Department of Medical Psychology, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy


Responsible staff member: Assistant of the Department, Halyna Lysiana.
Contact number: +38 (066) 43-58-621

The Department of Medical Psychology, Psychosomatic Medicine, and Psychotherapy, supported by the O.A. Kysil Student Scientific Society and the O.O. Bohomolets National Medical University, hosts a student scientific group.
Years of experience have shown that students demonstrate a strong interest in medical psychology, psychosomatic disorders, neuropsychology, and clinical psychology beyond the standard curriculum, seeking deeper engagement than the course provides. For such students, the Department has established a scientific group, where they can connect with like-minded peers and conduct research in clinical psychology and its related fields.

Currently, academic staff of the Department and group members are identifying priority areas for the comprehensive development of medical-psychological science, conducting fundamental and applied research, and preparing future high-level scientific personnel in medical psychology and medicine.

It is noteworthy that the opportunity to present research findings, analyze contemporary trends in medicine, medical psychology, neuropsychology, etc., is not limited to students. Faculty members, members of the Young Scientists and Specialists Society of the National Medical University, PhD candidates, researchers, and scientists from universities across Ukraine and abroad are also invited to present.

Promoting an understanding of the importance of emotional-volitional, cognitive, behavioral, and personal aspects of individuals, the group collaborates with other scientific groups, emphasizing the close interconnection between psychological and somatic systems of the human body.


Activity Directions and Opportunities of the Group

Scientific Research and Priority Areas. Group members, along with the academic staff, identify modern challenges and tasks in the field of medical psychology, working on fundamental and applied research aimed at the development of the field. Particular emphasis is placed on preparing students for scientific careers, including the possibility of pursuing a PhD in the future.


Presentation of Research and Collaboration. Group participants are provided with a platform to present their research findings and exchange ideas. Meetings are open not only to students but also to PhD candidates, young scientists, department faculty, and researchers from other universities in Ukraine and abroad. This fosters a scientific exchange environment, facilitating students’ integration into the international scientific community.


Interdisciplinary Collaboration. The group actively collaborates with other scientific centers, showcasing the interplay between the psychological and somatic systems of the human body. This allows members to gain a deeper understanding of how mental processes influence physical health and vice versa.


Development in the Digital Space. To reach a wider audience and popularize its activities, the group actively manages social media pages on Telegram and Instagram. These platforms feature announcements of meetings, interesting facts, scientific articles, reports on past events, and opportunities for participation in educational and research activities.


Instagram: @sng_3psy_nmu


The Role of the Group in Preparing Future Specialists

The Department’s scientific group fosters a deep understanding of medical psychology as a science that integrates knowledge from emotional-volitional, cognitive, behavioral, and personal domains. Students participating in the group gain a unique opportunity to acquire and apply knowledge in practice, preparing themselves for future scientific or clinical careers.

This initiative exemplifies how scientific groups contribute to the development of science, integration of students into the professional community, and formation of competent specialists in the field of medical psychology.