Department of Pediatric Surgery
Responsible Officer: Dmytro Golovatiuk, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatric Surgery.
Phone: +380675025860,
The main directions of the scientific work of the department at the present stage are the development of new and improvement of existing methods of diagnostics and treatment of defects of development and diseases of the respiratory system and organs of the gastrointestinal tract in children, malformations and injuries of the musculoskeletal system in children. Particular attention is paid to studies related to the treatment of portal hypertension, Hirschsprung disease, vascular abnormalities of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, treatment of scoliotic deformity of the spine in children and adolescents, congenital cliché, polytrauma in children.
In 2019, the department completed a research initiative research work
“Treatment of post-traumatic, congenital and acquired bone deformities and joint contractures in children.” Within the framework of this research, the development of a mathematical model of the “spine – halogravity traction system” was developed in patients with complex scoliotic deformities. The mechanical model of the spine – halogravity traction system was studied for its mechanical properties for deformation correction in the thoracic and lumbar spine.
Studies have been conducted on the use of titanium elastic nails in the treatment of the bones of the forearm and femur in children.
The results of conservative and operative methods of treatment of relapses of congenital clubfoot in children are analyzed, with determination of normative values, features of deformation components using 3D scanning modeling and podometry.
Since 2019, the department has been conducting research and development “Development and implementation of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of birth defects and diseases of the digestive tract in children”. Based on the study of issues of etiopathogenesis, clinical picture data and instrumental research methods, a rational and safe diagnostic algorithm for developmental disorders and diseases of the digestive tract in children will be developed, taking into account the variant of pathology, the presence of complications and concomitant birth defects.
The study of the symptoms of the specified group of defects, the evaluation of the value of esophagography, digital subtraction angiography, CT, ultrasound, NMR in the diagnosis of pathology under consideration. A study is conducted of a group of children requiring endoscopic bleeding prevention of varicose veins at the stages of portal hypertension treatment. Based on the study of morpho-functional features of the condition of varicose veins of the esophagus and stomach, the use of methods of endoscopic prophylaxis depending on the age and nature of the clinical course of portal hypertension in children is substantiated.
Based on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of endoscopic and surgical methods, optimization of indications for the options of primary and secondary bleeding prevention in children with portal hypertension is carried out. Indications for the type and level of colostomy will be developed at the stages of surgical treatment of Hirschsprung’s disease in children. The optimal stage of surgical treatment of different clinical and anatomical forms of Hirschsprung’s disease in children is determined. A complex of organ-preserving operations for correction of cystic lesions of parenchymal organs is being developed.
D.Y .Kryvchenya, I.M.Benzar, V.E. Blihar “Diaphragmatic hernias in children”, TDMU, “Ukrmedkniga”, 2015.
The tutorial is dedicated to one of the most complex and highly lethal malformations – congenital diaphragmatic hernia. The basic concepts, including embryology, pathological physiology and surgical anatomy of the defect are reflected. The issues of diagnostics and surgical treatment are covered in detail.
“Fundamentals of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of developmental disorders of the musculoskeletal system in children”, edited by A.F. Levitsky and I.M. Benzar. Educational guide. TDMU,“Ukrmedkniga”, 2019.
The manual contains information on current views on the etiology, pathogenesis, methods of diagnosis and treatment of the most common malformations of the musculoskeletal system.
D.Y. Kryvchenya, E.O. Rudenko. “Defects of respiratory system development”. Atlas: A Tutorial. «Medicine», 2017.
The atlas was prepared as a training manual, which provided material on respiratory and respiratory tract development, as well as compression and functional tracheal and laryngeal stenoses.
Surgery of pediatric age: a textbook (University IV ur. A.) Edited
V.I. Sushko and D.Y. Kryvchenya. «Medicine», 2015.
The textbook on the modern level illuminates the clinical picture of nosological units included in the curriculum in the specialty “Pediatric surgery”. The methods of their diagnosis and treatment are presented. The main malformations and diseases in children are described, the causes of their occurrence, clinical course, differential diagnosis, methods of examination and treatment are described. Issues of purulent-inflammatory diseases, traumatic injuries of abdominal and retroperitoneal organs, benign and malignant tumors in children are covered.
Pediatric Surgery. Edited by V.A. Dihtiar, V.I. Sushko, D.Y. Kryvchenia.
AUS Medicine Publishing, 2019.
Textbook on the modern level described clinical picture of nosological units, which were included to the curriculum on the speciality “Pediatric Surgery”. Methods of diagnosis and treatment were proposed. It was shown basic malformation and diseases in children, described their causes, clinical course, differential, diagnosis, methods of examination and treatment. Textbook was focused on the issues of pyo-inflammatory diseases, traumatic injuries of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, benign and malignant tumors in children.