Department of Pharmacology

Scientific work


Responsible person – Gorchakova Nadiia Oleksandrivna

professor, PhD

т. 454 49 24


The rapid development of pharmacology as a science requires new knowledge and competencies from a modern applicant for a degree nowadays. Growing demands for pharmaceutical development, quality and depth of fundamental pharmacological and toxicological studies require continuous professional development, introduction of new assessment methods preclinical study of drugs, free possession of European languages (particularly English), modern electronic and digital technologies, deep awareness of bioethics.


The key to the development of academic science is the integration of pharmacologists with scientists of the National University of Pharmacy, institutions of the NAS Of Ukraine and the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (technologists, pharmacognostics, chemists-synthetics, analysts, marketers, clinicians, toxicologists), joining forces  in development and at all stages of drug life cycle. This allows to increase the level of research and their introduction into medical practice and pharmaceutical production, optimize the cost of experimental work, expand interdisciplinary connections, get the practical value of the obtained results. Professional establishment of young teachers-pharmacologists skills, particularly on pharmacovigilance takes place in the process of performing scientific work.


Тhe Department of Pharmacology of the Bogomolets National Medical University has identified the following main directions of scientific work: reproductive pharmacology, pharmacology of cardiovascular drugs, research of pharmacological properties of nanomaterials, dental dosage forms, study of pharmacogenetic features of drugs. We organized a laboratory of innovative pharmacological research to ensure the proper level of scientific work at the department. The safety aspects of new drugs necessarily includes in the research program. In the direction of “Reproductive Pharmacology” reserches by assistent of the Department Olena Striga (examines vaginal gel with resveratrol and hyaluronic acid), applicants for degree Timur Ravshanov (studies the prostate-protective properties of rectal suppositories with indole-3-carbinol and meloxicam), Yuriy Tatskiy (studies the prostate-protective effect of suppositories with oil extract of macula).

Assistants Oksana Simonova and Anna Doroshenko provides research of efficiency and safety of nano preparations (dermal cream with cerium dioxide nanoparticles) and their composites (containing nanodisperse silicium on polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride). Assistant Olena Grudnytska studies the pharmacological properties bioadhesive dental dosage forms. Applicant for degree Marina Stakhorska studies the pharmacodynamics of rectal cream with diltiazem. Olena Nagorna and Roman Dovgan provides research in the direction of “Pharmacology of cardiovascular drugs”. Pharmacogenetic aspects of resistant epilepsy is the field of science interests of applicant for degree Evgen Tantsyura.


Thus, the Department of Pharmacology of NMU provides research in development of new medicines of different groups, including assessment of their safety, along with academic activities.