Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology with Medical Genetics Section

Scientific work


Responsible employee for the scientific work of the department is  Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences Tsaryk Vladislav Viktorovich.

Main areas of work. The department conducts scientific research to improve approaches to the treatment of immunodeficiency, immune-dependent and allergic diseases. To solve these issues, the department uses the latest diagnostic methods (ELISA, multicomponent allergy diagnostics, patch testing, PCR (to determine gene polymorphism, etc.)

Research work. The scientific theme of the department is “Study of immunogenetic aspects of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of allergic and other socially significant multifactorial diseases”.

Two Ph.D. and two doctoral dissertations are being carried out at the department, which are devoted to solving urgent problems of allergology, a dissertation work on scientific topics is planned, which will include the use of modern genetic research methods. The department also carries out scientific work within the framework of public health. Population studies of the frequency and spectrum of allergic diseases among the population of Ukraine are carried out using modern digital applications and artificial intelligence in the framework of joint cooperation with European associations of allergists.

The staff of the department are members of UTIAI (Ukrainian Society of Specialists in Immunology, Allergology and Immunorehabilitation) and EAACI (European Society of Immunologists and Allergists), take an active part in International Congresses and Congresses.

Scientific activity and academic mobility of the department.

The most relevant are the publications and reports of the department’s staff in recent years, in particular

Associate Professor Tsaryk V.V. presented his scientific work at the EAACI Hybrid Congress, June 9-11, 2023., in Hamburg with an oral report on the topic “Food sensitization in Kyiv’s adult citizens with allergic rhinitis: a cross-sectional study”

On 31.05.24 – 03.06.2024, the annual congress of allergists European Academy of Allergy & Clinical Immunology Congress 2024 was held in Valencia, where a poster report by Associate Professor of the Department Vladyslav Tsaryk on biomarkers of various endotypes of bronchial asthma “The significance of FeNO test in patients with different asthma phenotypes” was presented. Also, a poster report “Сytokine profile in patients with allergic rhinitis during allergen-specific immunotherapy with added vitamin D” was made by a postgraduate student of the department Olga Kolesnikova.

The most significant publications of the department in the field of allergology and immunology in recent years

  • Bousquet J, Samolinski B, Kaidashev I, Kurchenko A., Tsaryk V. et al. UCRAID (Ukrainian Citizen and refugee electronic support in Respiratory diseases, Allergy, Immunology and Dermatology) action plan. Allergy. 2023; 78(10):2581-2595. doi:10.1111/all.15855
  • Yuriev, S., Rodinkova, V., Kurchenko, A. et al. (2023). Molecular sensitization pattern to house dust mites is formed from the first years of life and includes group 1, 2, Der p 23, Der p 5, Der p 7 and Der p 21 allergens. Clinical and molecular allergy : CMA21(1), 1.
  • Rodinkova, V., Yuriev, S., Mokin, V., Sharikadze, O., Kryzhanovskyi, Y., Kremenska, L., Kaminska, O., & Kurchenko, A. (2023). Sensitization patterns to Poaceae pollen indicates a hierarchy in allergens and a lead of tropical grasses. Clinical and translational allergy13(8), e12287.
  • Blazquez-Navarro, A., Dang-Heine, C., Kurchenko A. et al.. (2021). Risk factors for Epstein-Barr virus reactivation after renal transplantation: Results of a large, multi-centre study. Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation34(9), 1680–1688.

Publishing. The department has 5 textbooks on the discipline with the stamps of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine:

  1. Clinical Immunology and Allergology: Textbook / G. M. Drannik, O. S. Prylutsky, Yu. Edited by prof. G.M. Drannika.- K.: Health.- 2006.-888 p.
  1. Congenital malformations. Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment: Monograph / O.V. Dolnytsky, V.O. Galagan, O.V. Romadina.-K.-,2009.-1040 p.