Department of Pediatrics № 1
Scientific work
Responsible employee (name, position, contacts):
Doctor of Medicine, Prof. Balatska N.I.
Main areas of work:
Allergic diseases in children have been the focus of scientific research of the department for a long time. The chosen direction was due to their significant prevalence in the world, which is confirmed by the annual reports of the World Health Organization, according to which allergic diseases rank second among the children’s population, as well as their very early onset in childhood and rapid progression.
Teachers have successfully completed such research works as:
Study of the pathogenetic mechanisms of implementation of infectious-respiratory, allergic and metabolic pathology in children, taking into account the genetic features of the constitution and adverse environmental factors (tobacco smoking). Implementation period 2013-2016. Leaders of the NDR: prof. Tyazka O.V., prof. Rest of T.V.
Predictors of the formation, features of the course, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of allergic pathology in children. Implementation period: 2017-2019. Leaders of the NDR: prof. Tyazka O.V., prof. Rest of T.V.
Improvement of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastroduodenal zone against the background of one of the accompanying pathologies – food hypersensitivity, acute diseases of the upper respiratory tract or vitamin D deficiency in children. Implementation period: 2020-2022 Head of the NDR: prof. Berezenko V.S.
Improvement of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in children with comorbid pathology. Implementation period: 2022-2023.
Head of the People’s Republic of China: prof. Berezenko V.S.
Since 2023, the department has started work on a new scientific direction related to the nutritional status of children. During the next three years, the following NDR will be carried out: “Study of the peculiarities of nutritional status in children with orphan pathology and its influence on the course of the disease.” Research supervisor prof. V. S. Berezenko, responsible executor: prof. Balatska N.I.
UDC 616-053.2, 616-039.42-053.2:616-056.54, state registration number 0123U10058
During the work on the GDR, the researchers focused on two groups of children:
patients with orphan pathology
practically healthy children or patients with a compensated chronic pathology that does not affect the nutritional status of the subject.
The pandemic of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus disease and the full-scale war in Ukraine affected not only the psycho-emotional state of children and the quality of nutrition, but also the activity of children, accordingly, the parameters of the nutritional status of the child, namely the percentage of muscle and fat body mass, change features of peak bone mass formation. Accordingly, it is very important to identify and assess trends in nutritional status at an early stage.
In connection with the fact that the staff of the department work in leading clinics of Ukraine (SU “Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology named after academician O. M. Lukyanova, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” and NDSL “OKHMATDIT”), where children with orphan pathology are concentrated, the goal was to assess the nutritional status of such patients, compare it with the indicators of healthy children, and study its influence on the course of the underlying pathology.
Thus, the main direction of scientific interest of the department is the study of the nutritional status of both healthy and sick children.
Department of Pediatrics No. 1 closely cooperates with scientists of the Memorial Institute of Child Health (Warsaw, Poland), State University “Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology named after Academician O.M. Lukyanova National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, State University “Institute of Gerontology named after D.F. Chebotaryova of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” and the National Children’s Specialized Hospital “OKHMATDIT”.
Prof. Berezenko V.S. annually holds a scientific and practical conference with international participation “Actual issues of modern hepatology”. World-renowned specialists in pediatric hepatology participate in this event, in particular, Georginia Mieli-Vergani (Great Britain), Marian Samin (Great Britain), Piotr Soha (Poland) and Henrik Arkel (Switzerland) were invited to teach at the last conference.
Employees of the department are experts in various areas of pediatrics and are part of the working groups for the development of regulatory documents of the Ministry of Health. In particular, the working groups that developed medical care standards included:
Prof. Berezenko V.S. – “Viral hepatitis C in children” (order of the Ministry of Health No. 50 dated 15.01.2021).
Prof. Balatska N.I. – “Prevention and treatment of alimentary rickets” (Order of the Ministry of Health No. 2023-730 dated 04/17/2023).
Assoc. Sparrow A.O. – “Prevention and treatment of infectious complications in adult patients with oncological and oncohematological diseases” (order of the Ministry of Health No. 1054 dated 17.06.2024).
Employees of the department are members of specialized councils for the defense of dissertations. Professor Berezenko V.S. and Prof. Bobrova V.I. are part of the specialized academic council D 26.553.01 for awarding the scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences in the specialties 14.01.01 – “Obstetrics and gynecology” and 14.01.10 – “Pediatrics” at the State University “Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology named after Academician O.M. Lukyanova National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, and Prof. Balatska N.I. and Prof. Rest of T.V. – specialized academic council D 26.003.04 on awarding the scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences in the specialty “Pediatrics” at
Station passport OSCE-1
Title of the station“Anthropometric measurement in children, results evaluation”
Type of the station ‑ practical skills. OSCE 1.
Objective– todemonstratetheabilitytoconductanthropometricmeasurements (headcircumference, body weight andbodylength) inchildandto evaluatetheresultsofanthropometricmeasurementsusingthecentilestandardsmethodin outpatienthospitalinaccordancewiththeNelsontextbookofpediatrics, 20thedition, 2016.
Conditionsforthe OSCE station conduction
Patient– pediatrictrainingmanikin.
Consumablematherials ‑ hand antiseptics, disposablehandnapkins, disposablediapers.
Equipment – roomequipped as a general practitioner office: desk, 2 chairs, baby changingtable, digital infant scale, measuring board (forinfants), measuring tape, “Anthropometricsurveyform” based on centile standardstables (30pieces).
Instruction for student
Conductthe anthropometricmeasurements (headcircumference, bodyweight, bodylength) ininfant.
Evaluate theresultsofanthropometricmeasurementsaccording tothe “Anthropometricsurveyform”using centilestandards tables .
Timing – 5 min.
- Student’s general appearance (cleanbuttonedwhitecoat, gatheredhair, shortnails, appropriateshoes)
- Hand antiseptic application
- Thechild’s head circumference measurement. Sounding the result
- The child’s body weight measurement. Soundingtheresult
- Thechild’s bodylength measurement. Sounding the result
- Evaluate theresultsofanthropometricmeasurementsaccording tothe “Anthropometricsurveyform” provided by examinator using centilestandards method (for example see below)
Anthropometric inspection form
(by centile standards method)
Age | Index | Actual index | Centile corridor | Assessment |
Girl | 4 years | Weight | 13,5 kg | 3% – 10% |
Height | 49 сm | 10% – 25% |
Publishing activity
Over the past 24 years, the department has published 10 textbooks on pediatrics for higher medical institutions, 28 educational manuals on pediatrics.
Ukrainian-language editions
6 textbooks, 10 teaching aids
English editions
2 textbooks, 10 tutorials
Chapter 7. Pharmacotherapy of the most common liver diseases in children (V.S. Berezenko, M.V. Khaytovych) Study guide “Pharmacotherapy in Pediatrics” edited by O.M. Bilovola, Kharkiv -KHNMU, Lviv-publishing house of PP “Novyi svit-” 2000″, 2022.