Department of Pediatrics Of postgraduate education

Training and methodological work







Educational and methodical work at the Department of Pediatrics Postgraduate Education is carried out in the following areas:


– Internship in Pediatrics

– Internship in the specialty “Neonatology”

– Internship in the specialty “General Practice – Family Medicine”, cycle “Pediatrics”

– Internship in the specialty “Emergency Medicine”, cycle “Pediatrics”

– Cycle of thematic improvement of doctors “Emergency conditions in pediatrics for pediatricians, emergency medicine doctors, general practitioners of family medicine doctors”

– Cycle of thematic improvement of doctors “Features of care and rehabilitation of young children for pediatricians, emergency medicine doctors, general practitioners of family medicine doctors ”

– Cycle of thematic improvement of doctors “Topical issues of gastroenterology, food allergy in the practice of a pediatrician, allergist, general practitioners of family medicine doctors ”

– Cycle of thematic improvement of doctors “Functional methods of diagnostics in pediatrics for pediatricians, emergency medicine doctors, general practitioners of family medicine doctors ”

– Cycle of thematic improvement of doctors “Modern methods of allergy diagnostics in the clinical practice of a pediatrician, allergist, general practitioners of family medicine doctors ”

– Cycle of thematic improvement of doctors “Resuscitation, stabilization of newborns in the maternity hospital for doctors of neonatologists, pediatricians, pediatric anesthesiologists-resuscitators.”

– Cycle of thematic improvement of doctors “Actual problems of neonatology for doctors of neonatologists, pediatricians, pediatric anesthesiologists-resuscitators, general practitioners of family medicine doctors ”

– Cycle of thematic improvement of doctors “Selected issues of allergology with the basics of molecular allergy diagnostics”

– Cycle of thematic improvement of doctors “Resuscitation, stabilization of newborns in the maternity room”

– Cycle of thematic improvement of doctors “Topical issues of pediatrics with the basics of molecular diagnostics”

– Thematic Improvement of Doctors in ”Emergency Conditions in Pediatrics”

– Thematic Improvement of Doctors of ”Topical Neonatology Problems”

– Thematic improvement cycle of doctors “Functional methods of diagnostics in pediatrics”

– A cycle of thematic improvement of doctors “Topical issues of gastroenterology, food allergy”

– Specialization for Doctors: Pediatric Allergology, Pediatric Gastroenterology

– Internships for doctors: “Pediatrics”, “Pediatric Allergology”, “Pediatric Gastroenterology”

– Nursing Care (2nd year)

– Propaedevtics of Pediatrics (3rd year)


  • Responsible for educational work


The name of the department


Full name


Responsible for educational work with




Contact telephones
Department of Pediatrics Postgraduate Education Shef G. G. Interns


Associate Professor of the Department




Department of Pediatrics Postgraduate Education Tarynska O.L. Students of cycles of professional development


Associate Professor of the Department


Department of Pediatrics Postgraduate Education Khomych Olha 2 year students




Department of Pediatrics Postgraduate Education Borysenko M. I. 3 year students Professor 0977951731



  • Regulatory documents under which training is provided


  • – Educational and qualification characteristics and educational and professional programs of training of specialists, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 16.04.03 for №239 direction of preparation “Medicine” of educational and qualification level “specialist” in the specialties “Medical”, ” Pediatrics ”,“ Medico-prophylactic case ”;
  • – Curriculum of training of specialists of educational and qualification level “specialist” of qualification “doctor” for specialties “Medical business”, “Pediatrics”, “Medical and preventive business” was approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 08.07.2010 №539 “On making changes to the educational plan of training of specialists of the educational plan of training of specialists of educational and qualification level “specialist” of qualification “doctor” in higher educational establishments of IV level of accreditation in the specialties “Medical”, “Pediatrics”, “Medical-prophylactic” and right “, approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of 19.10.2009 №749”;
  • – Recommendations for the development of curricula of educational disciplines, approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of 24.03.2004 under No. 152 “On approval of recommendations for the development of curricula of educational disciplines”, as amended by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of October 12, 2004 under No. 492 “On Amendments and additions to the recommendations for curriculum development in the disciplines ”;
  • – Instructions on the system of evaluation of students’ educational activity in the conditions of implementation of the European Credit Transfer System of the organization of the educational process approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine 15.04.2014;
  • – Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 1088 dated December 10, 2010. «On improving postgraduate education of doctors»;
  • – Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” №1556-VII (2014);
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of February 28, 2014 “On the implementation of the Roadmap for the Development of Ukrainian Education”;
  • – Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 621 of November 25, 2005 “On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 81”;
  • – Strategy for development of medical education approved by the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on February 27, 2019;
  • – Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of September 19, 1996 No. 291 “On Approval of the Provision on Primary Specialization (Internship) of Graduates of Higher Medical and Pharmaceutical Educational Institutions of the III-IV Level of Accreditation of Medical Faculties of Universities”;
  • – Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of February 23, 2005 No. 81 (as amended) “On approval of the list of specialties and terms of study in the internship of graduates of medical and pharmaceutical higher education institutions, medical faculties of universities”;
  • – Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of December 25, 1997 No. 367 “On Approval of the Procedure of Employment of Employees of State Higher Medical (Pharmaceutical) Educational Establishments Prepared by Government Order”;
  • – Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 22.02.2019 № 446 “Some issues of continuous professional development of doctors”;
  • – Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine from 09.96 № 291 “On approval of the Regulation on specialization (internship) of graduates of higher medical and pharmaceutical institutions of education of III-IV level of accreditation of medical faculties of universities”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of August 14, 1998 No. 251 “On Approval of the Regulations on the System of Licensed Integrated Exams of Specialists with Higher Education in the fields of Medicine and Pharmacy;
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of April 24, 2008 No. 230 “On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 07.12.98 N 346”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 81.02.2005 No. 81 “On approval of the List of specialties and terms of study in the internship of graduates of medical and pharmaceutical higher educational establishments, medical faculties of universities”.