Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №3
Responsible employee
Olena Dyndar, Professor of the Department, +380504449509; +380962887355;
2024-2025 s.y.
The educational process at the Department is regulated by the relevant normative documents:
-Educational plan of specialists training of educational-qualifying level “Specialist” qualification “Doctor” in higher educational establishments of MHC of Ukraine in specialty 7.12010001 “Medical care”, direction of preparation 1201 “Medicine” in accordance with the educational-qualifying characteristics and educational-professional programs of preparing of specialists, approved by order of MES of Ukraine from 16.04.03 №239.;
– The program of the Ministry of health of Ukraine approved by the order of 26.01.15, No. 47;
– Law of Ukraine “on higher education”: paragraph 3, part II, article 56; part VII, Chapter XV.
– Order of the Ministry of health of Ukraine dated 15.06.15, No. 441.
The subject of study of the academic discipline at the Department is “Obstetrics and gynecology”, which is based on the knowledge gained by students in the study of medical biology, normal and pathological anatomy, topographic anatomy, normal and pathological physiology of the female reproductive system, histology and embryology, pharmacology, clinical genetics, internal, occupational and infectious diseases, surgical diseases, hygiene, social medicine, organization and Economics of health+ and is integrated with these disciplines.
The study of obstetrics and gynecology lays the foundations for the formation of students ‘ skills, which are determined by the final goals of the discipline and can be used by students for the logical justification of the diagnosis of the disease, differential diagnosis, therapy, prevention and rehabilitation of patients, the ability to provide medical assistance in emergency situations in the work of a General practitioner.
The educational process is organized according to the credit-module system.
Types of educational activities of students according to the curriculum are:
- a) lectures;
- b) practical training;
- C) independent work of students;
- d) individual work of students.
Lectures. At the Department of obstetrics and gynecology No. 3, preference is given to lectures that are problematic, review and conceptual-analytical. The lecture is an important component of the educational process during which students form knowledge, provide a motivational component and a General-oriented stage of mastering scientific knowledge. The role of lectures in the quality management of students ‘ independent work and individual tasks is being strengthened.
The lecture course for students of the IV year of the medical faculty No. 2 in gynecology consists of 10 lectures,each of them lasts 1 academic hour; for V-year students of the faculty of medicine No. 2, the lecture course consists of 10 lectures on obstetrics, each of which lasts 1 academic hour.
Practical classes on the credit-transfer system of the educational process are held in the mode of rotation of modules of clinical disciplines.The duration of one practical session at the Department of obstetrics and gynecology No. 3 for students of the medical faculty No. 2 of the IV and V courses is 4 academic hours, for students of the VI course-6 academic hours.
- According to the methodology of the educational process, they are clinical, aimed at controlling the assimilation of theoretical material and the formation of practical skills, as well as the ability to analyze and apply the knowledge obtained to solve practical problems involving:
- * history collection;
- * examination of a pregnant, parturient, maternity or gynecological patient;
- * planning an examination of a pregnant, parturient, maternity or gynecological patient;
- * interpretation of laboratory and instrumental research data;
- * differential diagnostics of the most common pregnancy complications and gynecological diseases;
determination of preliminary clinical diagnosis;
* determining the tactics of pregnancy and childbirth management or gynecological patient management;
- provision of emergency medical care;
* solving clinical situational problems in obstetrics and gynecology;
* practicing practical skills on models and near the bed of a pregnant woman, a woman in labor, a maternity hospital, or a gynecological patient;
* maintaining medical records.
Mastering the topic is monitored in practical classes in accordance with specific goals: to plan the tactics of pregnancy, physiological childbirth and postpartum period; to make a preliminary diagnosis of complications of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period; to interpret the clinical anatomy and physiology of the female genitals; to make a preliminary diagnosis for gynecological diseases, to plan a survey and tactics to determine the etiological and pathogenetic mechanisms of diseases of the female reproductive system; to determine the factors that affect family planning and develop measures aimed at rational family planning; to perform medical manipulations; to plan and provide assistance for emergency conditions in obstetrics and gynecology.
The list of criteria for the provision of obstetric care was governed by the relevant protocols in the specialty “obstetrics and gynecology” Ministry of health of Ukraine, Orders of Ministry of health of Ukraine “On improvement of outpatient obstetric-gynecological care in Ukraine” (Order of MH of Ukraine № 503 from 28.12.2002), “On organizing the provision of stationary obstetrical-gynecological and neonatal care in Ukraine” (Order of MH of Ukraine № 620 from 29.12.2003, “On approval of clinical protocols of obstetric and gynecological care” ( Order of MH of Ukraine № 676 from 31.12.2004 g) Means of control are tests, clinical situational tasks; supervising practical skills.
Independent work of a student is one of the organizational forms of training, regulated by the working curriculum and performed by the student independently outside of classroom sessions. Possible types of independent work of students: preparation for practical training and study of topics that are considered only in terms of independent work of the student, supervision of a pregnant or gynecological patient and writing a medical history, search and study of additional literature, creation of algorithms, structural and logical schemes, writing abstracts, annotations, reports for presentations at practical classes, duty in the clinic outside of school time. The organization of independent work in the departments of obstetric or gynecological hospitals is provided by teachers of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology No.3 Individual task – a form of organization of training in order to deepen, generalize and consolidate the knowledge that students receive in the learning process, as well as the application of this knowledge in practice, that is, an individual educational and research task.
The final control of mastering the material is carried out at the end of the module at the final control lesson and is accepted by experienced teachers of the Department (professors, associate professors) at the last lesson.
Assessment of student’s progress in the discipline is a rating and is set on a multi-level scale, taking into account the assessment of individual modules ‘ learning.
The purpose of studying the discipline.
The final goals of the discipline “obstetrics and gynecology” are based on the educational goals defined in the educational and professional program (OPP). They are defined in this way:
* Plan the tactics of pregnancy, physiological delivery and postpartum period management;
- To set the previous diagnosis for complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period;
* Interpret the clinical anatomy and physiology of the female genitals.
* Make a preliminary diagnosis of major gynecological diseases; plan the examination and management tactics of the patient;
* Determine the etiological and pathogenetic factors of the main diseases of the female reproductive system;.
* Identify factors that affect family planning and develop measures aimed at rational family planning;
- To perform the necessary medical manipulations;
* Plan and provide emergency care for emergency conditions in obstetrics and gynecology.
- The system of teaching the subject is based on three main directions that are dynamically linked:
Clear statement of the training goal and content of the material;
* Organization of teaching by time and relationship;
* Organization of the educational process and management of students ‘ cognitive activity.
The Department pays great attention to the development of students ‘ clinical thinking, solving problem situational problems, and independent cognitive activity. To solve these problems, we use the principle of sequencing knowledge acquisition, a gradual transition to more complex conclusions, analysis, and synthesis. The main forms of vykladni subject matter is a traditionally classic method – lecturing, conducting workshops in the cyclic system of training, clinical reviews of patients, participation in operations, work in offices, clinics, clinic duty, examination and clinical analysis of pregnant women, childbirth, postpartum and gynecological patients. Students (circle members) performresearch work (RW) according to the plan developed by the Department. During the last academic year, more attention was paid to working with patients and independent work of students.
In order to activate the cognitive activity of students in practical classes, teachers use the assimilation of new material in the form of business situational clinical games, when students are asked to solve a specific clinical problem and establish the correct diagnosis. Attention is drawn to the importance of both laboratory and instrumental research methods. Solving situational problems, students must prescribe treatment according to modern principles of therapy of obstetric and gynecological pathology and write prescriptions for drugs used in obstetric and gynecological practice.
In practical classes and during the lecture course, current problems of modern obstetrics and gynecology are studied. New methodological methods are constantly being introduced into the educational process, taking into account modern achievements of pedagogical science. To deepen the theoretical and practical knowledge of students on obstetrics and gynecology in practical classes, test tasks of the “CROC-2” format are solved, in particular, for students of the VI course for 40 minutes every day in the computer class created by the Department (for 10 academic places) and for students of the IV and V courses for 20 minutes on paper.
Taking into account the qualitative changes in the student population, namely the increase in the number of students studying under a contract, the number of foreign students, the Department pays great attention to the study and analysis of those that are made for independent extracurricular work. Considerable attention is paid to additional individual consultations of students on topics that are traditionally difficult to understand.
The Department conducts thorough work to determine the initial (initial) level of knowledge of students. The section of knowledge on basic subjects for students of IV and V courses (anatomy, normal and pathological physiology, histology, pharmacology) is carried out on paper according to the type of test tasks in format A. Students of the VI course are invited to add testing on obstetrics and gynecology to the section of knowledge on basic subjects. The results of the cross-section of students ‘ knowledge in basic disciplines were discussed at the methodological meeting of the Department and brought to the attention of the departments and the Dean’s office.
The Department constantly monitors students ‘ knowledge: traditional oral, written, test, and clinical analysis of pregnant women, women in labor, women in labor, and gynecological patients. Intermediate control of students ‘ knowledge is carried out: computer, written, by individual survey and a combination of different forms of knowledge control.
The control of final level of knowledge of students is carried out in three phases: the first verified the degree of mastery of practical skills near the bed of pregnant, parturient women, new mothers or sick. In the second stage students in the Department of computer class test tasks of format A. the Third stage of the final control level of knowledge – the answer to theoretical questions and solution of situational tasks on obstetrics and gynecology.
According to the working curriculum, the Department has unified lists of practical skills that students of the IV, V and VI courses should master. At the request of students according to the schedule of duties of teachers of the Department in the clinic, under the supervision of the teacher master clinical skills. Examination of women in labor, reception of physiological deliveries, primary toilet of newborns, resuscitation activities are carried out under the supervision of a teacher and neonatologists, obstetricians, gynecologists and anesthesiologists. Students take part in gynecological and obstetric operations, as well as during anesthesia for laparotomies and laparoscopic interventions, learn the principles of pregnancy and childbirth for extragenital diseases. In neonatal care units studied methods of intensive therapy in premature infants, assisting during surgery, replacing a blood transfusion, learn about the principles of prevention toxicomania diseases of the newborn. Control over the implementation of practical skills is carried out by the group’s teacher, who is responsible for educational and methodological work and the head of the Department.
To master practical skills, the Department created a “Phantom class” and a “Museum of obstetric and gynecological tools”.
Much attention is paid at the Department of obstetrics and gynecology No. 3 to the organization of training of foreign (Russian-speaking and English-speaking) students. Systematically (1 time per month) at educational and methodical meetings of the Department, the results of students ‘ progress are analyzed. Monitoring is carried out and information is transmitted regularly (1 time per month) to the Dean’s office of the faculty of medicine No. 2 on the academic debt of students. Based on the results of the performance analysis, each teacher conducts individual consultations with lagging students. Students are attracted to work in the student scientific club and participate in student scientific conferences, receive individual consultations with additional questions on the specialty. The level of professional qualification of graduates is directly dependent on their theoretical and practical training. To improve the level of knowledge of students, the Department constantly improves educational and technical equipment and strives to teach obstetrics and gynecology in accordance with international standards. The amount of knowledge and skills that students must acquire during their studies at the Department is one of the components that is necessary for doctors of any specialty. Training of specialists takes place during the internship, but it is desirable to start profiling in obstetrics and gynecology after the third year of the medical faculty with a special cycle program in the IV, V and VI courses.