Scientific adviser of the society : Candidate of medical sciences, EfyskoVadymMykolayovych.
Head of the society :Toropov Bogdan Oleksandrovych, 3rd year student, 21ms group, Dental faculty, mobile: +38 (063)763-53-15, +38 (067)731-24-17.
Venue of meetings: Dental MedicalCenter of theBogomolets NMU, Department (weekdays), the schedule is formed in advance.
Introductory lecture by the head of the Department, corresponding member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Professor VladyslavOleksandrovychMalanchuk for members of the student scientific group on the topic: “Choice of profile activities of youth: present and historical excursion”
Corresponding Member NAMS of Ukraine, prof. V.O.Malanchuk, candidate of medical sciences assoc. prof. Efysko V.M, candidate of medical sciences, assistant A.V.Rybachuk and groups after the introductory lecture.
Master class “Suture material and techniques for suturing wounds, surgical unit and its types” Workshops “Atraumatic tooth extraction: indications, tools, techniques” and “Materials for replacement of bone defects, membranes. Indications and contraindications, advantages and disadvantages. Bone autotransplantation: indications, methods”.
On October 15-17, 2014, Kyiv hospitably received student scientific youth, where the traditional but renewed atmosphere at the Bogomolets National Medical University hosted the VI (68) International Scientific and Practical Congress of Students and Young Scientists “Actual Problems of Modern Medicine”. Every year more than 900 young scientists from many countries of the world take part in the congress, including Belarus, Armenia, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Nigeria, Germany, Nepal, Pakistan, Poland, Russian Federation, Romania, Serbia, USA, Slovakia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, France and others.And this year is no exception. This year, during the scientific forum, plenary and sectional meetings, educational and practical workshops and lectures of famous domestic and foreign scientists took place. Leading specialists of the Bogomolets National Medical University, including 15 academicians and corresponding members of the NAS, NAMS and NAPS of Ukraine and more than 60 professors, spoke or moderated sections and on the final day selected the winners of the Congress.
The Dentistry section was held in the conference hall of the dental building, where five reports were heard (2 from Kyiv, 3 from Poltava). The group of the Department was represented by Kushnir Bogdan, a fifth-year student, with the topic of the report: “Sialoendoscopy – a new method in the diagnosis of diseases of the large salivary glands”, which took first place. Also in the framework of the congress on October 17 in the conference hall was brilliantly held a master class “Principles and techniques of local plastic surgery” by the head of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery BogomoletsNMU, doctor of medical sciences, professor V.O. Malanchuk and headof studies, professor O.S.Volovar.
VladyslavOleksandrovych gave a meaningful lecture, focusing in detail and chronologically on the historical aspect of defect closure and their authors, anatomical and physiological features of the skin, types of suture material, techniques and principles of local plastic surgery. We managed to achieve a dialogue with the audience, all those present took an active part in discussing the professor’s questions, vividly answered his questions.
Lecture by Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, professor V.O. Malanchuk
Participated in a master class39 people from different cities of Ukraine (Kyiv, Lviv and others) took part in the master class. Students had the opportunity to sew their own hands, mastered the finger method of tying a knot and with the help of tools, as well as to replace the simulated basic forms of skin defects (according to Y.K.Shimanovsky).
Models of classical defects of fabrics (according to Y.K.Shimanovsky)
Professor O.S.Volovar demonstrates the method of suturing
A pleasant surprise for all participants was a gift from the Department – a collection of materials of the VI Ukrainian International Congress “Dentistry. Implantation. Osteointegration”.
Organizers and participants of the master class
Sincere gratitude from the participants of the event to Professor V.O. Malanchuk and Professor O.S. Volovar has a unique opportunity to gain experience, receive professional advice and valuable gifts!
53rd meeting of the European Association of Dental Students and the 10th Congress (Košice, Slovakia)
Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraineon March 2-9, 2014, the 53rd meeting and 10th congress of the European Association of Dental Students (EDSA) took place in Košice (Slovakia), which was attended by students from Ukraine. This meeting takes place twice a year, and the congress takes place every two years in different European countries and attracts dental students with the opportunity to meet new people and exchange views on the development of dentistry in their countries.The purpose of the meeting is to exchange information on implemented and planned programs, and the purpose of the congress is to present the scientific works of students who have been carefully selected to teachers of European medical universities. This year the city of Košice, the second largest the city of Slovakia, which lies in the east of the country at the foot of the mountain range of Montenegro in the valley of the river Gornad (Fig. 1)
The meeting and congress was attended by about 150 students from different European countries. There was a delegation of nine students from Ukraine. Among them are Bohdan Kushnir, chairman of the Association of Dental Students of Ukraine, Al-HammudYasmina, Oleksiy Vasylenko, VladyslavVirun, YuliaHryb, Andriy Pishchuk, Yana Rubtsova, SerhiyVyzhu, and UlyanaGabruk. (Fig.2)
Fig.1 Photo of Košice (Slovakia)
The main topics of the meeting were the discussion of volunteer programs Amchi (India), Tanzaniaproject (Africa), prevention project SM! LE (Great Britain, France, Russia), EVP student exchange program is presented. The work of the congress began on March 6. Nine student reports from students from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, Slovenia and Russia were submitted on the basis of a competitive selection. The following reports were presented: Sazanskaia L. (Russia): Laser ablation of tooth tissues and dental materials Nd: YAG laser, Borisova N. (Russia): Characteristics of craniomandibular function of components, posturology of a complex of patients with different types of occlusion, Latyshev A. (Russia):The role of early diagnosis in the development of occlusion, Galić J. (BosniaandHerzegovina): Clinical cases of firmly fixed third molars, Gryb Y. (Ukraine): Anatomical and topographic features of the styloid process in the pathogenesis of Igla syndrome, Atayan, D. (Russia): sintered porous coating Press -Fit implants after 6 to 8 years of function, Tiunova, N. (Russia): Correlation of dental status and SIgA level in saliva, Pirc M. (Slovenia): Antibacterial photodynamic therapy of gingival hypertrophy during orthodontic treatment with a fixed device, Tereshchuk O. (Russia): Bacterial biofilm formation in periodontitis.
The report from Ukraine was presented by a fifth-year student YuliaHryb on the topic: “Anatomical and topographic features of the styloid process in the pathogenesis of Igla syndrome.” (Fig.3)
Fig.3 Fig.4
The work was heard by members of the jury and recognized as the best among the reports of student research papers, for which it was awarded first place (Fig. 4).
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Corresponding member NAMS of Ukraine, Doctor of Medicine, Professor V.O. Malanchuk for the opportunity to perform scientific work at the Department, support and trust to represent the Department andBogomolets NMU.