Organization of academic process
Dear students! We remind you about requirements of Branch standards of higher education (BSHE), other regulatory legal documents about use of standardized test exams as compulsory components for control events in system of higher medical education, including taking LIE “Krok 2” as a part of state attestation: s. 7 in BSHE: “The regulatory form for state attestation of graduates from higher schools is the standardized test and practice-oriented state exams. The standardized test state exam is the licensing integrated exam, which is held according to the Provision about system of licensing integrated exams, approved by order from MHC of Ukraine, dd. 14.08.1998 No 251 and is carried out by State examination commission of HS and Testing center of professional competency at specialists with higher education under training direction “Medicine” and “Pharmacy” at MHC of Ukraine. The licensing integrated exam consists of two test exams “Krok 1” and “Krok 2”. The test exam “Krok 1” is the semester exam and measures the indices for quality of occupational component in basic higher education. The test exam “Krok 2” is a component of state attestation for graduates from higher schools and measures the indices for quality of occupational component in complete higher education.” The free share site is created at NMU to improve the knowledge of students, to facilitate the access to official bases of tests in three languages (Ukrainian, Russian, English) and to prevent from use of other unofficial sources of tests.
The organization of academic process due to credit modular system includes 360 ECTS credits, which are accumulated during 6 years of study. One academic year lasts 40 weeks and includes 60 credits (1 week � 1,5 ECTS credits).
1 ECTS credit corresponds to 30 academic hours. The academic year includes 1,800 academic hours. The total academic load includes the time for lectures, practical, seminar and laboratorial classes, consultations, practices, independent and individual work, as well as control measures.
The students of 4-5 th courses at stomatological, pharmaceutical faculties and 4-6 th courses of medical psychological faculty study due to the traditional system for organization of academic process according to �Provisions on organization for academic process at higher schools� (order from MHC of Ukraine, dd. 02.07.1993, No 161) and other existing regulatory legal documents.
Academic process at NMU is carried out in the following forms: classrooms classes (lectures, laboratory, practical, seminar classes, consultations), exercising of individual tasks, students’ individual work, practical trainings and control measures.
Lecture is the main form of conducting training sessions, which is designed for learning theoretical material with the use of scientific achievements, methodically directs and defines the basic content of all training sessions.
Practical trainings are the form of classes where theoretical principles of discipline are in details examined, skills and practical experience of their practical usage through student�s performance of various tasks are formed.
Laboratory classes are the form of classes, where students deepen their theoretical knowledge in the discipline, master the methodology of conducting research and experiments, and conduct them on their own under the guidance of a teacher, acquire practical experience of working with laboratory equipment, computers, etc.
Seminars are the form of training sessions, in which the teacher organizes the discussion around certain previously learned topics, to which students prepare theses of their performances, based on individual assignments (essays, summaries, etc.). Thus, students gain skills of written and oral interpreting the materials, writing essays, the ability to disrupt and defend scientific position and conclusions.
Attending the lectures, practical and laboratory trainings, seminars in the amount of academic hours, provided by Working curriculum is mandatory for students.
Consultations are the training session, in which the student receives answers from the teacher to specific questions or explain certain theoretical positions or aspects of their practical application. The Department conducts current and pre-examination consultations.
Individual tasks are patient histories, papers, calculations and drawings, which are given to students for carrying out during the terms, provided by course schedule of the subjects; individual tasks are performed by the student independently with teacher�s consultation.
The student has the opportunity to individualize learning process by studying selective or elective courses, mastering one of which is an annual requirement of the curriculum.
Individual work of student is carried out during the period, free from academic classes. The form and content of independent work are determined by the working program on academic discipline, the procedure for its fulfillment is regulated by methodical directions to students.
Independent work is aimed at the mastery of learning material by student, involves his/her active cognitive activity, obtaining new knowledge from textbooks, manuals, books, etc., independent problem�s solving , acquiring skills of self-control.