Department of General Surgery №1
Staff in charge – Serhii Zemskov, Professor, DMSc, +38 095 285 70 00,
In 2013, the Department began academic cooperation with the clinics of Technical University of Munich within the framework of the Interuniversity Academic Cooperation international project. The project aims include:
- clinical experience exchange (teleconferences, clinical discussions, bilateral internships);
- academic experience exchange (lectures and telelectures for students, faculty members and doctors);
- joint research and publications (in domestic and international periodicals).
In 2013, the Department of General Surgery No. 1 began its cooperation with the Circulating Tumor Biomarkers Laboratory of Institut Curie (Paris, France) within the framework of the International Agreement for Scientific Cooperation No. MTA 20130067. The research is aimed at studying the dynamic pattern of the concentration of circulating tumor DNA in plasma samples of patients with non-metastatic pancreatic cancer after surgical removal of the primary tumor.
The Department’s academic staff is a member of such international associations and societies:
- International Association of Pancreatology (IAP)
- European Pancreatic Club (EPC)
- International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (IHPBA)
- European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES)
- European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)
- European Society for Surgical Oncology (ESSO)
- European Wound Management Association (EWMO).
They regularly participate in conferences and masterclasses organized by these societies as lecturers and audience members.
Academic staff’s internships, international award and grants received by the staff, Department’s participation in international conferences
In October – November 2017, two faculty members of the Department of General Surgery No. 1 – Associate Professor Serhii Zemskov and Associate Professor Kyrylo Burmich – did internships at leading German clinics.
In particular, the NMU specialists interned at the Surgery Clinic of the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein (Lübeck, Germany).
The University Hospital is the home of the internationally acclaimed Center for Pancreatic Surgery lead by Professor Tobias Keck. The Center focuses on the development and implementation of innovative methods of surgical treatment of the organs of hepato-pancreato-biliary area using minimally invasive and endovideosurgcial technologies.
During his internship, Associate Professor Burmich took part in daily morning meetings, medical rounds and patient examinations, workups and treatment of in-patients, medical duties, consultations for patients in other departments of the clinic and in surgeries. The Hospital holds regular thematic advanced trainings and seminars in various areas of surgery. Over the course of his internship, Associate Professor Burmich participated in the training session of the German Society for General and Visceral Surgery (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemeine- und Viszeralchirurgie (DGAV) entitled “Methods and Skills in Laparoscopic Surgery of the Pancreas”, a workshop “Methods and Skills in Laparoscopic Surgery of the Pancreas” organized by Olympus, a workshop “Methods and Skills in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery” organized by Pfizer.
The University of Lübeck developed Lübecker Toolbox, a training tool for mastering and improvement of practical skills in keyhole surgery. The training program consists of four modules and six exercises in hand-eye coordination, bimanual exercises and intracorporate suture. While doing his internship, Associate Professor Burmich took this training course and received a respective certificate.
Serhii Zemskov, Associate Professor of the Department of General Surgery No. 1 did internship in two clinics: the Surgery Clinic of the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein (Lübeck, Germany) and the University Hospital of Heidelberg (Heidelberg, Germany).
Over the course of his internship, Serhii Zemskov studied the innovative approaches in abdominal surgery and was directly involved in the following surgeries:
– da Vinci robotic surgical system – assisted total mezorectumectomy due to rectum cancer;
– Laparoscopic pancreato-duodenectomy;
– Laparoscopic shaping of biliodigestive anastomosis;
– Shaping of various kinds of pancreato-digestive anastomoses, pancreatojejunal anastomosis, duct-to-mucosa, invagination pancreatojejunal anastomosis, pancreatogastric anastomosis;
– TEP hernia repair;
– Hepatectomy (of the 5th segment, left-side hemihepatectomy) with parenchyma bipartition using the crush-and-clamp technique with LigaSure apparatus to treat cirrhosis;
– Renal transplantation from a living donor: laparoscopic nephrectomy in the donor – treatment of the kidney with custodiol – open nephrectomy and kidney implantation to the recipient;
– Intraabdominal intrasurgery radiation therapy using the HIPEC method in colorectal cancer.
Besides, Associate Professor S. Zemskov studied many aspects of post-surgery management of such patients, including in intensive care settings, and aspects of teaching surgery to students and young assistant doctors.
The staff of the Department of General Surgery No. 1 estimates their internship experience as very positive, underlining that it can be of great use in our surgeons’ clinical work and optimize the results of comprehensive treatment of patients, and can be used for the Department’s research and teaching purposes.
In June 2018, Professor O. Dronov, Department Chairman, and Professor S. Zemskov together with colleagues from the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein presented a joint poster presentation Pancreas Club 2018 in Washington and did an internship in Allegheny General Hospital, Cancer Institute (Pittsburg, USA).
On September 4-5, 2019, the 20th World Congress of the International Society of Cryosurgery (ISC) was held in Haifa, Israel, where Professor O. Dronov was elected Vice President of the International Society of Cryosurgery.
The Department’s Professor S. Zemskov and Assistant Professor Ye. Kozachuk delivered their reports at the Congress.
20 September 2019 – Professor O. Dronov’s presentation at the International Congress of Oncosurgery.
Spring 2018 – Professor O. Dronov and the Department staff participated in the International conference Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery.
4-6 April 2019 – Department’s staff participated in the 13th EDS Postgraduate Course 2019.
19-21 September 2018, Almaty – Professor I. Nastashenko’s and Assistant Professor Yu. Bakunets’ participation in the XXV International Congress “Acute Issues of Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery”.
23-25 January 2019, Lübeck – 17th Three-Country Conference on Minimally Invasive Surgery (Germany, Switzerland, Austria) and a practical masterclass attended by Professor S. Zemskov and Assistant Professors P. Bakunets and Yu. Bakunets.
In February 2019, the staff of the Department and the V.S. Zemskov Kyiv Center for Surgery of the Liver, Biliary Ducts and Pancreas participated in the meeting of the Scientific Society of Kyiv and Kyiv region surgeons dedicated to the issues of pancreatic cancer on the occasion of academician Professor V. Zemskov’s 80th anniversary and Professor O. Dronov’s 60th anniversary.
Professor O. Dronov’s and Professor S. Zemskov’s reports.
Participation in international educational, research and treatment projects
On 24-25 October 2019, International research-to-practice conference “Modern Approaches in the Oncological Pancreatic Surgery” was organized by Bogomolets National Medical University, Department of General Surgery No. 11, Kyiv Center for Surgery of the Liver, Biliary Ducts and Pancreas, Schleswig-Holstein University Clinic (Campus Lübeck), Germany.
Foreign resident doctors, foreign PhD students
Residents: Gogo Abithe Awofaa, Nigeria, Iheanacho Chukwuebuka Victor, Nigeria, Barbara Hoffmann, Germany, Al-Tai Omar, M. Hamud, Iraq, Sardar Almietov, Kazakhstan, and master Lu Wueven, China.
Professor O. Dronov, Chairman of the Department of General Surgery No.1, and clinical resident doctor Sardar Almietov (Kazakhstan) attending the Research-to-Practice Conference “Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery”, 2018.
In 2019, the Department of General Surgery No. 1 of Bogomolets National Medical University welcomed students from all over the world.
5th-year student Giuseppe Pandolfo (Università degli Studi di Messina, Italy), 4th-year student Pamela Moralez (Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez, Mexico), and 5th-year student Dogan Ozen (Ufuc University School of Medicine, Turkey) did internship on the basis of the Department of General Surgery No. 1 (Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 10) under the IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations) international student exchange program.
The student’s internship in general surgery under the supervision of O. Dronov, Chairman of the Department of General Surgery No. 1, enabled the students the to study the peculiarities of a surgical hospital management, minimally invasive diagnostics and treatment methods administered in patients with various abdominal cavity organ diseases, in particular, diseases of the hepato-pancreato-biliary area organs (photo 1).
Photo 1. O.I. Dronov, Chairman of the Department of General Surgery No. 1, and Pamela Morales (Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez, Mexico), 4th-year student
The students took active part in daily medical meetings, postmortem conferences, discussions of interesting clinical cases and diagnostic and treatment tactics, and had the opportunity to assist in surgical procedures (photos 2, 3, 4).
Photo 2. O. Dronov, Chairman of the Department of General Surgery No. 1, and Giuseppe Pandolfo (Università degli Studi di Messina, Italy), 5th-year student
Photo 3. O. Dronov, Chairman of the Department of General Surgery No. 1, and Pamela Morález (Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, México), 4th-year student
Photo 4. O. Dronov, Chairman of the Department of General Surgery No. 1, and Dogan Ozen (Ufuc University School of Medicine, Turkey), 5th-year student
Besides, the 5th-year student Giuseppe Pandolfo improved his research and practical skills by participating in the conference and masterclass “Modern Approaches in the Oncological Pancreatic Surgery” organized by the Department of General Surgery No. 1 (photos 5, 6).
Photo 5. Giuseppe Pandolfo and Assistant Professors Yu. Bakunets and P. Bakunets
Photo 6. O. Dronov, Chairman of the Department of General Surgery No. 1, and Giuseppe Pandolfo. Conference “Modern Approaches in Oncological Surgery of Pancreas”
Summing up their internship results, the students underlined that they gained a very positive ad valuable experience, which will doubtless facilitate their further studies and professional development.