Educational and methodical work

Responsible employee for educational and methodological work at the department
Ph.D. Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department

Tsyzh Albina Valeriivna








The main purpose of the department  is the formation of thorough and comprehensive theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of complications of dentoalveolar anomalies and deformities.




Disciplines taught by the department:

Name of discipline Credits, hours
Introduction to Clinical Dentistry, Preclinical Orthodontics Course 2,5 / 75
Orthodontics, including clinical practice in orthodontics, 3rd year 3 / 90
Orthodontics, including clinical practice in orthodontics, 4th year 5,5 / 165
Orthodontics 5th year 3 / 90
Also, you will have the opportunity to improve your knowledge of orthodontics by choosing a course in elective disciplines:
Modeling the anatomical shape of teeth 3 / 90
Biomechanics of the maxillofacial apparatus. Physical Foundations of Gnathology 3 / 90
Gnathology in orthodontics 3 / 90
Adult Orthodontics 3 / 90
Concepts of orthodontic treatment of patients with dentoalveolar anomalies and deformities at different ages 3 / 90
Pediatric dental prosthetics 3 / 90
Multibonding equipment in the complex treatment of dentoalveolar anomalies and deformities 3 / 90
Digital technologies in orthodontics 3 / 90


The working curricula of the disciplines taught at the department are created in accordance with the Standard of Higher Education of Ukraine in the specialty 221 “Dentistry” in the field of knowledge 22 “Health Care” for the second (master’s) level of higher education, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 879 dated 24.06.2019; Educational and professional program “Dentistry”, the second (master’s) level of higher education in the specialty 221 “Dentistry” in the field of knowledge 22 “Health care”, approved by the Academic Council of Bogomolets NMU (with changes and additions), order 564 from 15.05.2024.

The content of working curricula and thematic plans is adapted to the programs/thematic plans of medical universities in Europe, in particular the Medical University of Warsaw, Poland.

The teaching staff is represented by 3 doctors and 24 candidates of sciences. Our teachers are practicing dentists with extensive professional experience in the field of orthodontics.


The organization of training at the department provides 70% of the time for mastering practical skills and abilities.

Already in the first year of study, you will master spatial understanding and skills of reproducing the anatomical shape of teeth.

In the second year of study, you will begin practical activities, practicing basic dental manipulations on phantoms.

From the third year of study, you will be able to work with real patients: under the supervision of teachers, create individual comprehensive plans for the diagnosis and treatment of dentoalveolar anomalies and deformities, based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, perform practical stages, involve the capacities of the departments of therapeutic, surgical, orthopedic, dentistry, located in the dental medical center, in the implementation of the treatment and diagnostic programs created by you.

To acquire and practice practical skills, you have at your disposal 4 clinical rooms equipped with modern equipment and materials, an X-ray department, a dental prosthesis and a digital laboratory.

The quality of education is ensured by teaching the modern concept of orthodontics (lectures, demonstrations, consultations, practical trainings, practice-oriented case methods) and control/correction of your acquired knowledge and skills by teachers at each lesson (written and oral questioning, testing, checking the mastery of practical skills).

At the end of the study of a separate section of the discipline, you will be able to make sure of the quality of the knowledge gained at the final control, which is carried out by professors and associate professors of the department (the level of practical skills is checked, written and oral questioning, testing is conducted).

Detailed information about  the regulations of classes and control measures, evaluation criteria can be found in the curricula and syllabi, which are highlighted on the official website of Bogomolets NMU.

In case of insufficient mastery of the educational material, there is time for additional preparation and the possibility of retaking the final control.

Particular attention is paid to the development of the theoretical component and practical skills necessary for the successful completion of the KROK and SQQE (work with KROK 2 test bases, additional practical trainings).


Academic integrity is an integral part of cooperation with the department and is guaranteed  by the Regulations on Academic Integrity at Bogomolets NMU and  the Regulations on the System of Internal Quality Assurance of Higher Education of Bogomolets NMU, which regulate the observance of academic integrity.


Distance learning format: preference is given  to full-time education, however, in case of restrictions, provided by the Orders on the transition to distance learning of Bogomolets NMU, the department provides the educational process in distance (full-time and distance) form: educational content has been created, methods of conducting classes and control activities have been adapted, accompanying materials have been developed.


The result of training at the Department of Orthodontics and Propaedeutics of Prosthetic Dentistry will be the acquisition of professional skills (competencies) for the prevention of occurrence, comprehensive diagnostics, drawing up an individual plan for the treatment of dentoalveolar anomalies and deformities, and the prevention of complications of orthodontic treatment.


Strategy for the development of educational activities of the department:

  • regular updating of educational and methodological support in accordance with modern world dental recommendations based on the principles of evidence-based medicine;
  • orientation towards a student-centered approach to teaching;


P.S. We are open to communication in case of any suggestions or questions regarding the educational activities of the Department of Orthodontics and Propaedeutics of Prosthetic Dentistry:

