Encouragement for success in study and scientific research and public activity
The students of medical university are granted with advantages and social privileges within authorities of higher school at the expense of own assets, assets from Ministry of health care and Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, charitable national and foreign funds, local budgets, assets from establishments, enterprises, organizations, firms, some citizens, legal and natural entities of Ukraine and abroad, for achievement of high indices in study and performance of scientific research and public activity:
- Assignment of scholarships from President, Verkhovna Rada, Cabinet of Ministers, Kyiv city state administration, Scientific council of NMU, personal scholarships by famous scientists, charitable national and foreign funds;
- Granting with prizes from Kyiv city state administration, Students’ trade union association in c. Kyiv, Kyiv city council of trade union for employees of health care and from rector’s fund and trade union’s fund;
- Granting with free and privileged permits from trade union of students to visit sport recreation camps, boarding houses, rest houses;
- Awarding with Honorary letter of commendation, letter of commendation, declaring the appreciation with introduction into personal case;
- Granting with free tickets to visit theaters, concerts, other cultural educational establishments at the expense of trade union’s assets;
- Priority right on distribution to postgraduate study, magistracy, clinical residency and choice for employment;
- Sending to probation abroad;
- Including into “Golden honorary book” of the University.