Department of microbiology and parasitology with the basics of immunology
The department of microbiology, virology and immunology was founded in 1919
A head of the department
Shirobokov Vladimir Paulovich
A doctor of medical sciences, professor,
academician of NAN and NAMN of Ukraine
The honored figure of SciTech of Ukraine.
Recipient of an award of order «For the merits» of 3rd degree.
Contacts of the department:
The department is located at the address:
34 Peremohy avenue, Sanitary and Hygienic building, 1-2 floors
telephone 454-49- 48
Specialties for which training is conducted:
The second (master’s) level of higher education
228 “Pediatrics”, educational qualification “Master of Pediatrics”;
222 “Medicine”, educational qualification “Master of Medicine”;
221 “Dentistry” educational qualification “Master”;
226 “Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy” educational qualification “Master of Pharmacy”.
229 “Public Health”, educational qualification “Master of Public Health”;
225 “Medical psychology”, educational qualification “Master”;
Postgraduate medical education
Internship training in the specialties “Laboratory diagnostics, virology, microbiology”