Department of Infectious Diseases
International cooperation
The employees at department of infectious diseases every year take part in the international conferences, congresses: annual conferences European Association for the Study of the Liver EASL, (Vienna, Berlin, Barcelona, 2009-2012), International scientific practical conference “White nights of hepatology” (Russia, c. Saint Petersburg, 2010-2012), Conference of American association for the study of the liver (USA, c. San-Francisco, 2008), “New achievements in the diagnostics and treatment of viral hepatitis” (Estonia, Tallinn, 2010), MSD Clinical Observational Program (Israel, Tel-Aviv, 2010), conferences on problems of hepatitis (France, c. Paris, 2012).
During recent years the head at department Doctor of Medicine O.A. Golubovska presented the reports at annual scientific practical conferences with international participation “Viral hepatitis: sentence or diagnosis” (Italy), “New training courses and innovative training methodologies on prevention and treatment of HIV-infection and tuberculosis within project “Strategic partnership in health care for experts in Russian Federation and Commonwealth of Independent States” (Russia), international scientific symposium “Chronic viral hepatitis: modern state of problem and perspectives for treatment” (Kazakhstan), Second Congress of European Asian Society for infectious diseases (Astana, Kazakhstan, 12-14, September, 2012).
Besides, the department organizes its own scientific practical conferences with international participation. Thus, on 12, May, 2011 it organized the Scientific practical conference with international participation “Viral hepatitis in practice of doctors-internists: epidemiology, diagnostics, treatment and prevention”.
The international scientific cooperation is successfully continued by young generation at department of infectious diseases. Post-graduate students take part in annual conferences European Association for the Study of the Liver EASL (Vienna, Berlin, Barcelona 2010-2012), post-graduate student Kh.O. Proniuk passed through training on competitive basis at EASL Clinical School of Hepatology, Course 18: Liver Imaging, 2012, Italy. Master’s degree student I.S. Azarenko made the reports for some times (The case of acute viral hepatitis В complicated by Gullian – Barre syndrome, The peculiarities of the infectious mononucleosis course nowadays) at international scientific practical congresses for students and young scientists.
Students from countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, as well as foreign resident medical practitioners study at department.
Establishing the relations with international scientific centers, the employees of department agree their scientific researches with achievements by scientists from other countries, as well as implement them into medical practice. The head at department of infectious diseases Doctor of Medicine O.A. Golubovska received the possibility for cooperation with departments of infectious diseases in Belarusian state medical university, Kirghiz state medical academy, Kazakh S.D. Asfendiiarov national medical university.
The employees of department publish their achievements in chronicles and other printing collections that are included into Scopus base. Thus, professor Shkurba A.V. has 13 publications in this base (Hirsch index – 1), Doctor of Medicine Golubovska O.A. – 2 publication (Hirsch index – 1).