Department of Pediatrics № 1
The Department of Pediatrics No. 1 starts from the Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine of the Saint Volodymyr University opened in 1889.
The Department of Pediatrics No. 1 starts from the Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine of the SaintVolodymyr University opened in 1889.
Prof. Chernov V. Was the first head of the department, he chaired it until 1915. The Department site was the pediatrics clinics opened in 1891 at the Oleksandrivska Hospital (now – Central Clinical Hospital), it had therapeutic, infectious and surgical departments. Prof. Chernov V. Worked as pediatrician, infection disease doctor and pediatric surgeon. The Department of pediatrics was the source around which there was founded the Kyiv School of Pediatricians, including I.Troytsky, E.Sklovsky, L.Finkelshteyn, A.Karnytsky, O.Lazarev, V.Zhukovsky, I.YamPolskyand etc..
In 1915 the department was headed by F.Rumyantsev. The department continued the studies of pediatric infectious diseases initiated byProf. Chernov V., began to learn the basics of good nutrition of healthy children, chronic eating disorders, kidney diseases of children and other sections of Pediatrics.
During development and formation of the Ukrainian pediatric school the activities of the department are closely related to the names of prominent pediatric professionals such as: S.Hotovytsky (1), H.Speransky (2), O. Khokhol (3), O. Tur (4), M.Maslov (5), V.Molchanov (6), S.Hotovytsky, P.Hudzenko, V.Sidelnikov, V.Chebotarova, P.Moschyn, I.Rudnyev, B.Reznyk, V.Belousov, O.Lukyanova
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Since 1934 the department site became the pediatrics department of the Railroad Clinical Hospital.
During the Great Patriotic War the Department was evacuated with the Medical Institute (based at the St. Volodymyr medical faculty in 1921) to Chelyabynsk and was chaired by Professor S.Dulitsky. In the postwar period the heads of department were Prof. V. Balaban (1944 – 1946), Prof. G.Lopatin (1946 – 1948), Associate Professor O.Cherkasov (1948 – 1949).
Since 1950 the Department was chaired by Prof. R.Kolner. The Department was the Department of Pediatrics of Medical and Sanitary Hygienic Faculties of the Kyiv Medical Institute. The department executed medical and consultative and research activities related to problem of hepatobiliary diseases, blooddiseases (leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis), hemorrhagic disease of children.
In 1971 – 1975 the department was chaired by Prof. O. Sveshnikova. Her scientific works were related to studies of tuberculous meningitis, hemorrhagic diseases of children. Much attention was paid to practical healthcare, that’s why the staff organized consultative trips to district hospitals of Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Cherkasy regions.
In 1975 – 1991 the department was chaired by Prof. A.O.Andruschuk. The department executed medical and consultative and research activitie srelated to study of immunedeficiency of children, problem of sickly children and allergi clymphohypoplastic diathesis.
Since 1991 the Department has been chaired by Prof. O. Tyajka.
There are Ukrainian and foreign students studying at the basis of the Department, including English speaking students. There search work of the department is aimed at the study of the mechanism of transformation of congenital and acquired susceptibility to disease in the most common allergic, infectious, inflammatory, metabolic diseases and the staff study clinical and laboratory features of children with undifferentiated dysplasia of connective tissue; develop measures for the rehabilitation of these categories of children. In addition, the Department examines reasons, pathogenic mechanisms of development of chronic gastroduodenal pathology and ways to improve the treatment of this disease in children. The Department staff also studies the value of psycho-emotional condition for formation of organic pathology. The faculty provides medical consulting services at all the sites of the Department.
Since September 2016 the Department is chaired by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Senior researcher BerezenkoValentynaSerhiivna – the Head of the Center of Pediatric Hepatology of the “Institute of pediatry, obstetrics and gynecology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”.Scientific and research work of the department is carried out according to several directions which include continuation of exploration of peculiarities and principles of allergic diseases treatment in childhood and peculiarities of gastrointestinal diseases course in teens with food hypersensitivity and studying of mechanisms, including vitamin D-related ones, and typical features of autoimmune and chronic viral B and C hepatitis progression, which is carried out on the basis of the Center of Pediatric Hepatology.