Preliminary training courses


Forms of pre-university training:

  • 7months preparatory courses (full time, extramural and distance form of study) – since 1, November until 31 May.
  • 4 months preparatory courses (full time, extramural and distance form of study) – since 1, February until 31 May.


Full time form of study

360 hours course
Form of study – full time.

Complex training in four subjects at the option of attendant.

The classes are held 4 times a week per 3 academic hours.

270 hours course
Form of study – full time.

Complex training in three subjects at the option of attendant.

The classes are held 3 times a week per 3 academic hours.

180 hours course
Form of study – full time.

Complex training in two subjects at the option of attendant.

The classes are held 2 times a week per 3 academic hours.

90 hours course
Form of study – full time.

Complex training in one subject at the option of attendant.

The classes are held once a week per 3 academic hours.


Extramural and distance form of study

The course is oriented to attendants, who live outside city Kyiv.

It allows the attendants training for entrance on their own, using the special designed pedagogical technologies, recommendations, enlarged sets of methodic and reference literature, control works, test tasks from last years. Using the experienced teachers a student can really assess the level of his/her training, its dynamics in a certain discipline, get acquainted with the level of demands to previous written testing.

Hereby it is necessary successfully to make the full volume of tests until 31 May 2018.

The study at courses is held due to state programs from Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, in particular in subjects that correspond to the list of Ukrainian center of assessment of quality in education:

Ukrainian language and literature, biology, physics, chemistry.


While entering to all forms of pre-university training the candidates submit:


  • Application to the name of Rector of university of established form;
  • Passport or birth certificate of attendant (original and copy);
  • Passport of customer / for juveniles, aged under 18 / (original and copy;
  • Proof of Student Status from attendant;
  • 2 photos of 3×4;
  • Medical certificate of attendant;
  • Copy of receipt about payment for chosen form of study according to a number of subjects.

Cost of study:

Full time form – UAH 2,850.00 per subject;

Extramural form – UAH 1,750.00 per 1 subject;

Distance form – UAH 1,750.00 per 1 subject.



  1. Kyiv, Peremogy Avenue, 34, morphological building, 2nd floor, room 3.

Phones for information:
(044) 235-31-45; 454-49-00




The system of Pre-University training (hereinafter referred to as the Courses) to enter to all modes of study, faculties and specialties of the University is established in order to improve the quality of knowledge for University entrants, to support talented, vocation-oriented youth, in particular residents of countryside, to carry out highly skilled training for all categories of entrants on competitive subjects duekursi1
to single certified and unified methodical provision, due to state programs by Ministry of education and science, youth and sport of Ukraine, due to general subjects, which Ukrainian center on assessment of education quality puts to the external independent assessment (EIA) of academic achievements by graduates from secondary general schools, as well as on training with other subjects, pursuant to Laws of Ukraine “On education”, “On higher education”, Decree from President of Ukraine “On extra measures for state support to talented youth”, dd. 24.04.2000, Decree from Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, dd. 17.09.96 with amendments under No 1138 and dd. 20.01.97 under No 38, pursuant to NMU charter.

The main purpose for Preliminary training courses is to provide (to assist) to realization of the right for citizens of Ukraine to acquire the higher medical education.

The main tasks for Preliminary training courses are:

  • To seek for talented and capable entrants to the University, who are ready to master the medical profession, to update the content of education, to develop and to test the new pedagogical modes of study and education;
  • To perform work guidance among pupils at general schools;
  • To establish the conditions for the students to acquire the education over state educational minimum, to perform scientific and practical training of talented youth;
  • To enrich the intellectual, creative, cultural potential of the state on this basis;
  • To provide with functional general and primary medical biological training, necessary to implement the study at higher medical schools and further professional activity;
  • To develop the positive aptitudes, capabilities and gifts, needs and skills in self-improvement, to form public position in the spirit of national cultural traditions, own dignity;
  • To provide the students with the possibility to realize individual creative needs, to provide with the conditions to master the practical knowledge and skills of medical profession, certain level of vocational training.

The training at Preliminary courses is held pursuant to the state programs by Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, in particular on subjects that correspond to the list from Ukrainian center on assessment of education quality: Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics, biology, history of Ukraine, physics, chemistry. Hereby the training may be held for other subject due to the decision of the University. The mode of study in Ukrainian language is established in all forms of pre-University training.

The preliminary training courses function due to the following forms:

Full-time training anticipates the highly skilled training on general subjects, which Ukrainian center on assessment of education quality puts to the external independent assessment (EIA) of academic achievements by graduates from general secondary education system at special department of the University according to approved weekly timetable. The pupils of general schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, educational establishments of II-III accreditation levels, citizens of Ukraine from all its regions are admitted. The entrants attend the lectures and practical classes. The duration of one lecture is 3 academic hours, practical class – 2.5 academic hours. The course of one subject is 90 academic hours: 49 hours of lectures and 42 hours of practical classes.

kursi2The extramural courses anticipate the highly skilled training on general subjects, which Ukrainian center on assessment of education quality puts to the external independent assessment (EIA) of academic achievements by graduates from general secondary education system, who have no possibility to attend intramural courses. They allow the entrants to train to entrance on their own, using special developed pedagogical technologies, recommendations, enlarged sets of methodical and reference literature, written tests, tests of last years. Using the help from experienced teachers, the entrant can actually assess the level of his/her training, its dynamics on certain subject, to learn the level of requirements from previous written testing. Hereby it is necessary successfully to perform the complete volume of tests until 31, May, 2018. The pupils of general schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, educational establishments of II-III accreditation levels, citizens of Ukraine from its all regions are admitted. The extramural course contains the theoretical and practical materials, examples to solve the tests, written tests, which are grouped due to the corresponding topics. The standard topic is divided into modules, each consisting of theoretical part, list of questions, tests, recommendations, tasks for individual work and responses to them, control test of knowledge.

Distance learning anticipates the highly skilled training on general subjects, which Ukrainian center on assessment of education quality puts to the external independent assessment (EIA) of academic achievements by graduates from general secondary education system directly at the place of residence (staying) of entrants, using the modern achievements in psychology and didactics, as well as possibilities of information telecommunication technologies (ICT) (Internet, e-mail and library, databases, forum, discussion, etc.). Distance learning is the open branched system of didactic information communication technologies, established by combination of modern forms, methods and learning aids in order to receive the highest quality that are used to work out the systematic distance courses or their modules. The pupils of general schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, educational establishments of II-III accreditation levels, citizens of Ukraine from all its regions are admitted. The academic process has the following forms: provision with academic information, use of information in individual activity while fulfilling the tasks and tests, cooperation with teacher, self control. The academic activity is held using ICT (Internet, e-mail and library, databases, forum, discussion, etc.).