Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №3
Students’ scientific club
Head of the Department – Beniuk Vasyl Oleksiiovych (professor, MD, Honored Scientist and Technologist of Ukraine)
The Scientific Adviser – Oleshko Viktor Fedorovych (Associate professor, PhD)
Contact details: +380990431650,
Monitor of the group – Rossovska Mariia Evgenivna (V course, group 10122)
Contact details: +380958433743
The student scientific society of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 3 was founded and approved in 1982.
Beginning from 1982 and up to the present, the scientific advisers of the Society have been:
1982 – 1999 ed.year – Associate Professor Shkolny G.K. Scientific direction: prevention and treatment of labor weakness.
2000 – 2003 ed.year – Associate Professor Melnikov S.M. Scientific direction: Diagnosis and treatment of isthmic-cervical insufficiency.
2003 – 2004 ed.year – Associate Professor Dyndar O.A. Scientific direction: Extragenital pathology and pregnancy.
2004 – 2019 ed.year – Associate Professor Lastovetska L.D. Scientific direction: Management of pregnancy and childbirth with extragenital pathology, current problems of reproductive health of the population.
2019 ed.year and until now – Associate professor Oleshko V.F. Scientific direction: Miscarriage, pregnancy burdened by extragenital pathology, gynecological endocrinology, family planning.
Students of the Scientific Society who became famous in their specialty:
Beniuk V.O. – Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 3 of the Bogomolets
National Medical University.
Joseph Wodunon Assogba is the Minister of Health of Benin
The purpose, tasks and main directions of the Scientific Society work.
The purpose and task: to continue active cooperation with students from other departments and universities in Ukraine and abroad in the form of interactive communication in the “online” mode, taking into account the current state of the profession and the experience of developed countries of the world, which will contribute to the integration processes of medicine and midwives – gynecologists of Ukraine to the European Union.
The main directions of the Scientific Society work:
- theoretical – deepening students’ knowledge of obstetrics and gynecology;
- practical – acquisition and improvement of practical skills in the discipline;
- scientific – performing scientific work on the basis of the department, taking into account integration with other student scientific circles of NMU departments.
The student scientific circle has a page in networks:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
- Telegram:
Today, more than 300 students of IV-VI courses, of I and II medical faculties, including students of the faculty for training of foreign citizens, take an active part in the work of the student scientific group.
Since the beginning of the 2019 academic year, together with students from the scientific group, 89 printed works have been published, including in professional publications recommended by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine and Scopus .
Due to the military aggression, the meeting of the student scientific circle takes place every month, on Wednesdays, in a mixed format – on the basis of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 3 and on the Zoom platform. The topics of the theoretical parts are selected according to the wishes of the students.
The main task of the practical parts of the meetings is the acquisition of basic skills, the development of clinical thinking, and the familiarization of participants with the practical activities of obstetrician-gynecologists.
During the past 2023-2024 academic year, 12 meetings were held, including one with the student scientific group of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the SE “Luhansk State Medical University” Rivne, on the topic: “Issues of Ethics and Deontology in Obstetric and Gynecological Practice”) and 4 combined meetings with student scientific groups of our university departments:
- Department of Radiology and Radiation Medicine: “Application of radiological research methods during pregnancy”;
- Department of Surgery with the Course of Emergency and Vascular Surgery: “Features of cesarean section in women with repeated entry into the abdominal cavity”;
- Department of Pediatrics No. 2: “Features of neonatal care for newborns born small for gestational age”;
- Department of Family Medicine: “Genitourinary syndrome in menopause – an interdisciplinary problem”;
A completely new format of meetings, launched this academic year, was the holding of master classes for the students of the scientific group from the leading specialists of the department.
18.10.2024. Master class: “Delivery Traumatism of the Mother and the Newborn. Suturing of Perineal and Cervical tears”, the practical part of which involved suturing of cervical and perineal tears on the plaster casts. At the beginning of the master class, the teachers of the department familiarized the students with equipment and suture material, and demonstrated the techniques of examination of the cervix and perineum in the early postpartum period. The next stage was the demonstration of the cervical and perineum ruptures suturing algorithm after episiotomy and perineotomy .
24.01.2024. Master class: “Modern Possibilities of Laparoscopy in Gynecological Practice”, the practical part of which involved familiarization with surgical equipment and practice of initial laparoscopic skills on simulators, which allowed participants to get real feelings from work as close as possible to the conditions of a real operating room.
One of the most significant events of the 2023-2024 academic year was the holding of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Obstetrics and Gynecology, which took place on March 13, 2024, the first since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and full-scale military aggression, and became an important stage in the restoration of the usual rhythm of student life and studies. 22 students of the I, II, III medical faculties and the faculty for training of foreign citizens took part in the event.
Students who expressed a desire to try their hand were offered video tasks (answers to 40 video questions and finding errors in the actions of medical personnel during gynecological manipulation), as well as test and situational tasks.
After persistent struggle and trials, the winners of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Obstetrics and Gynecology were determined and awarded by the members of the jury:
I place – Diana Kazmirchuk (student of the 6th year, group 8222, medical faculty No. 2).
II place – Oksana Karasava (student of the 5th year, group 9130 m/s, medical faculty No. 1), Tetyana Shvets (student of the 6th year, group 8122, medical faculty No. 1).
III place – Victoria Kharchenko (6th year student, group 8224, medical faculty No. 2), Rai Pankaj Kumar (6th year student, group 8606, faculty of training foreign citizens), Nelip Karina (6th year student, group 8302, medical faculty No. 3).
Students of the Scientific Group together with teachers of the department, prepared 9 oral presentations at conferences in Ukraine and 1 at a conference abroad, published 2 theses in foreign publications, 25 theses in specialized publications in Ukraine, 1 article in specialized publications indexed in Scopus .
The following were awarded for their active participation in student scientific conferences in the 2023-2024 academic year:
- Sushmita Singh, group 8606. XXI student scientific conference with international participation “The first step in science – 2024”. April 18-19, 2024. Online format, Zoom platform.
- Veronika Khmelnytska, group 10205. XXI student scientific conference with international participation “The First Step in Science – 2024”. April 18-19, 2024. Online format, Zoom platform.
- Rossovska Maria, group 10122. 19th Warsaw International Medical Congress 2024. April 12-14, 2024. Poland, Warsaw
- Kazmirchuk Diana, group 8222. 5th Internationala Medical Students Conference IMEDSCOP 2024. March 28, 2024. Ukraine, Poltava.
Calendar of meetings of the Student Scientific Group
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 3
for the 2024/2025 academic years
Theoretical part:
Rules of rational antibiotic therapy – general and specific obstetric and gynecological.
Practical part:
Rules for handling hands in health care institutions and in institutions providing obstetric and gynecological care.
Responsible: Prof. Beniuk V.O., Prof. Dyndar O.A., Ass.Prof. Oleshko V.F., Ass. Komar V.M.
Monitor: Rossovska M.E.
Theoretical part:
Violation of the obturation function of the cervix during pregnancy.
Practical part:
Master-class: Methods of the cervical insufficiency correction: applying a cervical suture, installing an obstetric pessary .
Responsible: Prof. Beniuk V.O., Ass.Prof. Usevych I.A., Ass.Prof. Oleshko V.F., Ass. Chebotarova A.S.
Monitor: Rossovska M.E.
20.11.2024 Joint meeting with the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology.
Theoretical part:
Posttraumatic stress disorder in obstetrics and gynecology.
Practical part:
Modern trends in the management of patients with sexual behavior disorders.
Responsible: Prof. Beniuk V.O., Ass.Prof. Oleshko V.F., Ass. Kurochka V.V., Ass. Shcherba O.A.
Monitor: Rossovska M.E.
Theoretical part:
Emergency conditions in obstetric practice. Emergency care for hypertensive disorders during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.
Practical part:
Filling out a liast of prescriptions for intensive therapy, preparation of magnesium sulfate solution for bolus and maintenance therapy.
Responsible: Prof. Beniuk V.O., Ass.Prof. Kovaliuk T.V., Ass.Prof. Oleshko V.F., Ass. Shcherba O.A.
Monitor: Rossovska M.E.
22.01.2025 Joint meeting with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the SE “Luhansk State Medical University” Rivne.
Theoretical part:
Modern approaches to the management of women during unwanted pregnancy. Modern approaches to termination of pregnancy in the second trimester.
Responsible: Prof. Beniuk V.O., Prof. Ivaniuta S.O., Ass.Prof. Kovalyuk T.V., Ass.Prof. Oleshko V.F.
Monitor: Rossovska M.E.
19.02.2025 Joint meeting with the Department of Pediatrics of Postgraduate Education.
Theoretical part:
Isoimmune conflict according to the Rh factor. Hemolytic disease of the fetus. Hemolytic disease of the newborn.
Practical part:
Pregnancy management tactics. Approaches to providing care to a newborn.
Responsible: Prof. Beniuk V.O., Ass.Prof. Nykoniuk T.R., Ass.Prof. L.D. Lastovetska, Ass.Prof. Oleshko V.F.
Monitor: Rossovska M.E.
19.03.2025 Joint meeting with the Department of Microbiology and Parasitology with the Basics of Immunology.
Theoretical part:
Abnormal vaginal discharges and infections of the TORCH complex as a cause of intrauterine infection of the fetus.
Practical part: Modern methods of abnormal vaginal discharges and infections of the TORCH complex diagnostics during pregnancy.
Responsible: Prof. Beniuk V.O., Ass.Prof. Lastovetska L.D., Ass.Prof. Oleshko V.F., Ass. Chebotarova A.S.
Monitor: Rossovska M.E.
Theoretical part:
Modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of intrauterine pathology.
Practical part:
Master class: Hysteroscopy is a modern method of diagnosis and treatment of pathology of the uterine cavity.
Responsible: Prof. Beniuk V.O., Ass.Prof. Usevych I.A., Ass.Prof. Oleshko V.F., Ass. Chebotarova A.S.
Monitor: Rossovska M.E.
21.05.2025 Joint meeting with the Department of Oncology and Radiology and Radiation Medicine.
Theoretical part:
Dyshormonal dysplasia of mammary glands in women in different age periods. Modern approaches to diagnosis and treatment. Breast cancer screening.
Practical part:
Master class: Clinical examination of the mammary gland.
Responsible: Prof. Beniuk V.O., Ass.Prof. Maidannyk I.V., Ass.Prof. Oleshko V.F., Ass. Kurochka V.V.
Monitor: Rossovska M.E.
Theoretical part:
Hyperandrogenism syndrome: clinical phenotypes and their impact on the quality of life of modern women of various ages.
Practical part:
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, interpretation of laboratory and instrumental research methods.
Responsible: Prof. Beniuk V.O., Ass.Prof. Drupp Yu.G., Ass.Prof. Oleshko V.F., Ass. Komar V.M.
Monitor: Rossovska M.E.
We will be glad to see you at our meetings at the address: Vasyl Kuchera St. 7, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 3 (Lecture hall)!