Department of Pediatrics Of postgraduate education

Students’ scientific club

The Student Scientific Club (SSC) of the Department of Pediatrics of Postgraduate Education is a scientific center that allows students to try themselves as scientists. About 10-12 meetings of the SSC are held annually. The topics of the meetings are formulated in such a way as to familiarize students with the theoretical foundations of a scientist’s work (research methodology) and to enable them to put their knowledge into practice, namely in the course of research. Under the supervision of the Department’s staff, students conduct individual research of theoretical and clinical orientation in gastroenterology, cardiology, immunology, nephrology, pathology of young children, and the impact of environmental factors on children’s health. Students present their results in the form of reports or publications in the proceedings of student scientific conferences. In addition, some meetings are devoted to medical topics.

The SSC meetings are held in a mixed (online/offline) format. The group is attended by 10-15 active members, including 4th, 5th, and 6th-year students of the Medical Faculty #1, 2, Medical Psychological Faculty, and Faculty for Training of Doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

All information regarding the work of the SSC (announcement of meetings, results of the meeting, photo report) is covered on the official pages of the SSC of the Department of Pediatrics of Postgraduate Education in social networks:




Responsible for the work of the SSC – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Andriy Pisarev.

Head of the group – Nazarova Nadiia, 5th year student, medical faculty №1

Scientific club of doctors-interns

The department has a scientific group of doctors-interns.

Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor M. I. Borysenko.

The members of the group under the guidance of the department staff, who conduct classes with interns, perform individual scientific research mainly in clinical areas of gastroenterology, cardiology, immunology, haematology, allergology, pathology of young children, the impact of environmental factors on children’s health. The supervisors examine complex patients with the students in accordance with the topics of their research. The students present the results of their research at scientific and practical conferences held at the department. All interns currently studying at the Department, as well as 6th year students of medical faculties, are invited to these conferences. At the scientific and practical conferences, the interns present in-depth literature reviews on the problem under study, as well as ‘difficult patients’ in accordance with the research topic.

The best works of the interns are presented at scientific and practical conferences, including those with international participation.

Thus, at the IPIP2022 conference: International platform for integrative pediatrics’ 2 reports were presented:

  1. Peptic ulcer disease and complications (a case in the practice of a pediatrician). Speaker: first year intern Kuleba Maria. Supervisor: Professor Borysenko M. I.
  1. Nanism. Clinical case in the practice of a pediatric endocrinologist. Speaker: first year intern Fenin Nadiia. Supervisor: Professor Borysenko M. I.


Professor Mykhailo Borysenko conducts examinations and discussions of complex patients with the students in the paediatric department