


Doctoral dissertations


  1. Weisblat S.N. “Purulent osteomyelitis of the jaws”, 1936.
  2. Shapiro M.J. “Clinic of odontogenic cysts of the jaws”, 1939.
  3. Fetisov N.V. “Options for quick access to the temporal fossa”, 1954.
  4. Semenchenko G.I. “Osteomyelitis of the lower jaw in experiment and clinic”, 1958.
  5. Gubskaya А.N. “Secondary deformities of the maxillofacial region in congenital cleft lip and palate”, 1963.
  6. Mudriy S.P. “Prevention of atrophic processes of alveolar processes in order to provide optimal conditions for prosthetics”, 1965.
  7. Smirnov N.M. “Dynamics of oscillographic parameters when performing otorhinological operations depending on the method of analgesia”, 1966.
  8. Koval A.V. Clinical and physiological study of congenital “cleft palate”, 1967.
  9. Kovalenko V.S. “Features of the clinical course, diagnosis and treatment of non-epidemic sialoadenitis”, 1969.
  10. Chistyakova V.F. “Maxillofacial injuries combined with closed traumatic brain injury”, 1970.
  11. Badalyan H.A. “Clinical and experimental studies of the possibility of early surgical treatment of congenital clefts of the palate and upper lip”, 1971.
  12. Lesovaya N.D. “Clinic and treatment of salivary stone disease of the submandibular glands”, 1972.
  13. Chekhovsky R.N. “Examination of the main stages of uranostaphyloplasty and their effectiveness in the rehabilitation of patients with congenital defects of the palate”, 1985.
  14. Dudko D.V. “Clinic and treatment of hemangiomas of the maxillofacial region in children”, 1987.
  15. HarkovL.V. “Treatment of congenital nonunion of the palate”, 1988.
  16. YusubovYu.A. “Osteomyelitis of the lower jaw in children”, 1988.
  17. Abdrakhmanov S.A. “Congenital defects of the lips and palate in Kyrgyzstan”, 1991.
  18. Denisenko A.G. “Hemostatic therapy in surgical rehabilitation of patients at increased risk of ventricular hemorrhage”, 1993 (not approved by the Higher Attestation Commission).
  19. Pyurik V.P. “Bone marrow transplantation in the treatment of periodontitis and bone disorders of the jaws”, 1993.
  20. Malanchuk V.A. “Reconstructive and restorative operations on the lower jaw (clinical and laboratory study)”, 1994.
  21. Centilo V.G. “Surgical rehabilitation of patients with malignant tumors of the maxillofacial area”, 2006.
  22. NagirnyYa.P. “Ways to optimize reparative osteogenesis in patients with traumatic mandibular fractures”, 2009.
  23. Volovar O.S. “Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the temporomandibular joint on the background of somatic diseases”, 2013
  24. Копчак А.В. “Biomechanical substantiation of osteosynthesis methods for mandibular fractures”, 2014
  25. KulbashnaYa.A. “Theoretical and methodical bases of formation of professional competence of future specialists in dentistry” (scientific cons. – Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, prof. Tsekhmister Y.V.), 2015.
  26. Astapenko OO “Development and substantiation of the use of structures made of biodegradable material of bioactive action”, 2016.


Candidate dissertation


  1. Kiselov V.A. “Results of radical plastic surgery of the palate with the intersection of neurovascular bundles”, 1959.
  2. Pinsky I.Kh. “Materials and history of the development of Soviet dental science in the postwar years (1946-1985)”, 1960.
  3. Rubezhansky A.F. “Materials for the forensic medical examination of fractures of the bones of the maxillofacial region and damage to the teeth”, 1969.
  4. Poznyak L.F. “Comparative evaluation of some suture materials used in surgical dentistry (silk, catgut, horse hair, polyamide thread, polypropylene)”, 1964.
  5. Batievska V.P. “Traumatic fractures of the lower jaw in peacetime”, 1965.
  6. Babashev O.V. “Clinic, differential diagnosis and treatment of osteoblastoclastomas, mixed tumors and hemangiomas of the maxillofacial region”, 1965.
  7. Chigirinets V.N. “Diagnostics of malignant neoplasms of the maxillofacial region”, 1966.
  8. Chekhovsky R.N. “Clinic, treatment and prevention of defects and deformities of the palate after uranostaphyloplasty”, 1966.
  9. Odinets E.V. “Surgical treatment of chronic exacerbated chronic periodontitis and acute purulent periostitis by replantation of teeth”, 1966.
  10. V. “Surgical treatment of fractures of the lower jaw in peacetime”, 1966.
  11. Kuzmenko V.F. “Treatment of temporomandibular joint ankylosis”, 1967.
  12. Migovich M.I. “Clinic, diagnosis and treatment of adamantinomas ofjaws “, 1967.
  13. Centilo V.G. “Treatment of fractures of the lower jaw”, 1968.
  14. Burgonska V.I. “Inflammatory and dystrophic diseases of the temporomandibular joint, arthritis and arthrosis”, 1968.
  15. Abdrakhmanov S.A. “Comparative evaluation of some methods of local anesthesia in dental patients according to the functional parameters of the kidneys”, 1968.
  16. Chernyshova L.N. “Changes in some physiological parameters during dental operations under local anesthesia with premedication (clinical and physiological research)”, 1968.
  17. Dudko D.V. “Surgical treatment of congenital nonunions of the palate (clinical experimental study)”, 1969.
  18. Dolbilov V.N. “Assessment of certain types of local anesthesia of dental operations according to the data of some liver functions (clinical and laboratory research)”, 1969.
  19. Sideman A.P. “Premedication with meprotan in minor dental operations in patients with cardiovascular pathology”, 1969.
  20. Khimich A.I. “The use of oleandomycin, galascorbin and local hypothermia in the treatment of acute odontogenic purulent inflammatory diseases”, 1969.
  21. Loganovskaya E.M. “Osteomyelitis of the lower jaw in children (clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment, complications)”, 1969
  22. Skarbenchuk A.R. “Functional changes in the cardiovascular system in connection with operations in dental patients”, 1969.
  23. V. “Clinical and physiological substantiation of exercise therapy in the complex treatment of children with congenital palate defects”, 1970.
  24. P. “Combined (surgical, orthodontic) methods of treatment of some anomalies and deformities”, 1972.
  25. Abdel-Aziz (Egypt). “Bone grafting of the anterior part of the upper jaw in persons with unilateral through nonunions of the palate”, 1971.
  26. Sorokin V.I. “The use of obturators in the treatment of children with congenital nonunions of the palate”, 1971.
  27. Kharkov L.V. “The clinical significance of some laboratory biochemical blood tests before and after surgery in patients with congenital nonunions of the palate”, 1972.
  28. Korchak L.F. “The use of enzymes of proteolysis and nucleases in the complex treatment of odontogenic purulent inflammatory processes in the maxillofacial region”, 1972.
  29. I. “The importance of parenteral and tube-gastric feeding of children after some operations in the maxillofacial region”, 1972.
  30. Yaroshenko G.G. “Improvement of the methodology for the treatment of benign tumors of the soft tissues of the face, pericoronatitis and jaw cysts using the proposed tools”, 1973.
  31. Nuritdinova Z.M. Congenital cleft palate, treatment, 1975.
  32. Drobtsun L.V. “Replacement of defects of the lower jaw with boiled replant in the treatment of adamantinoma and some other benign tumors”, 1975.
  33. Vozniy F.F. “Therapeutic tactics of the dentist during surgical debridement of the oral cavity in patients with chronic ischemic heart disease”, 1980.
  34. Kolomiets L.I. “Complex treatment of patients with acute odontogenic periostitis, alveolitis, acute and exacerbated chronic pericoronaritis using dimethyl sulfoxide, ektericide and oxacillin”, 1982.
  35. Malanchuk V.O. “Surgical treatment of fractures of the zygomatic complex, depending on the duration of the injury”, 1984.
  36. Yakovenko L.N. “The state of hemodynamics of the tissues of the palate and methods of its correction in children with congenital nonunions”, 1985.
  37. Usenko S.A. Stimulating the healing of mandibular fractures by adding krill to the diet, 1985.
  38. Berezovskaya N.A. “Treatment of fractures of the mandible in a constant magnetic field”, 1985.
  39. Kovtsur S.S. “Differential diagnosis and treatment of phlegmon of the MFA”, 1986.
  40. D. “Surgical treatment of fractures of the condylar, 1986.
  41. Zhivoglyad V.M. “Assessment of the main dynamic properties of the periodontium”, 1986.
  42. Denisenko A.G. “Local hemostatic therapy in surgical debridement of dental patients with an increased risk of bleeding”, 1986.
  43. Atef Al-Nadaf (Syriya). “Prevention of suppuration of wounds after cystectomies of the jaws and stimulation of bone regeneration in the area of ​​operation”, 1987.
  44. Kozlov V.N. “Treatment and prognosis of complications of odontogenic phlegmon”, 1989.
  45. Bazarov N.I. “Diagnostics and evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment of tumors of the maxillofacial region”, 1990.
  46. A. “Improving the diagnosis, treatment and prediction of the outcomes of odontogenic phlegmon”, 1990.
  47. Mukhamedzyanova T.S. “Complex treatment of odontogenic perforated sinusitis”, 1990.
  48. Khegay S.M. “Dialysis of purulent wounds with parotid autosaliva in the complex treatment of odontogenic phlegmons”, 1990.
  49. Chumachenko A.V. “The state of hemodynamics in patients with congenital nonunions of the palate”, 1993.
  50. Ya. “Maxillofacial injuries combined with traumatic brain injury (clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment in the acute period)”, 1994.
  51. Korchemsky I.S. “Development of the main problems of surgical dentistry in the USSR (1917-1967)”, 1975.
  52. Pashchenko L.I. “Potentiation of local novocaine anesthesia in dental operations with a combination of carbromal with diprazine, metacin, promedol”, 1976.
  53. Dovbysh N.A. “Comparative evaluation of magnetotherapy UHF-therapy, laser therapy in the prevention and treatment of traumatic osteomyelitis of the lower jaw”, 1999.
  54. Volovar O.S. “Clinical-biological substantiation to the transplants method for the reconstruction of the lower jaw and TMJ”, 2000.
  55. Astapenko O.O. “Surgical treatment of the upper micrognathia, which accompanied by restriction of the dentition”, 2001.
  56. V. “Differential diagnosis of lymphadenopathies of the maxillofacial areaand neck”, 2001.
  57. Kopchak A.V. “Complex treatment of critical fractures in the lower jaw due to ozone therapy (clinical and experimental data)”, 2003.
  58. Tsilenko O.L. “The effectiveness of the treatment of patients with defects and deformities of bones of the facial skull”, 2004.
  59. Logvinenko I.P. “Treatment of fractures of the zygomatic complex, which called up to a change in the volume of the orbit”, 2005.
  60. ModerresAbolfazl “Surgical treatment and osteoplasty for fractures of the zygomaticcomplex”, 2007.
  61. Chumak M.M. “Surgical treatment of fractures of the condylar process of mandible with the disjunction”, 2007.
  62. Gordiychuk M.A. “Complex treatment of fractures of the lower jaws in the correction of conditions of reparative processes”, 2010.
  63. Efisko V. M. “Surgical treatment of odontogenic sinusitis in patients with autonomic dysfunctions”, 2011.
  64. Brodetsky I.S. “Complex treatment of patients with osteomyelitis of jaws on the background of drug addiction”, 2011.
  65. Dobriy-Vechir T.V. “Special features of the surgical treatment of patients with difficult eruption of the lower third molars”, 2011.
  66. Fedirko I.V. “Special features of diagnostics and treatment of ignited patients of the maxillary sinus using of endoscopic technology”, 2011.
  67. V. “Treatment the fractures of the middle part of facewith failureof the lacrimation”, 2011.
  68. Skvortsova I. G. “Adequate surgical treatment of patientswith the micrognathia of the mandible”, 2012.
  69. IzadkhakhFarshad “Complex treatment of chronic odontogenic sinusitis”, 2013.
  70. Timoshchenko N.M. “Treatment the fractures of the zygomaticcomplex with the correction of state of the neuro-muscular apparatus”, 2015.

Zhukovtseva O.I. “Substantiationof using the biomorphic silicon carbide for the removing of defects of the middle facial skull (experimental)”, 2016.

  1. Keian D.M. “Treatment of patients with odontogenic maxillary sinusitis with restoration of the volume of the alveolar process of the upper jaw in the area of ​​the causative tooth”, 2016.
  2. Pererva V.V. “Adequate methods of diagnostics and differential diagnostics of chronic illnesses of sluggish salmon”, 2016.
  3. V. “Substantiationof the complex treatment and prevention of purulent-necrotic complications of the traumatic fractures of the mandibleduring local using of the substance of nanoparticles of silver and gold (laboratory and experimental)”, 2016.
  4. Guseinov A.N. “Surgical treatment of comminuted fractures of the lower jaw”, 2018.
  5. Palivoda R.S. “Treatment of fractures of the condylar process of mandiblewithtaking into account a state of the TMJ”, 2018.
  6. Efysko N.A. “Surgical treatment of patientswith fractures of the zygomatic complex with injury of the tuber maxilla”, 2019.
  7. Shvydchenko V.S. “Removing the defects of the alveolar processes with bioactive composites of prolonged activity (experimental and clinical research)”, 2019.
  8. Sydoryako A.V. “Complex treatment of patients with phlegmons of the maxillofacial areainfluencing to the reparative processes flow”, 2020.