Department of Internal Medicine №4



The Department of Internal Medicine 4 is honored to invite you to attend a lecture by a leading doctor-scientist from the Netherlands about the latest technologies for DNA research and cardiomyopathies:


Lecture topic:

«From DNA to cardiomyopathy: Unraveling the pathogenesis and clinical consequences»

(«Від ДНК до кардіоміопатії: розгадка патогенезу та клінічних наслідків» )




Dr. Magdaléna Harakalová,

Principal Investigator, Assistant Professor at the Department of Cardiology and the Regenerative Medicine Utrecht (RMU) center at University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherland

The lecture is suitable for students, cardiologists, geneticists, therapists, doctors of family medicine and everyone interested.

You will immerse yourself in the world of modern diagnostics using advanced methods of researching the pathology of internal organs, in particular, identifying molecular mechanisms in carriers of genetic mutations and the risks of developing genetic cardiomyopathies.

The lecture will be held online on February 13, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. (Kyiv time)

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 865 019 3873

Passcode: BogoNMU24

Language: English