions

Class 86.21 – General medical practice

Class 86.90 – Other health care activities

After the completion of study according to the Master’s degree in Medicine, the specialist is able to perform professional activity:

– intern (code КП – 3229);

– trainee doctor (code КП – 3221);

– resident doctor (code КП – ХХХ).

After training in an internship/a residency, a specialist is awarded the qualification of a doctor who is able to perform the professional activity specified in SC 003:2010 and can hold the corresponding medical position.

Further education For further professional training in the specialty “Medicine”, a specialist has to be admitted to postgraduate education (internship, residency) where training is carried out according to educational programmes for training a doctor of a certain specialty; postgraduate student can acquire additional specialties and qualifications in the postgraduate education and can also continue education at the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

After training in an internship or residency, a specialist is awarded with the qualification “Doctor” who is able to perform the professional activity specified in SC 003:2010 and can hold the corresponding medical position:

Class 222 Professionals in the field of medicine (except nurses).

Subclass 2221 Professionals in the curative field (except dentistry).

Group 2221.2 Doctors.

Subclass 2225 Professionals in the field of preventive medicine.

Group 2225.2 Doctors, specialists in the field of preventive medicine.

Group 2229.2 Professionals in medicine (except nursing and midwifery).

In the future, specialists can undergo retraining and acquire another medical specialty and perform appropriate professional activity.

Teaching and assessment

Teaching and learning Student-centered learning, self-study, problem-oriented learning which is conducted in the following ways: lecture, seminar, practical class, laboratory class, individual class, consultation, elective class, practical medical training (in small groups). The educational process is carried out with the help of explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, problem-based, programmed and research methods.
Assessment The evaluation of the student is carried out according to the 200-point scale that is transformed into an evaluation according to the traditional (four-point) scale and the ECTS scale in accordance with “The Regulation on the evaluation of students’ knowledge during the current and final control of the discipline at Bogomolets National Medical University”.

Forms of control: credits, differential credits, final control, exams, attestation of graduates in the form of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE).

Programme competences

Integral competence The ability to solve complex tasks including those of research and innovative origin in the field of medicine. Ability to continue learning with a high degree of autonomy.
General Competences (GC) GC1. Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis.

GC 2. The ability to learn and master modern knowledge.

GC 3. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations.

GC 4. Knowledge and understanding of the subject field and understanding of professional activity.

GC 5. Ability to adapt and act in a new situations.

GC 6. Ability to make informed decisions.

GC 7. Ability to work in a team.

GC 8. Ability to interpersonal interaction.

GC 9. Ability to communicate in a foreign language.

GC 10. Ability to use information and communication technologies.

GC 11. Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources.

GC 12. Determination and persistance in relation to assigned tasks and assumed duties.

GC 13. Awareness of equal opportunities and gender issues.

GC 14. The ability to realize one’s rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to realize the values ​​of a civil (free, democratic) society and the need for its sustainable development, the rule of law, the rights and freedom of a person and a citizen of Ukraine.

GC 15. The ability to preserve and multiply moral, cultural, scientific values ​​and achievements of society based on understanding of the history and patterns of development of the subject area, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society and in the development of society, techniques and technologies; use different types and forms of motor activity for active recreation and keep to a healthy lifestyle.

Special (professional) competences (SC) SC 1. Ability to collect medical information about the patient and analyze clinical data.

SC 2. Ability to determine the necessary list of laboratory and instrumental studies and evaluate their results.

SC 3. Ability to establish a preliminary and clinical diagnosis of the disease.

SC 4. Ability to determine the necessary regime of work and rest in the treatment and prevention of diseases.

SC 5. Ability to determine the eating patterns in the treatment and prevention of diseases.

SC 6. Ability to determine the principles and way of treatment and prevention of diseases.

SC 7. Ability to identify medical emergencies.

SC 8. Ability to determine tactics and provide emergency medical care.

SC 9. Ability to carry out medical evacuation measures.

SC 10. Ability to perform medical manipulations.

SC 11. Ability to solve clinical cases in new or unfamiliar environment in the presence of incomplete or limited information taking into account aspects of social and ethic responsibility.

SC 12. Ability to determine the tactics of observation of physiological pregnancy, physiological childbirth and the postpartum period. Counseling skills for family planning and contraceptive method.

SC 13. Ability to carry out sanitary and hygienic as well as preventive measures.

SC 14. Ability to plan and carry out preventive and antiepidemic measures regarding infectious diseases.

SC 15. Ability to perform expertise of work capacity.

SC 16. Ability to process medical documentation including electronic forms.

SC 17. Ability to assess the impact of the environment, socio-economic and biological determinants on the health status of an individual, family, population.

SC 18. Ability to analyze the activity of a doctor, department, health care institution, ensure the quality of medical care and improve the efficiency of medical resources use.

SC 19. Ability to organize and integrate the provision of medical assistance to the population and marketing of medical services.

SC 20. Ability to conduct epidemiological and medical-statistical research of the population’s health; processing of social, economic and medical information.

SC 21. One should clear express one’s own knowledge, conclusions and arguments on health care problems and related issues to specialists and non-specialists particularly to people who study.

SC 22. Ability to manage working processes in the field of health care which are complex, unpredictable and require new strategic approaches.

SC 23. Ability to develop and implement scientific and applied projects in the field of health care.

SC 24. Compliance with ethic principles when working with patients and laboratory animals.

SC25. Compliance with professional and academic integrity, taking responsibility for the reliability of the obtained scientific results.

Programme learning outcomes (plo)

PLO 1 To have profound knowledge of the structure of professional activity. To be able to carry out professional activity that require updating and integration of knowledge. To be responsible for professional development, the ability for further professional training with a high level of autonomy.
PLO 2. Understanding and knowledge of basic and clinical biomedical sciences, at a level sufficient for solving professional tasks in the field of health care.
PLO 3. Specialized conceptual knowledge that includes scientific achievements in the field of health care and it is the basis for conducting research, critical understanding of problems in the field of medicine and related interdisciplinary problems.
PLO 4. To identify and distinguish main clinical symptoms and syndromes (according to list 1); according to standard methods, using preliminary data of the patient’s history, data of the patient’s examination, knowledge about the person, his organs and systems, establish a preliminary clinical diagnosis of the disease (according to list 2).
PLO 5. To collect presenting complaints, anamnesis vitae and anamnesis morbi, evaluate psychomotor and physical development of the patient, condition of organs and systems of the body based on the results of laboratory and instrumental studies, evaluate information regarding the diagnosis (according to list 4) taking into account the patient’s age.
PLO 6. To establish the final clinical diagnosis by making a reasoned decision and analyzing the received subjective and objective data of clinical, additional examination, making differential diagnosis, keeping to the relevant ethic and legal norms under the control of the physician-supervisor in the health care institution (according to list 2).
PLO 7. To assign and analyze additional (mandatory and optional) examination methods (laboratory, functional and/or instrumental) (according to list 4) of patients with diseases of organs and body systems for making differential diagnosis of diseases (according to list 2).
PLO 8. To determine the main clinical syndrome or what causes the severity of the victim’s condition (according to list 3) by making a reasoned decision and assessing the person’s condition under any circumstances (in a health care facility, outside its borders) including the state of emergency and combat actions, in field conditions  within lack of information and limited time.
PLO 9. To determine the character and principles of treatment (conservative, operative) of patients with diseases (according to list 2), taking into account the patient’s age, in health care institution, outside its borders and at the stages of medical evacuation, including in field conditions on the basis of a preliminary clinical diagnosis, observing the relevant ethic and legal norms by making a reasoned decision according to existing algorithms and standard schemes, in case of the need to expand the standard scheme; be able to justify personalized recommendations under the control of the physician-supervisor in a medical institution.
PLO 10. To determine the necessary regime of work, rest and nutrition based on the final clinical diagnosis, observing the relevant ethic and legal norms by making a reasoned decision according to existing algorithms and standard schemes.
PLO 11. To determine the approach, plan and tactics of managing physiological pregnancy, physiological childbirth and the postpartum period by making an informed decision according to existing algorithms and standard schemes.
PLO 12. To assess the general condition of a newborn child by making a reasoned decision according to existing algorithms and standard schemes observing the relevant ethic and legal norms.
PLO 13. To assess and monitor the child’s development, provide recommendations on feeding and specifics of nutrition depending on the age, to organize preventive vaccinations according to the calendar.
PLO 14. To determine tactics and provide first aid for medical emergencies (according to list 3) in limited period of time in accordance with existing clinical protocols and treatment standards.
PLO 15. To organize the provision of medical aid and medical evacuation measures to the population and military personnel in the states of emergency and combat actions as well as in field conditions.
PLO 16. To form rational medical routes for patients; to organize the interaction with colleagues in their or other institutions and organizations; to apply instruments for the promotion of medical services in the market based on the analysis of the needs of the population while functioning of the health care institution, its division in a competitive environment.
PLO 17. To perform medical manipulations (according to list 5) in a medical institution, at home or at work based on a previous clinical diagnosis and/or indicators of the patient’s condition by making a reasoned decision, observing the relevant ethic and legal norms.
PLO 18. To determine the state of functioning and limitations of a person’s vital activities and the duration of incapacity for work with the processing of relevant documents in a health care institution based on data about the disease and its course, peculiarities of a person’s professional activity, etc. To process medical documentation regarding the patient and the population on the basis of regulatory documents.
PLO 19. To plan and implement a system of antiepidemic and preventive measures regarding the occurrence and spread of diseases among the population.
PLO 20. To analyze the epidemiological situation and carry out measures for mass and individual, general and local prevention of infectious diseases.
PLO 21. To search for the necessary information in the professional literature and databases of other sources, analyze, evaluate and apply this information.
PLO 22. To apply modern digital technologies, specialized software and statistical data analysis methods to solve complex healthcare tasks.
PLO 23. Assess the impact of the environment on human health in order to assess the morbidity of the population.
PLO 24. To organize the necessary level of individual safety (own and the people one cares for) in case of typical dangerous situations.
PLO 25. One should clear express one’s own knowledge, conclusions and arguments on health care problems and related issues to specialists and non-specialists.
PLO 26. To manage working processes in the field of health care which are complex, unpredictable and require new strategic approaches; to organize the work and professional development of personnel taking into account the acquired skills of effective teamwork, leadership, appropriate quality, accessibility and justice, ensuring the provision of integrated medical help.
PLO 27. To communicate freely in the State and English languages, both orally and in written form to discuss professional activities, research and projects.
PLO 28. To make effective decisions about health care tasks, evaluate the necessary resources, take into account social, economic and ethic consequences.
PLO 29. To plan, organize and carry out measures for the specific prevention of infectious diseases in accordance with the National calendar of preventive vaccinations both mandatory and recommended. To control vaccine residues, organize additional vaccination campaigns including immunoprophylactic measures.


Resource support of programme implementation

Staff assistance They meet the personnel requirements for ensuring the implementation of educational activity in the field of higher education in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Approval of Licensing for the Implementation of Educational Activity of Educational Institutions” dated December 30, 2015, № 1187 editing made by the Resolution of the CMU dated 24.03.2021 № 365)
Material and technical support It meets the technological requirements for the material and technical support of educational activity in the field of higher education in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Approval of Licensing for Conducting Educational Activity of Educational Institutions” dated December 30, 2015, № 1187 editing made by the Resolution of the CMU dated 24.03.2021 № 365):

– Availability of training and lecture halls, provision of computer workplaces, multimedia equipment, technical means of education in accordance with the actual number of students  taking into account shift system of training;

–  Availability of social infrastructure: a library, including a reading room; food outlets, an assembly hall, a gym, a stadium, sports grounds, a medical center;

– Provision of at least 50% of students with a dormitory;

– Provision of computer workplaces, laboratories, equipment, facilities necessary for the implementation of syllabi;

– Availability of clinical sites for practical medical training based on the existing agreements for practical medical training in health-promoting institutions;

– Availability of standardized patients, specific mannequins, phantoms and simulants.

Informational, educational and methodological support It meets the technological requirements for educational and methodological, informational support of educational activity in the field of higher education in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine (The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On approval of licensing for educational activity of educational institutions” dated December 30, 2015, № 1187 editing made by the Resolution of the CMU dated 24.03.2021 № 365).

– The presence of an official website ( which contains basic information about the activity of Bogomolets National Medical University (structure, licenses and certificates of accreditation, educational/educational-scientific/publishing/attestation activity (scientific staff), educational and scientific structural subdivisions and their staff, list of academic disciplines, admission rules, contacts);

– The presence of an electronic resource of the educational institution which contains teaching and methodological materials of study disciplines’ syllabi including distance learning (LIKARNMU).;

– The availability of a scientific library with a complete set of educational literature in all disciplines studied (in the State and English languages), national and foreign professional periodical publications of the relevant specialization including internet resources. Reading rooms and rooms for self-study provide free Internet and Wi-Fi zone;

– Access to databases of periodical scientific publications in English of a relevant specialization (shared use of databases by several educational institutions is allowed).

– The presence of an educational and methodological complex for each component of the educational programme and syllabus; departments have developed syllabi, curricula of study disciplines and complexes of educational and methodological support;

– The presence of a practical training programme, curricula of a practical medical training;

– Provision of students with study materials for each academic discipline of the syllabus;

– Availability of methodological materials for students’ attestation.

Academic mobility

National credit mobility National credit mobility is carried out on the basis of  the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” and agreements between  Bogomolets National Medical University and other Ukrainian universities.
International credit mobility International credit mobility is carried out on the basis of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, agreements between Bogomolets National Medical University and foreign universities in accordance with “The regulations on international academic mobility and business trips abroad”.
Education of foreign students Education of foreign students and people without citizenship is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the law.

– Admission to study is carried out in accordance with  “The rules of admission to Bogomolets National Medical University” with passing the relevant professional exams within the licensing scope of specialty 222 “Medicine”.

– Education is carried out in the Ukrainian and English languages at the request of the student.

– In the first years of study preference, in the choice of elective components of EPTP, is given to language training; and in the last years the choice depends on the specifics of the morbidity of the corresponding countries.



By the project group for the development of the educational and professional training programme “Medicine” of Bogomolets National Medical University.



By Scientific Council of Bogomolets National Medical University  (protocol № 11, 22 April 2021) with updating and editing approved by the Scientific Council of Bogomolets National Medical University (protocol № 12, 28 April 2022 and protocol № 1, 30 August, 2022)



  • Guarantor of the programme, the head of the project group is Volodymyr  Melnyk, doctor of medicine, professor, the dean of the medical faculty №1


Members of the project group:

Oleg Vlasenko ˗ vice-rector for the scientific-pedagogical and academic work, doctor of medicine, professor
Borys Ventskivskyi ˗ associate member of NAMS of Ukraine, doctor of medicine, professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department № 1, the head of cycle methodological committee in specialty 222 “Medicine”
Oleg Iaremenko ˗ doctor of medicine,  professor, the head of Internal Medicine Department №3, the head of cycle methodological committee on therapeutic disciplines
Rostyslav Bondariiev ˗ doctor of medicine,  professor, professor of the Department of Surgery with a Course of Emergency and Vascular Surgery, the head of cycle methodological committee on surgical disciplines
 Tetiana Pochinok ˗ doctor of medicine,  professor, professor of the Department of Pediatrics № 1, the head of cycle methodological committee on pediatric disciplines
Vasyl Bardov ˗ associate member of NAMS of Ukraine, doctor of medicine, professor, the head of Hygiene and Ecology Department №1, the head of cycle methodological committee on hygienic disciplines
Lesya Yanitska ˗ PhD in Biology, associate professor, the head of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department, the head of cycle methodological committee on natural disciplines
Nina Lytvynenko ˗ doctor of philology, professor, the head of Language Training Department, the head of cycle methodological committee on social linguistic disciplines
Borys Mykhailychenko ˗ doctor of medicine, professor, the head of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law Department
Natalia Greben ˗ PhD in Medicine, associate professor of Ophthalmology Department, deputy chief of the educational and methodological department
Serhiy Krasyuk ˗ medical director of University Clinic of Bogomolets National Medical University
Maksym Sytor ˗ 5-year student, the head of the student council of the medical faculty № 1




Завгородній І.В. – Директор Навчально-наукового інституту якості освіти Харківського Національного медичного інституту, д.мед.н., професор.

Солонинко І.І.  – Перший проректор з науково-педагогічної роботи Львівського національного медичного університету імені Данила Галицького, кандидат біологічних наук, доцент

Cавицький В. – Начальник Української військово-медичної академії, доктор медичних наук, професор, бригадний генерал медичної служби.

Остапенко Т.А. – Головний лікар Українського науково-практичного центру ендокринної хірургії, трансплантації, ендокринних органів і тканин МОЗ України.

Сергета І.В. – Завідувач кафедри загальної гігієни та екології Вінницького національного медичного університету імені М.І.Пирогова, д.мед.н., професор.

Криворчук І.Г. – Заступник директора КНП «Олександрівської клінічної лікарні м. Києва», к.мед.н., доцент

Educational and professional training programme “Medicine” – PDF file


Mandatory components

MC 2. Professional Ukrainian
MC 3. Philosophy and Ethics
MC 5. Medical terminology  with Latin basis
MC 6. Human anatomy
MC 7. Histology, Cytology and Embryology
MC 8. Medical biology
MC 9. Medical and biological physics. Medical informatics
MC 10. Medical biochemistry
MC 11. Physiology
MC 12. Microbiology and Virology (with Immunology basis)
MC 13. Molecular biology
MC 14. Labor safety and hygiene
MC 15. Hygiene and Ecology
MC 16. Social medicine, Public Health
MC 17. Pathomorphology
MC 18. Pathophysiology
MC 19. Pharmacology
MC 20. Propaedeutics of internal medicine including  nurses` practice, basic medical skills in therapeutic department
MC 21. Propaedeutics of pediatrics including  nurses` practice, basic medical skills in pediatric department
MC 22. General surgery including nurses` practice, basic skills in surgical department
MC 23. Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
MC 24. Internal medicine (Gastroenterology, Hematology, Pulmonology, Cardiology, Rheumatology, Nephrology) including Endocrinology Phthisiatrics, emergency states in Nephrology, professional training, internal diseases
MC 25. Pediatrics including children’s infectious diseases, professional practice (professional training), children`s diseases and children`s infectious diseases
MC 26. Obstetrics and Gynecology including professional training in the Obstetric-Gynecological department
MC 27. Surgery including children’s surgery, neurosurgery, professional practice (professional training) surgical diseases
MC 28. Urology
MC 29. Otolaryngology
MC 30. Ophthalmology
MC 31. Dermatology, venereology
MC 32. Forensic medicine and Medical Law
MC 33. Psychiatry, Narcology
MC 34. Neurology
MC 35. Infectious diseases including HIV-infection and AIDS
MC 36. Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy
MC 37. Emergency medicine
MC 38. Traumatology and Orthopedics
MC 39. Oncology and radiation medicine
MC 40. Clinical immunology and Allergology
MC 41. Family medicine including professional practice in family medicine ambulatory clinic
MC 42. Palliative and Hospice medicine including professional practice with palliative and hospice care delivery
MC 43. Hygienic disease prevention, health care organization
MC 44. Patients’ care (professional practice) in therapeutic, pediatric and surgical departments
MC 45. Professional practice in family medicine ambulatory clinic including consultative-diagnostic centre ambulatory conditions
MC 46. Medical Emergency Medicine