Department of Pediatrics Of postgraduate education

Scientific work

Responsible employee

Tetiana Hyshchak, professor,

  • Main directions of work

Arterial dystonias (hypertension, hypotension) in children, exercise tolerance in children with various somatic pathologies, trace elements, functional and organic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lactase deficiency.

in 2018-2020 the department conducts an initiative research work on the topic “Clinical and pathogenetic substantiation of therapy of various forms of arterial hypertension in children”. State Registration Number 0118U000152

  • Grant activity – there are no grants today




(textbooks, short abstract monographs, general figures, textbook photos, monographs, links to information resources)


Over the past ten years, the department has published 10 textbooks for students and interns, 4 methodical recommendations, one monograph.


  1. Марушко Ю.В. Системні механізми адаптації. Стрес у дітей: монографія /Ю.В.Марушко, Т.В.Гищак// – Київ-Хмельницький: приватна друкарня ФО-П Сторожук О.В., 2014. – 140 с.

The monograph describes in detail the current state of the problem of adaptation and adaptation disorders in children. It highlights the stages of development of the doctrine of general adaptation syndrome. Particular attention is paid to the diagnosis of adaptation disorders using modern instrumental and laboratory methods, as well as the treatment of “adaptation diseases” in children.

Basic tutorials

  1. Кардіологія дитячого віку: навчальний посібник /Ю.В.Марушко, Т.В.Марушко, Є.О.Артеменко, О.П.Волосовець, Т.В.Гищак, О.В.Доронін, С.П.Кривопустов, А.К.Куркевич, Є.Ю,Марушко, Н.М.Руденко, Б.Б.Серденко, Г.Г.Шеф, Т.А.Ялинська / за ред.Ю.В.Марушка, Т.В.Марушко — Київ-Хмельницький: приватна друкарня ФЩ-П Сторожук О.В., 2018. – 528 с.

The manual describes in detail the current data on the features of the course, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system in children. The edition was attended by leading cardiologists of Ukraine.

  1. Маніпуляції в педіатрії (показання, техніка виконання): навч. Посіб. Ю.В. Марушко, Т.В. Гищак, Ю.І.Тодика. – К. : ВСВ “Медицина”, 2019. – 144 с. Всього чотири перевидання протягом 2012-2019 р.р.

The training manual describes the manipulations in accordance with the Pediatric Model Program for students and interns who study in the specialty of Pediatrics and Medical. The technique of performing artificial respiration and indirect heart massage, pleural puncture, ECG registration, gastrointestinal lavage, blood pressure measurement, etc. are considered.

  1. Ревматологія дитячого віку. Навчальний посібник /Т.В.Марушко, Ю.В.Марушко. – Київ, 2019. – 256 с.

The book covers the issues of etiology, pathogenesis, classification, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of rheumatic diseases – juvenile idiopathic arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, juvenile dermatomyositis, juvenile systemic scleroderma, Raynaud’s syndrome, systemic vasculitis. Diagnostic criteria and treatments are based on the latest recommendations from the European and American Rheumatic School

  1. Невідкладні стани в педіатричній практиці. /Ю.В.Марушко, Г.Г.Шеф, Ф.С.Глумчер, С.М.Ярославська. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2016. – 400 с.

The tutorial is intended to be used as a learning material to provide immediate assistance to children. The main urgent conditions in pediatrics in the aspect of etiopathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment are considered. Reference material on the use of medicines is provided. The manual has been prepared by specialists of the O.O.Bogomolets NMU in accordance with the program of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

  1. Захворювання органів дихання у дітей. Невідкладні стани в дитячій пульмонології. /Ю.В.Марушко, С.О.Крамарьов, Г.Г.Шеф, Т.Р.Уманець, Т.В.Марушко. – Харьков: Планета-Принт, 2013. – 212 с.

Data on therapeutic interventions for children with respiratory diseases are provided in the scientific information guide. Modern treatment protocols for influenza and other acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma are presented. The manual includes sections on emergency conditions for respiratory diseases in children.

  1. Клінічне обстеження та семіотика уражень органів і систем у дітей / Ю.В.Марушко, С.А. Пісоцька, Т.В. Гищак, Т.В. Марушко. 3-тє вид., перероб і доповнене. Київ ,2013. – 204 с. Всього чотири перевидання протягом 2012-2019 р.р.

The manual is designed for independent work of students and interns on clinical examination of children. The manual describes the methods of examination and symptoms of damage to various organs and systems, age-specific features of the formation of individual functions of the child’s body. The manual corresponds to the program of study of students and interns approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for higher medical institutions of the fourth level of accreditation.

  1. Марушко Ю.В. Практичний довідник педіатра, лікаря загальної практики – сімейної медицини: навчальний посібник. – Київ – Хмельницький: приватна друкарня ФО-П Сторожук О.В., 2014.- 172 с.

The Practical Comprehensive Guide contains up-to-date data on the features of physical and psycho-motor development of children of all ages, nutrition recommendations, observation of children in the clinic, normative indicators of basic laboratory and instrumental methods of examination of children, algorithms for providing urgent care, dosage of drugs, the most often used in childhood.

  1. Догляд за дітьми в умовах педіатричного стаціонару (виробнича практика). /Ю.В.Марушко, О.Д.Московенко.– Київ – Хмельницький: приватна друкарня ФО-П Сторожук О.В., 2013.- 97 с.

The manual describes the practical skills that you need to be trained in the Pediatric Nursing module

  1. Фармакотерапія захворювань органів дихання у дітей: Науково-інформаційний посібник / Ю.Г. Антипкін, Ю.В. Марушко, С.О. Крамарев, О.М. Охотнікова, В.Ф. Лапшин, Т.В. Марушко, Т.Р. Уманец, Н.О. Радченко, Г.Г. Шеф, Т.В. Гищак. – К.: ФОП Петришин Г.М., 2011. – 496 с.
  2. Діагностичні та лікувальні маніпуляції у практиці лікаря-інтерніста і педіатра: Навчальний посібник / Т.Д. Никула, Ю.В. Марушко, І.А. Палієнко, Т.В. Гищак. – К.: «Задруга», 2012. – 152 с.

Methodical recommendations

  1. Марушко Ю.В. Тактика дій лікаря загальної практики-сімейної медицини у терапії найбільш поширених захворювань у дітей. Методичні рекомендації, Київ, 2017. – 216 с.

The methodical edition is designed to study therapeutic measures for children with the most common respiratory and digestive diseases, taking into account the latest advances in pediatric science.

  1. Марушко Ю.В. Тактика дій лікаря загальної практики-сімейної медицини у терапії найбільш поширених гастроентерологічних захворювань у дітей. Методичні рекомендації, Київ, 2016. – 70 с.
  2. Тактика лікаря загальної практики – сімейної медицини у терапії найбільш поширених захворювань у дітей. Методичні вказівки. За ред. Марушка Ю.В. – К., 2014, – 228 с.
  3. Марушко Ю.В. Невідкладна допомога дітям у практиці роботи лікаря загальної практики- сімейної медицини. – К., 2016., – 184 с.

The methodical recommendation highlight the major emergencies in pediatrics in terms of etiopathogenesis, clinics, diagnostics and treatment; provides reference material for the use of medicines


Yu.V. Marushko, S.A. Pisotska, T.V. Gyshchak

methodology for clinical examination, semiotics on injuries of organs and systems, main manipulations
Study guide
The edition is meant for independent work of students and interns on clinical examination of children and mastery of manipulations in pediatrics. The textbook contains the methodology for examination and main symptoms for injury of different organs and systems, age peculiarities for establishment of certain functions in child’s organism.

Practical pediatrics: methodology for clinical examination, semiotics on injuries of organs and systems, main manipulations: study guide / Yu.V. Marushko, S.A. Pisotska, T.V. Gyshchak. – K.: PALYVODA A.V., 2010. – 274 p

Edited by professor I.V. Bogadelnikov, professor A.V. Kubyshkin

reference book on infectious diseases in children
The reference book includes the main nosological entities for diseases that determine the infectious sickness rate in Ukraine. It is designed for district pediatricians, doctors in children’s health improving and children’s pre-school establishments and ambulance, family doctors, students in senior courses, as well as for medical and pedagogical workers, who face with work with children.

Reference book on infectious diseases in children / Under general editorship by professor I.V. Bogadelnikov, professor A.V. Kubyshkin. 7 th edition, amended and revised – Simferopol: N. Orianda, 2010. – 304p.

Compilers: Garnyk T.P., Boychuk T.M., Marushko Yu.V., et al.

Phytoaromatherapy in practice of pediatrician, general practitioner – family doctor
Study guide.
The guide describes the main issues about biological active substances in medical plants, which accumulate ethereal-oil compounds. It contains the main data about ethereal-oil plants and biological meaning of macro- and microelements. It briefly characterizes the medical preventive action of medical plants, ways for preparation of some pharmaceutical forms, methods for use of ether oils for health improvement of children, application of phyto- and aromatherapy in order to improve the immunity, health of children, to prevent and to treat some children’s diseases. The guide contains the test questions, tasks, tests for self-control of knowledge.
Phytoaromatherapy in practice of pediatrician, general practitioner – family doctor. Study guide. For doctors – attendees in establishments (faculties) of postgraduate education of III-IV accreditation levels / Compilers: Garnyk T.P., Boychuk T.M., Marushko Yu.V., et al. – Donetsk: Publisher Zaslavskyy O.Yu., 2010 – 112 p.

S. Niankovskyy, D. Dobrianskyy, Yu. Marushko, O. Ivakhnenko, O. Shadryn

Nutrition of YOUNGER children: theory and practice .
Study guide.
Recommended by Central methodic office on higher medical education at MHC of Ukraine as a study guide for students in higher medical schools of IV accreditation level and doctors-interns.

Nutrition of younger children: theory and practice . / S. Niankovskyy, D. Dobrianskyy, Yu. Marushko, O. Ivakhnenko, O. Shadryn / Study guide. – Lviv: Liga-Pres, 2009. – 288 p.

V.V. Berezhnyy, T.V. Marushko, Yu.V. Marushko

Clinical rheumatology in childhood
Study guide.
The study guide describes the issues on etiology, pathogenesis, classification, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of reactive arthritis, rheumatism, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, system red lupus, dermatomyositis, sclerodermia, Raynaud’s phenomenon, giant cell arthritis and vasculitis in children. It contains the issues on diagnostics for dysplasia of connective tissue. It thoroughly describes the diagnostic criteria for rheumatic diseases. It presents a wide range of medicines, contains their characteristics, dosage mode and peculiarities for application in children’s’ rheumatology.
Study guide is designed for pediatric cardiac rheumatologists, pediatricians, doctors-interns, other general practitioners and students in higher medical schools of IV accreditation level.

Clinical rheumatology in childhood, study guide. – Cherkassy: Publisher Chabanenko Yu., 2009 – 192 p.

Chaban T.I., Gychka S.G., Tkachyshyna N.Yu.,
Gorban V.O., Marushko Yu.V., Gyshchak T.V.

modern methods for diagnostics and treatment of arterial hypertension
Study guide systemizes the knowledge, which are provided to students at different department on problems of arterial hypertension. It reflects the issues on pathomorphology, physiology, pathophysiology, clinic, differentiated diagnostics, modern methods for examination, treatment and prevention.
Recommended by Central methodic office on higher medical education at MHC of Ukraine as a study guide for doctors-interns and students.

Modern methods for diagnostics and treatment of arterial hypertension. – K.: Chetverta khvylia, 2009 – 184 p.

Yu.V. Marushko, S.A. Pisotska, T.V. Gyshchak, T.V. Marushko

clinical examination and semiotics for injuries of organs and systems in children.
Study guide
Study guide is designed for independent work of students and interns on clinical examination of children. The study guide contains the methodology for examination and main symptoms for injuries of different organs and systems, age peculiarities for formation of certain functions in child’s organism.
Study guide corresponds to curriculum for students and doctors-interns, approved by MHC of Ukraine for higher medical schools of IV accreditation level.

Clinical examination and semiotics for injuries of organs and systems in children. – K. – MVTs “Medinform”, 2009. – 192 p.

COLLECTION of questions and test tasks for computer control due to specialty “PEDIATRICS”
(for the highest, first, second category and doctor-specialist( 2009

Authors’ collective:
Berezhnyy Viacheslav Volodymyrovych, Nagarna Nataliia Volodymyrivna,
Kazak Svitlana Serhiivna, Okhotnikova Olena Mykolayivna, Marushko Yuriy Volodymyrovych, Marushko Tetiana Viktorivna et al.

Edited by professor O.P. Volosovets and Yu.V. Marushko

Emergencies in pediatrics
Study guide
Study guide is designed for mastery of emergencies in children. It includes 22 emergencies, which are mentioned in EQC and EOP of specialist. Each topic contains the determination for emergency, etiology, chains of pathogenesis, clinical laboratory criteria for diagnosis, first aid and scientific concentrates and hospital stages, mentions the medicines and their doses. The schemes for first aid correspond to protocols on treatment of diseases in children, approved by MHC of Ukraine in 2005-2007.
Study guide corresponds to curriculum, approved by MHC of Ukraine, and is designed for students of senior courses, doctors-interns, pediatricians and family doctors.

Emergencies in pediatrics: Study guide. – Kharkiv: Prapor. – 2008. – 200 p.

Edited by professor Yu.V. Marushko

Ukrainian-English-Latin-Russian terminology on pediatrics
The reference book contains almost one thousand medical terms on pediatrics in Ukrainian, English, Latin and Russian languages. There is the explanation to each of them. The transcription of those words is anticipated for better study of terms in English.
The reference book is designed first of all for students in higher medical schools, doctors-interns, as well as it can be used in the work of doctors-pediatricians.

Ukrainian-English-Latin-Russian terminology on pediatrics / V.F. Moskalenko, Yu.V. Marushko, S.A. Pisotska et al. Edited by professor Yu.V. Marushko. – Kyiv, 2008. – 152 p.

Edited by professor V.V. Berezhnoy

Antibacterial and fungicide therapy in pediatrics
Reference book for pediatricians and general practitioners – family doctors
The reference book presents the modern classification of antibacterial agents due to chemical structure, mechanism and range of action. Consequently, due to systemized order, it describes the general pharmacological characteristics and dosage mode for modern antibacterial and fungicide agents, which are used in pediatric practice in Ukraine.
Reference book is recommended for pediatricians, general practitioners – family doctors and all specialists, who render medical aid to children.

Antibacterial and fungicide therapy in pediatrics: Reference book / edited by professor V.V. Berezhnoy. – K.: “Chervona Ruta-Turs”, 2008. – 296 p.

Yu.V. Marushko, T.V. Gyshchak

Manipulations in pediatrics (indications and technique of performance)
Study guide
Study guide is designed for mastery of medical manipulations by students, who study in pediatric departments due to specialty 7.110101 – medical care, according to EQCC (order from MHC of Ukraine, dd. 16, April, 2003 No 239).

Manipulations in pediatrics (indications and technique of performance): Study guide / Yu.V. Marushko, T.V. Gyshchak. – K.: Publisher Palyvoda A.V., 2007. – 104 p. – Bibliography: 104 p

Edited by professor V.I. Tsypriian

Food hygiene with basics for science of nutrition
in two books. Book 1.
In Book 1, based on modern theory of nutrition and science about functions of food and its biological action of organism, authors describe hygienic principles for rational nutrition of certain groups in population, basics for prevention of alimentary and alimentary-stipulated diseases, provide with hygienic and nutritional characteristics for food products, and determine organizational legal basics for their expertise.
For students and interns in higher medical schools of III-IV accreditation levels. It may also be useful for attendees in establishment of postgraduate education and general practitioners on general hygiene, food hygiene and dietology.

Food hygiene with basics for science of nutrition: textbook; in 2 books. – Book 1 / T.I. Anistratenko, T.M. Bilko, O.V. Blagodarova et al., Edited by professor V.I. Tsypriian. – K.: Medicine, 2007. – 528 p.

Yu.V. Marushko, T.I. Olefir, O.L. Tarynska,
M.I. Borysenko, N.S.,
G.G. Shef, O.D. Moskovenko, O.V. Lavrenchuk,
O.V. Chabanovych, T.V. Marushko, V.V. Bryn

children diseases
Study guide for independent work of students in the 6 th course
Study guide is designed for mastery of topics in independent classes on children diseases by students in the sixth course, who study due to specialty 7.110101 “Medical care” and 7.110105 “Medical preventive care”. Study guide includes 13 topics for independent classes on children diseases. It contains the purpose of classes, content, literature. The tasks for self-control, tests, and tasks with standard answers are important. Study guide corresponds to curriculum, approved by MHC of Ukraine, and is designed for students in higher medical schools of IV accreditation level.

V.A. Tumanov, Yu.V. Marushko, O.P. Viktorov, T.V. Gyshchak

Pharmacotherapy of cardiovascular diseases in children
Reference book presents the principles for pharmacotherapy and pharmaceutical agents that are applied in pediatrics. It contains the doses of medicines, mentions the treatment schemes taking into consideration the protocols of therapy, approved by MHC of Ukraine (2005).
For pediatricians, children’s cardiac rheumatologists, doctors-interns and doctors-attendees in advanced training courses at establishments (faculties) of postgraduate education.

Pharmacotherapy of cardiovascular diseases in children. – K.: “Drukar”, 2006, 204 p.

Marushko Yu.V., Pisotska S.A., Gychka S.G.,
Boyko N.S., Gayevska A.V.

Hematology in childhood
Study guide
Study guide is designed for mastery of topics for class hours and independent classes on hematology in childhood of the fifth course, who study due to specialty 7.110101 “Medical care”. Study guide includes 8 topics of class hours and independent course on hematology in childhood. It contains the purpose of classes, content, literature. The tasks for self-control are important. Study guide corresponds to curriculum, approved by MHC of Ukraine (2002) and is designed for students in higher medical schools of IV accreditation level.

Hematology in childhood: study guide. – K.: KViTs, 2005. – 124 p.

YU.V. Marushko, T.I. Olefir, S.A. Pisotska,
N.S. Boyko, O.L. Tarynska, G.G. Shef,
O.V. Lavrenchuk

Textbook for independent work of students
Textbook is designed for mastery of topics for independent classes on hospital pediatrics by students of the fifth course, who study due to specialty 7.110101 “Medical care” and 7.110105 “Medical preventive care”. The textbook includes 15 topics for independent classes on hospital pediatrics, annexes. It contains the purpose of classes, content, literature. The tasks for self-control, tests, and tasks with standard answers are important. Study guide corresponds to curriculum, approved by MHC of Ukraine, and is designed for students in higher medical schools of IV accreditation level.

E.P. Manolova, I.B. Yershova, Yu.V. Marushko,
M.V. Voronov, T.V. Gyshchak, G.G. Shef

Textbook contains the scenario for business clinical games on emergencies in children that are included into practical classes on pediatrics for students graduates from medical higher schools of Ukraine.
Business clinical game – model for many aspects in activity of doctor that imitates both real professional situations and necessary organizational functions, as well as conditions for communication with colleagues, patients, their relatives. The performance of such games enables rather quickly mastering the skills on making responsible personal and collective decisions in different situations and assists to acquisition of experience and develops the skills to work.
The textbook, which is designed for teachers, contains modern recommendations on methodology for performance of business clinical game, in the center of which there is a sick child in extreme situation.

Business clinical games on pediatrics / Luhansk; Kyiv: Luhansk state medical university, 2005. – 120 p.

Yu.V. Marushko, P.S. Moshchych, T.I. Olefir.
O.L. Tarynska, M.I. Borysenko, V.L. Dembitskyy,
O.V. Chabanovych, O.V. Lavrenchuk, G.G. Shef,
N.S. Boyko, O.D. Moskovenko, T.V. Gyshchak

Textbook for independent work of students
Textbook is designed for mastery of topics for independent classes on faculty pediatrics by students of the fourth course, who study due to specialty 7.110101 “Medical care” and 7.110105 “Medical preventive care”. It includes 18 topics for independent classes on faculty pediatrics. It contains the purpose of classes, content, literature. The tasks for self-control are important. Study guide corresponds to curriculum, approved by MHC of Ukraine, and is designed for students in higher medical schools of IV accreditation level.

Yu.V. Marushko, P.S. Moshchych, T.I. Olefir.
O.L. Tarynska, M.I. Borysenko, V.L. Dembitskyy,
O.V. Chabanovych, O.V. Lavrenchuk, G.G. Shef,
N.S. Boyko, O.D. Moskovenko, T.V. Gyshchak

Textbook for independent work of students
Textbook is designed for mastery of topics for independent classes on faculty pediatrics by students of the fourth course, who study due to specialty 7.110101 “Medical care” and 7.110105 “Medical preventive care”. It includes 18 topics for independent classes on faculty pediatrics. It contains the purpose of classes, content, literature. The tasks for self-control are important. Study guide corresponds to curriculum, approved by MHC of Ukraine, and is designed for students in higher medical schools of IV accreditation level.

Edited by P.S. Moshchych, O.G. Sulima

Study guide
The first national textbook on neonatology at modern level contains the actual problem on pathology of newborn, new approaches to diagnostics, prevention, treatment, in particular, intensive therapy, parenteral nutrition of newborns. The special attention is paid to practical aspect for management of newborns, being in critical states.
For students and doctors-interns in higher medical schools of III-IV accreditation levels, doctors-pediatricians, neonatologists. It may be useful for anesthesiologists and doctors of other specialties.

Neonatology: study guide. – K.: Vyshcha n., 2004. – 407 p.

Yu.V. Marushko, S.G. Gychka, P.S. Moshchych, S.A. Pisotska,
A.V. Gayevska, T.V. Marushko, T.V. Gyshchak

Ukrainian-Latin-RUSSIAN terminology on course of children diseases
Textbook is designed first of all for students in higher medical schools, doctors-interns, as well as it may be used in work of doctors-pediatricians.
The textbook contains about 1000 Ukrainian-Latin-Russian terms, which are used during study of course on children diseases with their explanation.

Ukrainian-Latin-Russian terminology on course of children diseases. – K.: POLIUS, 2003. – 100 p.

P.S. Moshchych et al

(in four volumes)
The largest place in the third volume of study guide is allocated to infectious diseases. It contains the data about peculiarities for microscopic flora in children, epidemic role of rodents and arthropoda in disease transmission. It describes the perinatal infections and peculiarities for their run. Much attention is paid to viral, bacterial, protozoan and intestinal infections, as well as introduced infectious diseases. There are data about diarrhea in children of early infancy. Special sections are devoted to diseases of nervous and endocrine systems, hematology, orthopedics and traumatology, as well as vegetative dysfunctions in children.
For interns in medical higher schools and attendees in institutes and faculties on advanced training for doctors. It may also be used by pediatricians, subject matter experts, who serve children’s population, as well as students in medical higher schools.

Medicine of childhood, volume 3 / K.: Zdorovye, 1999

P.S. Moshchych, Yu.V. Marushko, O.V. Chabanovych,
G.G. Shef, V.L. Dembitskyy et al.

VOLUME 4, book 1
(in four volumes)
The largest attention in the fourth volume (book 1) of study guide is paid to description of issues in cardiology and vascular diseases. Certain sections are devoted to problems of pediatric oncology, diffuse disease of connective tissue, dysmicroelementosis, and influence of ecological factors on health of children’s population. Some issues of pediatrics, set here, are considered in Ukrainian academic literature for the first time.
For interns in medical higher schools and attendees in institutes and faculties on advanced training for doctors. It may also be useful for students in senior courses in medical higher schools and all doctors, who serve children’s population.

Medicine of childhood, volume 4, book 1 / K.: Zdorovye, 1999

P.S. Moshchych et al

VOLUME 4, book 2
(in four volumes)
It describes the problems on health of children, who suffered as a result for accident in ChNPP, and peculiarities for their nutrition under conditions of long influence of small doses of ionizing radiation. It considers the critical states in children, modern methods for intensive therapy and reanimation. Separate section is devoted to pathology in organ of vision. It characterizes the influence of microsocial factors for development of children, problems of violent treatment with children and their neglect.
For interns in medical higher schools and attendees in institutes and faculties on advanced training for doctors. It may also be useful for students in medical higher schools and all doctors, who serve children’s population.

Medicine of childhood, volume 4, book 2 / K.: Zdorovye, 2001

P.S. Moshchych, Yu.V. Marushko, M.I. Borysenko et al.

VOLUME 4, book 3
(in four volumes)
In details it characterizes the peculiarities for application and action of medicines in pediatrics. It provides with phytotherapeutic homeopathic medicines (including, newest s. concentrates), which are applied in pediatric practice. Separate section is devoted to methods on aerosol therapy at respiratory diseases. It describes the application of methods on reflex and physiotherapy, informative wave therapy and massage therapy in children. It describes the problem on physical health of children and teenagers, diagnostics and their health improvement by means of physical culture.
For interns in medical higher schools, as well as for attendees in higher medical schools of postgraduate education.

Medicine of childhood, volume 4, book 3 / K.: Zdorovye, 2001

Under general editorship of S.A. Oleynyk, L.M. Gunina, R.D. Seyfulla

Pursuant to modern data from medical, biological and sport pedagogical disciplines, the book describes the main provisions in pharmacology of sport as a sphere of scientific knowledge and practical activity. In details it considers the fundamental provisions in general pharmacology in relation to pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of medicines, as well as sport medical aspects in their application at intensive physical loads of different direction. It presents the particular pharmacology of medicines from different groups with determination for sphere of their application. It characterizes the dietary supplements, mentions their differences from medicines. The special attention is paid to groups of pharmacological products of ergogenic direction that possess cytoprotective effect in relation to vital organs. It contains the pharmacological characteristics for main doped substances, shows their influence on health, quality of life and sport longevity of sportsmen.
For teachers in medical and sport higher schools, pharmacologists, scientific workers, sport doctors and trainers.

Pharmacology of sport / Gorchakova N.A., Gudyvok Ya.S., Gunina L.M., Marushko Yu.V., et al.; under general editorship by S.A. Oleynyk, L.M. Gunyna, R.D. Seyfulla. – K.: Olimp. Literature, 2010. – 640 p.: with illustrations and tables. – Bibliography: p. 631-639

Compiler O.P. Moshchych

coryphaeus of Ukrainian pediatrics
professor Petro Stepanovych Moshchych

To 80 th birthday
Devoted to good memory of Moshchych Petro Stepanovych (1928-2006).
It is the story about life, scientific achievements, public activity of famous Ukrainian scientist-pediatrician, head at department of pediatrics No 3 in Bogomolets National medical university, Doctor of Medicine, professor, laureate of State Prize of Ukraine, honorary scientist and technician of Ukraine, academician in Academy of sciences of higher school of Ukraine, chief pediatric infectiologist (1969-1972) and chief pediatrician at MHC of Ukraine (1972-1989) P.S. Moshchych.
For students in higher medical schools, doctors, all people, who are interested in history of national pediatrics.

Coryphaeus of Ukrainian pediatrics professor Petro Stepanovych Moshchych (To 80 th birthday): scientific informative edition / Compiler O.P. Moshchych; Edited by Yu.V. Marushko, O.P. Moshchych. – K.: Vyshcha shkola, 2008 – 183 p.

Edited by S.A. Oleynyk, L.M. Gunina

The book in details describes the methods and means for modern pharmacological provision of training process and principles for rational nutrition of sportsmen. The narrative is carried out taking into consideration the specialization and qualification of sportsmen, their sexual age peculiarities, period of training and direction of loads. In addition to medicines, it provides with description and recommendations for use and dosage of products with higher nutrition value and biological active food additives (BAA). The necessary attention is paid to pharmacorrection of a great number of typical for sportsmen borderline and pathological states: syndrome of overwork, syndrome of athlete’s heart, climatic zonal deza-datation, sport immunodeficiencies, injuries, etc.
Study guide is designed for sport doctors, trainers, students and teachers in medical higher schools.

Sport pharmacology and dietology. – M.: LLC “I.D. Williams”, 2008. – 256 pages with illustrations

P.S. Moshchych, Yu.V. Marushko

It describes the modern achievements in diagnostics, treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases in children. The significant attention is paid to modern paraclinic methods on examination of children that are very necessary for determination of correct diagnosis, performance of differential diagnostics with similar clinical diseases and prescription of necessary treatment on this basis. The peculiarities for this group of diseases at teenagers are in more details described only in relation to diseases, which clinical symptomatology differs from that one that at children.
For pediatricians, doctors-interns, attendees in higher medical schools of postgraduate education, students in higher medical schools.

Cardiology of children and teenagers. Scientific practical guide / P.S. Moshchych, Yu.V. Marushko, S.O. Babko et al.; Edited by P.S. Moshchych, Yu.V. Marushko. – K.: Vyshcha shkola, 2006. – 422 pages with illustrations

P.S. Moshchych, Yu.V. Marushko

It describes the modern achievements in diagnostics, treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases in children. The significant attention is paid to modern paraclinic methods on examination of children that are very necessary for determination of correct diagnosis, performance of differential diagnostics with similar clinical diseases and prescription of necessary treatment on this basis. The peculiarities for this group of diseases at teenagers are in more details described only in relation to diseases, which clinical symptomatology differs from that one that at children.
For pediatricians, doctors-interns, attendees in higher medical schools of postgraduate education, students in higher medical schools.

Cardiology of children and teenagers. Scientific practical guide / P.S. Moshchych, Yu.V. Marushko, S.O. Babko et al.; Edited by P.S. Moshchych, Yu.V. Marushko. – K.: Vyshcha shkola, 2006. – 422 pages with illustrations

Edited by professor I.V. Bogadelnikov, professor V.L. Zubarev, professor A.V. Kubyshkin

(The dead teach the alive)
The monograph presents the clinical cases for diseases, being difficult for diagnostics and treatment, many of them had the lethal outcome.
In most cases they made the attempt to trace the possible diagnostic search, made by doctor, performed the clinical assessment of symptoms, their meaning and benefit for one or another diagnosis, disclosed the mistakes, committed in organization of treatment process.
Each chapter ends with the resume, which suggests the scheme for actions of doctor at this pathology.
As no one is guaranteed from unfavorable outcomes in treatment practice, then a doctor shall know the feelings that are inherent to parents and relatives. The chapter “Feeling of loss” is devoted to such event.
from professional point of view it is important to confirm the correctness for actions of doctor at treatment of patient, especially at unfavorable outcomes. These questions are discussed in chapter “Tactics for establishing paragnosis”.
Chapter “Reasons for disease and death in terms of Orthodox Church” is devoted to responsibility of parents to children, their role in development of disease and death.

Difficult diagnosis (the dead teach the alive): study guide for students and doctors / Edited by professor I.V. Bogadelnikov, professor V.L. Zubarev, professor A.V. Kubyshkin – LLC “Publishing house “Rich-Fox”, 2004. – 444 p.