Department of Pediatrics №4
The undergraduate training of pediatric doctors in Kyiv Medical Institute began with the introduction in 1925 of the 5th year of specialization in maternity and childhood care.
In 1930 the Department of Maternity and Child Protection was organized. In 1934 it was renamed the Pediatric Faculty.
Since 1939 teaching the course of propaedeutic pediatrics in Kyiv Medical Institute (KMI) has been started by an associate professor of the Department of Pediatrics P.G. Avin.
Since the beginning of the war (1941-1945) Professor Balaban V.G. had a course of propedeutic pediatrics in frame of general course of pediatrics for theMedical Faculty.
On January 15 in 1946 an independent Department of Pediatrics was established. Khokhol O.M. became a chief of the department.
Khokhol O.M. (1897-1964) – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Science of USSR, Honored Scientist of Ukraine, headed the Department of Pediatrics of the Kyiv Medical Institute during 1946-1950. Her scientific and pedagogical activity began in 1927. Author of 80 scientific papers. In 1945 she defended her doctoral dissertation “Materials on the Issue of Disorders of Capillary Circulation in Toxic Dyspepsia”. For a long time Khokhol O.M. was the deputy editor-in-chief of the journal “Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology”, a member of the editorial boards of the journals “Pediatrics” and “Medical practice”. Under her leadership the I, II and III conferences of pediatricians in Ukraine were organized and held.VIIIth All-Union Congress of Pediatricians in Kyiv with her active assistance arranged.
The clinical base of the departnet those times was the Children’s Clinic of the Institute of Maternity and Childhood Protection (90 beds) (together with the Department of Pediatrics of the Kyiv Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors). Department for newborns, a children’s consultation, a dairy kitchen, a nursery № 4, the Child’s Home № 1 worked in terms of clinical base.
In 1947-1948 the department organized a new 100-bed clinical base in the Kalinin clinical hospital
In 1950 pediatric students transferred to a six-year course of study, Khokhol O.M. became the head of the Department of hospital pediatrics. The department moved to another clinical base – children’s hospital of Shevchenkivskyi district (Observatorna street, 6). It was a small hospital with capacity of 50 beds. Associate professor Koshel-Pleskunova O.S. became a head of the department.
Koshel-Pleskunova O.S. (1904-1990) – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department during the period 1950-1969. Graduated from the Medical Faculty of Moscow University. In 1937 she defended her Ph.D. thesis “Buffering blood and urine of children with congenital syphilis”. Since 1936 she worked as an assistant and senior researcher at the Children’s Clinic of the Ukrainian Institute of Maternity and Childhood Protection and as an assistant in Kyiv Institute of the Doctors qualification improvement. Since 1944 she has worked as a senior researcher and director of the Ukrainian Institute of Maternity and Child Protection. In 1946 she was appointed as an Assistant Professor of the Department of Pediatrics and a Dean of the Pediatric Faculty. In 1956 she defended her doctoral dissertation “Materials on the issue of treatment of tuberculous meningitis in children”.
In 1959 the Children’s Hospital of the Leninsky district of Kyiv (90 beds) and a out-patient hospital (600 visits a day) became the clinical base. In 1960 a laboratory building and an auditorium (130 seats) were built.
Since November year 1969the Department has been headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Chebotareva V.D.
Chebotaryova V.D. (1922-2001) worked as a nurse at the evacuation hospital during the war (1941-1945). After graduating the Kyiv Medical Institute dring 1951-1955 she studied in clinical residency at the Department of Hospital Pediatrics. In 1955 she defended her PhD thesis under the supervision Khokhol O.M. During 1959-1960 she worked as an associate professor at the Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, since 1960 – assistant professor at the Department of Pediatrics. In 1967 she defended her doctoral dissertation entitled “Some issues of pathogenesis, treatment and prevention of rheumatism in children”. From 1969 to 1990 headed the department, from 1990 worked as a professor of the department. Professor Chebotaryova V.D. is the author of about 150 scientific works, 14 of which have been published in intenational journals, three monographs and many chapters in textbooks and manuals, five methodological recommendations and three inventions. Professor Chebotaryova V.D. made a significant contribution to the improvement of the methods of treatment of pneumonia, to the understanding of the pathogenesis of rheumatism, immunopathology of pyelonephritis. For 16 years (1966-1976, 1984-1990) she worked as a Dean of the Faculty of Pediatrics.
The Pediatric unit of the Clinical Hospital № 6 “Medmistechko”with capacity of 150 beds was the clinical base of the department during the reconstruction and major overhaul of the Children’s Clinical Hospital № 6 of the Leninsky District in 1974-1979.
Since 1989 Ivacha M.M. has been appointed the Chief Doctor of the Children’s Clinical Hospital № 6. The out-patient hospital has been relocated to a new area on Volodymyrska 43, as a result of which the Department of Pediatrics received new training rooms.
In May 1990, the department was headed by Maidannik V.G. In 1994 in connection with the change of curricula and the re-arrangement of the pediatric and medical-prophylactic faculties the Department of Pediatrics was reorganized into the Department of Pediatrics No. 4. The department began teaching pediatrics, both propaedeutical, faculty and hospital. Students of the medical faculty № 3 began to study at the department.
In 1996 the enrollment of students to the Mediccal faculty specialty “Pediatrics” began, so in fact the Department of Pediatrics №4 taught students of the pediatric faculty. Since 1998 the students of the Faculty of Physicians training for the Armed Forces of Ukraine were studied as well.
Currently 4 professors, 8 associate professors, 7 assistants are employed. The department teaches students of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 courses of Medical Faculty №3 in specialties “pediatrics” and “medicine”; students of 2, 3, 4 courses of medical faculty of the English-speaking faculy in the specialty “medicine” and “medical business”.