Department of Pediatrics Of postgraduate education

Public and educational activity



Responsible – assistant of the department, Ph.D. Chabanovych Olga


  1. Individual work with interns, students, students is carried out. The department creates conditions for the formation of a socially active, physically healthy and spiritually rich personality. All interns were familiarized with the order No. 151 dated 11.03.2020 “On the announcement of quarantine in the Bogomolets National Medical University” and the order No. 12 dated 30.03.2020. All students and doctors-interns are transferred to distance learning.

2. The issues of ethics and deontology in work with children are discussed at the first session in all groups of interns of the first year of study in the specialties “Pediatrics”, “ general practice of family medicine”, “Emergency medicine” and at the first lectures.

  1. Permanent publications of Professor Marushko Yu.V. and Professor Hyshchak T.V. in the newspaper “Health of Ukraine”, which promotes healthy lifestyles among children and adolescents, prevention of morbidity.
  2. At the introductory lecture of interns (9 lectures) and students of TU courses (3 lectures) they are introduced to the history of the department, where they pay attention to the education of a young specialist;
  3. Two thematic conferences were held by the staff of the department and two more were planned with the trainees (doctors-pediatricians, allergists and ZP-SM) in the courses of the TU on the theme “Healthy lifestyle and prevention of alcoholism, tobacco smoking and drug addiction among children”.
  4. The staff of the department takes an active part in organizing and holding the Day of Pediatrician. The Department takes a direct part in the Open Door Days of the Software Institute;
  5. A round table was organized and conducted with interns on topical problems of preventive treatment “Issues of prevention of antisocial manifestations, prevention of offenses among young doctors and employees of the department” (September 4-5, 2019); All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference “SOCIO-ETHICALS 20208 (8)” (8)

8.1 Marushko Yu.V. “The value of psychological and pedagogical competence in work with intern-pediatricians”., / Marushko Yu.V. Boyko N.S., Chabanovych O.V., Hyshchak T.V.

8.2 Marushko Yu.V. “Moral and ethical qualities of students’ educational motivation at the pediatric department of NMU” / Marushko Yu.V. Boyko N.S., Chabanovych O.V., Hyshchak T.V.

  1. The site of the department www has been created, where information on the work of the team is constantly provided. Forum is created.
  2. Interviews of medical interns and students of TU courses on educational process and preventive work and its improvement at the department are regularly conducted. The results of the questioning are discussed at the meetings of the department.