


Responsible employee for scientific work at the department

Ph.D. Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department




Ekaterina Valeriivna










Professor Kostiuk T.M. conducts a master class on the examination of an orthodontic patient

The Department of Orthodontics and Propaedeutics of Prosthetic Dentistry is known not only throughout the country, but also abroad. Many years of experience are combined here with modern knowledge and inventions that are constantly being introduced into medical practice. Scientific achievements since the beginning of the foundation of the department are still used and do not lose their relevance today, undergoing minor modernizations.

The topic of the current research is “Improvement of digital and analogue protocols for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of patients of different age groups with dentoalveolar anomalies and deformities”

(State registration number: 0124U000780)

The purpose of the research work is to improve the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment of orthodontic pathology of the dentition apparatus and dysfunctions of the temporomandibular joints by creating a multimodal digital model of disease visualization, developing and implementing algorithms for a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach based on the use of modern computer technologies and anchorage techniques.

Object of research: dentoalveolar anomalies and deformities of the dentoalveolar apparatus and TMJ in patients of different ages.

The subject of the research: algorithms of a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of orthodontic pathology and TMJ, a multimodal digital model of visualization of the disease of the thyroid disease.

Research methods: epidemiological, clinical, functional, radiological, anthropometric, mechanical, mathematical and statistical.

Based on the materials of the work for the 2020-2023 academic year, 58 articles in professional scientific journals, 37 conference abstracts, 14 articles in journals indexed by the scientometric databases Web of Science (3) and Scopus (11), 2 monographs, 1 textbook and 4 manuals were published, 6 patents of Ukraine were received, 12 reports were made at conferences, congresses, symposia.

The results of the research were implemented in the pedagogical and therapeutic process at the Department of Orthodontics and Propaedeutics of Prosthetic Dentistry of the Bogomolets National Medical University, as well as in the Department of Orthodontics of the Dental Medical Center of the Bogomolets National Medical University, the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, the Institute of Dentistry of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine and more than 20 private dental clinics in Kyiv.

The implementation of the developed system of treatment of patients, methods of diagnosis and treatment has social, medical and economic efficiency, which will be manifested in the form of improving the results of orthodontic treatment, improving the quality of life of patients, reducing the cost of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.


The staff of the department developed and implemented the classification of orthodontic equipment in the educational process and clinical practice (Certificate of copyright registration for the work No 122541 “Classification of orthodontic equipment of the Department of Orthodontics and Propaedeutics of Prosthetic Dentistry of Bogomolets National Medical University” dated 03.01.2024).

Over the years of the department’s existence, 4 doctoral dissertations have been completed (in particular, 2 in 2021 under the supervision of Prof. Kanyura O.A.) and 30 candidate dissertations; 2 doctoral and 7 PhD theses, more than 2500 printed works have been published and about 250 patents and inventions, 42 innovations have been received. 30 textbooks (9 of them in national and 6 in foreign languages) and manuals have been published. The department plans to publish new textbooks and manuals in various scientific areas in dentistry in Ukrainian and English in the coming years.






35th International Congress of Functional Dentistry. Milan, Italy, 2022


The department is responsible for the priority development of domestic photopolymer materials for facing dentures, filling teeth, fixing braces and retainers. Under her leadership, the first in Ukraine ceramic mass “Ultropalin”, 4 alloys (Keradent, Keracrist, Plastocrist, Metost) for casting dentures, vacuum casting units, refractory masses for duplicating jaws, diamond discs for clinical and laboratory use were developed and introduced into production and clinic. The department offers new methods of orthodontic and orthopedic treatment of children and adults, modern technologies for the manufacture of orthodontic appliances and prostheses.

A new 3D cephalometric DVB analysis based on the data of CBCT of the upper and lower jaw (mean FOV) for children 7-12 years old has been developed, which allows to increase the efficiency of diagnostics by obtaining an accurate image in any direction of sections and all necessary linear, angular and volumetric measurements, without losing the value of the analyzed parameters, to significantly reduce radiation exposure to pediatric patients, bringing it closer to the values of 2D radiography.

A model of the system under study has been developed, and a computer program has been created that allows to reproduce, monitor the course of the disease, adjust the direction of treatment and predict possible consequences.

A device and a method for recording occlusal ratios in painful musculoskeletal dysfunction of the TMJ have been developed.

Differentiated schemes of measures to prevent the progression of the disease, prevention of complications of musculoskeletal dysfunction have been developed and scientifically substantiated.

Public defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor of the Department Vyshemyrska Tamara Aramivna. – Kyiv, 2022.





In March 2024, the department organized and held the First Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation, which was attended by leading professional specialists and leading specialists in joint fields of dentistry, including maxillofacial surgeons and periodontists. In addition to domestic specialists, the event was attended by foreign colleagues from Moldova, Turkey and Romania.

I Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation “MODERN ORTHODONTICS: REALITIES AND PROSPECTS”. – Kyiv March 20-21, 2024

In accordance with the requirements of continuous professional development (CPD) of health care workers, the staff of the department take an active part in specialized activities, constantly increasing their level of competence in modern methods of treatment and diagnosis.

Charity International Orthodontic Symposium IOS Kyiv 2024

International Gnathological Congress, Rome, Italy, 2024


Doctoral dissertations

1. Kostiuk Tatyana Mikhailovna

“Comprehensive diagnostics, clinic, orthopedic treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal dysfunction of temporomandibular joints”. – 2021

2. Kanyura Alexander Andreevich

“Optimization of the system of dental support for conscripts of the reserve and military reserve of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for a special period”. – 2012

3. Flis Petro Semenovych

“Rational methods of manufacturing one-piece prostheses”. – 1991


Ph.D. theses


1. Tsyzh Albina Valeriivna

“Diagnosis and treatment of crossbite at different ages of the formation of the dentoalveolar apparatus”. – 2009

2. Voznyuk Vasyl Petrovych

“Diagnostics and Orthopedic Methods of Treatment of Defects of the Crown Part of Teeth in Children”. – 2006

3. Zhachko Nataliia Ivanivna

“Age-related features of the treatment of tooth turns”. – 2007

4. Leonenko Galina Petrovna

“Treatment of abnormalities in the shape and discoloration of free-standing teeth.” – 2006

5. Melnyk Alyona Oleksandrivna

“Clinical and phonetic features of dentoalveolar deformities, their orthodontic treatment and correction of speech function”. – 2019

6 .Mykola Omelchuk

“Development and justification of the use of new cobalt-chromium alloys “Keradent”, “Plastokrist” in prosthetic dentistry”. – 1997

7. Rashchenko Nataliia Volodymyrivna

“Stimulation therapy in the complex treatment of mandibular underdevelopment”. – 1994

8. Skrypnyk Iryna Leonidivna

“Comparative Evaluation of Methods of Fixation of Various Facing Polymers on the Frames of One-Piece Fixed Dentures”. – 2001

9. Storozhenko Ekaterina Valeriivna

“Improvement of differential diagnosis of progenic forms of occlusion and prognosis of orthodontic treatment in patients of different ages”. – 2017

10. Filonenko Valerii Volodymyrovych

“Treatment of anomalies in the position of free-standing teeth and occlusion with individual trainers.” – 2007

11. Tsyzh Olga Aleksandrovna

“Improvement of modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of relapses in patients with open bite”. – 2019

12. Shpak Dina Yuriivna

“Features of treatment of gnathic form of mesial occlusion in children in alternating and permanent periods of occlusion”. – 2016

13. Brodetska Liudmyla Oleksandrivna

“Multidisciplinary Approach to the Treatment of Patients with Impacted Teeth”. – 2020

14. Bobokal Anatoly Nikolaevich

“Clinical and Experimental Substantiation of the Use of Ultropalin Ceramic Mass in Fixed Prosthetics”. – 2003

15. Vyshemyrska Tamara Aramivna

“Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of sagittal malocclusion in children with impaired nasal breathing”. – 2022

16. Novakovska Anna Vasylivna

“Prevention of tooth enamel demineralization during orthodontic treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances”. – 1995

17. Golubchenko Elena Yurievna

“Orthodontic correction in the complex rehabilitation of patients with occlusive disorders in combination with vertical malocclusion”. – 2023

18. Krymovskyi Kyrylo Gennadievich

“Features of orthodontic treatment of patients with different types of facial skull growth in a variable bite period with crowding of teeth in the frontal region”. – 2023

19. Melnyk Bogdan Nikolaevich

“Technology of Blended Teaching of Orthodontics for Students of Dental Specialties of Higher Medical Education Institutions”. – 2024

20. Pavel Burlakov

“Development of new methods of cephalometric analysis”. – 2024

21. Grokhotov Vadim Anatolyevich

“Medical and Social Substantiation of Improving the Methodology for Managing the Quality of Dental Care”. – 2024