Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology with Medical Genetics Section
Scientific work
- Responsible employee for scientific work of the department is the associate professor, Doctor of Medicine. Tsaryk Vladyslav Viktorovych.
The main fields of the work. The department conducts scientific research to improve approaches to the treatment of immunodeficiency, immune-dependent and allergic diseases. To solve these issues, the department uses the latest diagnostic methods (ELISA, multicomponent allergy diagnostics, patch testing, PCR (for determining gene polymorphisms, etc.)
Scientific research work. The scientific topic of the department is “Improving diagnosis and treatment of allergic and immune-dependent diseases based on the study of immunological and genetic features of associate lymphoid tissue.”
Two candidate’s and one doctoral dissertation are being completed at the department, which are devoted to solving the urgent problems of allergology, the dissertation work on a scientific topic is planned, which will include the use of modern genetic research methods.
Employees of the department are the true members of UTIAI (Ukrainian Society of Specialists in Immunology, Allergology and Immunorehabilitation) and EAACI (European Society of Immunologists and Allergists), take an active part in international congresses and congresses.
During the reporting period, the staff of the department published about 180 scientific papers, including 25 in foreign languages and made 65 reports at various scientific and scientific-practical forums in Ukraine and abroad.
Publishing activity. The department has 5 textbooks on the discipline with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine:
- Clinical immunology and allergology: Textbook / G. M. Drannik, O. S. Prylutskyi, Yu.I. Bajora, etc.; Edited by Prof. AHEM. Drannika.- K.:
Health.- 2006.-888 p.
- Drannyk G. N. Clinical immunology and allergology: Manual for students, doctors – interns, immunologists, allergists, doctors of the medical profile of all specialties. – 3rd ed.. supplement – K.: OOO. “Polygraph plus”. – 2006. -482 p.: ill.
- Clinical immunology and allergology with age-related features: textbook/ V.E. Kazmirchuk, L.V. Kovalchuk, D.V. Maltsev – K: VSY “Medicine”, 2012. – 520 p.
- Drannyk G.N. Clinical immunology and allergology: Manual for students, doctors – interns, immunologists, allergists, doctors of the medical profile of all specialties. – 4th ed.. supplement – K.: OOO. “Polygraph plus”, 2010.-552 p.: ill.
- Congenital malformations. Basics of diagnosis and treatment: monograph/ O.V. Dolnytskyi, V.O. Galagan, O.V. Romadina.-K.-, 2009.-1040 p.