Academic Center of Continuous Professional Education ( AC CPE)




Lesya V. Lymar

Associate Professor, PhD.
Author and co-author of 144 scientific and academic works, including 9 publications in Scopus and WOS journals. Hirsch index in Scopus – 2, in Google Scholar – 8.

Co-author of 5 guides for medical and pharmaceutical students, co-author of the monograph “Socio-psychological conditions for the development of future doctors’ readiness to prevent conflicts with patients” (2014), and the monograph “Exploring the opportunities and challenges of medical students” (2019).
Certified ESOL examiner. Internationally certified TESOL English teacher (training at Arizona State University, online). Internships in English in Clinical Research, Clinical Terminology (Pittsburgh University online), Writing in the Sciences (Stanford online), Advanced Academic Speaking and Listening (University of California, Irvine, online).
Responsible for organizing the ESOL B2 test (Languagecert) at NMU. Since 2020, has been organizing contract foreign language courses with certification. Author of the “Academic English” program for future PhDs, and the English language guide for future medical PhD students “English for medical PhD Students.” Scientific interests: teaching in higher education, teaching foreign languages, communication in the medical environment, forming an academic environment, principles of effective and productive interaction.




Valeriy Ye. Cheshuk

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, top category surgeon-oncologist.

Author of more than 235 scientific works (including 21 patents, 8 manuals, 2 textbooks on oncology).

Hirsch index in Scopus – 3, in Google Scholar – 5.

Head of the advisory-expert group of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine “Oncology. Diagnostic and radiopharmaceutical drugs”.

Member of the editorial board of the journal “Oncology” and a member of the international “European Society for Medical Oncology”. Scientific and clinical interests: comprehensive treatment of patients with breast cancer, skin melanoma, soft tissue sarcomas; development and implementation of reconstructive and restorative plastic surgeries in patients with breast cancer.




Violetta V. Ulischenko

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, with candidate and doctoral qualification works in the theory and methodology of teaching.

Author of over 210 scientific works, including 5 monographs (solo and collective), 2 textbooks, 16 guides.

Hirsch index in Google Scholar – 3.

Member of the editorial board of the journal Intercultural Communication ISSN: 2451-0998 (Józefów, Poland).

Participant in international projects: “Training of educators and educational managers for work with heterogeneous groups and organizations”, “Training of leading specialists in the system of postgraduate education” (IBRD – Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), a state project commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of the system of postgraduate education based on sustainable development”. Author of over 210 scientific works, including 5 monographs (solo and collective), 2 textbooks, 16 guides. Awarded with the badge “Excellence in Education of Ukraine”, Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Honorary Diploma of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. Scientific interests: implementation of innovative teaching technologies, including immersive ones, in higher medical education in Ukraine, in the system of professional development for scientific-pedagogical (pedagogical) workers.




Anatoliy V.Borisenko

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

Author of over 567 publications (including 47 monographs, 33 textbooks, 23 teaching guides, co-author of the 4-volume first Ukrainian textbook on therapeutic dentistry).

Hirsch index in Scopus – 2, in Google Scholar – 23.

[ of the Board of the Association of Dentists of Ukraine, member of the editorial board of the journal “Dental News”.

Scientific interests: research in periodontal diseases, their prevention and treatment.




Andrii I.Kurchenko

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Hirsch index in Scopus – 3, in Google Scholar – 9

Doctoral thesis 2008 “Atopic Dermatitis: Characteristics of Changes in Systemic and Local Immunity”.

Since 2014- a professor.

Since 2012- the Head of the Department of Clinical and Laboratory Immunology, Allergology, and Medical Genetics at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Health and Preventive Medicine of the Bogomolets National Medical University.

Member of the permanent specialized scientific council D 26.003.02 of the Bogomolets National Medical University

Member of the permanent specialized scientific council D 64.051.33 of the V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

Member of the ad hoc specialized scientific councils of the Bogomolets National Medical University.

Full member of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) and the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAACI).

Deputy chief editor of the Scientific-Practical Journal “Immunology and Allergology: Science and Practice” (category B).

Member of the editorial board of the Scientific-Practical Journal Asthma and Allergy (category B).

Reviewer for the scientific publication The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal (category A).

Head of the advisory-expert group of the State Expert Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Top category physician in the specialties of “clinical immunology”, “allergology”, and “dermatovenerology”.

Scientific interests: study of immunogenetic aspects of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of allergic and other socially significant multifactorial diseases.




Iryna O. Mohilevkina

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, author of 332 works – articles in professional journals, monographs, textbooks, and manuals recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science.

Hirsch index in Scopus – 9, in Google Scholar – 11

Head of the international ALARM program (improvement of emergency obstetric care) in Ukraine (since 2006).

Consultant for analysis and adaptation of classifiers of the Australian DRG system (specializing in obstetrics and gynecology) in Ukraine. Expert of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine.

Scientific interests: diagnostics and treatment of emergency conditions in obstetric practice, reproductive health, organization and conduct of scientific research, modern adult education methodologies.




Mykola V. Haytovych

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, top category pediatrician, psychotherapist.

Author and co-author of over 400 scientific works (including 3 textbooks, 10 educational manuals, 9 monographs), 44 inventions. Hirsch index in Scopus – 4, in Google Scholar – 14.

Member of the Central Formulary Committee of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, member of the advisory-expert group on combating antimicrobial resistance and infection control of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, member of the editorial boards of the journals “Medical Science of Ukraine”, “Child’s Health”, “International Journal of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology”, “Ukrainian Scientific Medical Youth Journal”, “Ukrainian Medical News”, “Oral and General Health”, member of the Association of Pediatricians of Ukraine, member of the All-Ukrainian Medical Society.

Scientific interests: pharmacogenetics, cardiology, pediatric cardiorheumatology and endocrinology (studying the role of oxidative stress and molecular-genetic mechanisms in the development of arterial hypertension, type 1 diabetes, metabolic syndrome); social pediatrics; child neuropsychology and psychotherapy (somatoform disorders and possibilities of psychological correction methods).




Sergiy L. Shevchenko

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor

Hirsch index in Scopus – 1, in WOS – 1, in Google Scholar – 5.

Author and co-author of over 120 scientific works, including 6 monographs and an educational manual (approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).

Executive editor of the international Bulgarian-Ukrainian multilingual special issue of the journal “Ideas. Philosophical Magazine”; member of the editorial boards of the journals: “Pedagogical Innovations: Ideas, Realities, Prospects”, “Political Science Bulletin”.

Winner of the President of Ukraine Award for Young Scientists (2020). Scientific interests: philosophy, history of philosophy, existentialism philosophy, existential theology, existential anthropology, existential axiology, and ethics.




Olena O. Lazurenko

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor.

Author of over 290 scientific and academic works, included in scientific professional publications of Ukraine, foreign publications, some of which are indexed in international scientometric databases (Scopus, WOS, etc.).

The title “Excellence in Education of Ukraine” (2002), honored with the Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Diploma of the Committee on Health Protection of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Acknowledgment of the Mayor of Kyiv, the Acknowledgment of the Scientific Council of the Bogomolets National Medical University, the Medal for Achievements in Science, and other distinctions.




Anna V. Zelinska

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor. Author of 60 scientific works, published particularly in professional publications of Ukraine, in foreign publications (Scopus, WOS, etc.).

Hirsch index in Scopus – 1, in Google Scholar – 5

Author of methods for differential preoperative diagnosis of thyroid neoplasms and methods for preoperative prediction of radioiodine resistance. 5 declarative patents for invention.

Awarded the diploma of laureate of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine prize for the development and implementation of innovative technologies.

Scientific interests: research on thyroid cancer and its metastases, development of effective methods for precise preoperative diagnosis of thyroid cancer, and development of methods for predicting the aggressiveness and radioiodine resistance of thyroid cancer metastases.




Ganna S. Kashina

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Chief Specialist of the Institute of Legislation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Author of over 150 scientific publications (including 7 monographs, 7 educational manuals, articles in scientific professional publications of Ukraine, foreign publications.

Hirsch index in Google Scholar – 6.

Expert in the subject commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for reviewing electronic textbooks and platforms. Participant in the international project “Educational Measurement in the Information Society, Adapted to EU Standards”; the All-Ukrainian experiment “Electronic Textbook for General Secondary Education (EBSE)”; participant in state projects: “Theoretical and Methodological Foundations for the Formation of the System of Postgraduate Education Based on Sustainable Development”, “Cloud-Oriented Systems for Training Future Teachers”, “Modernization of the Teacher Training System Based on the Concept of the New Ukrainian School”.

Scientific interests: theory and practice of implementing modern information and communication technologies in education.




Kateryna O. Hololobova

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Head of the Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies at the Bogomolets National Medical University


Author of over 50 scientific works, including 3 monographs: “Religious-Legal Context of Muslim Family Law” (2023), “Imamate: Institution of Islamic Statehood in the Socio-Cultural Space of the Schism” (2023), “Arabo-Islamic Theological-Philosophical and Political-Legal Thought” (2022) and 2 manuals “Philosophy of the Near and Middle East VII – XIV centuries. Glossary” (2017), “Ancient Religions and Their Doctrinal Texts” (2023), and 9 methodological recommendations (including “Philosophy of Science and Bioethics” (2022)).

Member of the NGO “Ukrainian Association of Religious Studies”. Scientific interests: history of philosophy, religious studies, epistemology, Islamic studies, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of science, bioethics issues, problems of academic integrity.




Olena I. Kefeli-Yanovska


PhD, senior tutor.

2022: Master’s degree in Management and Administration, specialization in Management.

PhD thesis in Medical and Biological Informatics and Cybernetics 14.03.11 in 2014.

Author of 25 scientific and academic publications, including works published in national and international peer-reviewed professional journals: 1 publication in a periodical included in the Scopus scientific-metric database, 1 publication in a periodical included in the Web of Science scientific-metric database, and 3 in foreign publications, 3 co-authored teaching guides, 13 scientific articles, 5 works in conference proceedings.

Hirsch index in Scopus – 1, in Google Scholar – 2.

Scientific interests: theory and practice of implementing modern information and communication technologies in education, theory and practice of leadership basics with practical communication skills, strategic planning, informed decision-making, and motivation for personal development.




Tetiana M. Dumenko

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant.

Doctoral thesis “Medical and social substantiation of the model for the development and implementation of the state formulary of medicinal products in Ukraine”.

Author of over 30 scientific publications, co-author of 1 monograph, 2 manuals. Holds 3 author certificates (in collaboration).

Hirsch index in Scopus – 2, in Google Scholar – 4.

Developer of the State Formulary of Medicinal Products (8 issues), the strategy for the development of the healthcare system for 2014-2020, the national policy on medicinal products (2018), and other sectoral implementations.

Expert experience in international projects (WHO, USAID, and others). Training/internships: Development of guidelines for medical care (2009, WHO, Denmark); ATC/DDD methodology (statistics of drug consumption) (2010, WHO, Norway); policies on the circulation of medicinal products (2012, WHO, Austria); Regulatory policy on the circulation of medicinal products (2013, PMDA, Japan); Pharmacovigilance (2014, PVCON, Ukraine); ISO 9001:2008 Standard (2014, TMS, Ukraine); Health Technology Assessment (2015, Agency for Health Technology Assessment of Poland, Poland); Modern requirements for pharmacoeconomic research (2015, WHO, Moldova); Leadership and management in healthcare (online) (2015, University of Washington, USA), Regulatory practice in the field of medicinal products (2018, EMA, United Kingdom) and others.

Scientific interests: management systems in healthcare, psychology of management, quality management of medical care; regulation of drug circulation, rational pharmacotherapy, pharmacovigilance, R&D of medicinal products.




Mykhailo A. Omelchuk

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, emergency medicine doctor, cardiologist.

Completed the ALS (Advanced Life Support) course in 2009 in Krakow, Poland, and the ALS instructor course in 2010, and has been an active ALS instructor of the European Resuscitation Council since 2010.

Completed the ITLS (International Trauma Life Support) course in Krakow, Poland, in 2013.

From 21-25 September 2022, he participated in the instructor course “Advanced life support and tactical rescue” organized by the Medical University of Warsaw and the Polish Medical Air Rescue.

The highest qualification category in “cardiology”.


Scientific interests: simulation methods of teaching in medical disciplines.




Vira Yu.Vozniuk

Assistant. Postgraduate student in the specialty of “Medicine”, dissertation research topic – “Justification of a modern model of motivation for general practitioners – family doctors”. Author of publications in professional editions, educational programs, and academic complexes on issues of cardiology and healthcare management, series of TU (Teaching Units) “Modern standards of emergency care in the practice of a doctor”.

Hirsch index in Google Scholar – 1.

The Acknowledgment of the Mayor of Kyiv.

Scientific interests: organization of medical care for cardiovascular diseases, research on European standards of emergency medical care.




Ivanna A. Hrynenko

Assistant, laboratory assistant

Graduated from the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” with a degree in Physics and obtained qualifications as a physicist, physics and computer science teacher.

Author of 13 scientific and academic publications, published in national and international peer-reviewed professional journals.

Holds 1 patent for a utility model “Ferromagnetic implant” №74683 dated 12.11.2012.

Hirsch index in Google Scholar – 3, Scopus – 2.




Valentyna L. Bespalova

Laboratory assistant. Graduated from the Philological Faculty of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Worked in book publishing from 2004 to 2014 (State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine).

Employed in the book publishing industry from 1998 to 2014.

Since 2020, a senior laboratory assistant.