Department of Medical and Biological Physics and Informatics
Magazine «Biomedical engineering and medical physics»
Scientific practical magazine
«Biomedical engineering and medical physics»
A founder – NMU of the name of O.O. Bogomol’cya,
testifying the registration of KV № 16385-4857 dated 24.02.2010
ISSN 2079-0899
The publication of the manuscripts of the articles should be sent to e-mail
or to the address:
01601, Kyiv city, boulevard of Tarasa Shevchenko, 13
the National medical university of the name of O.O.Bogomol’cya,
Editor of the magazine «Biomedical engineering and medical physics»
WEB-site of magazine:
The programmatic aims of scientific practical magazine «Biomedical engineering and medical physics» is informing of workers of industry of health care in Ukraine, research workers, teachers of higher educational establishments, employees of research institutes and public, about the results of scientific researches from the biomedical engineering and medical physics, about tendencies and processes of introduction of modern technologies in medicine and medical education.
The magazine «Biomedical engineering and medical physics» accepts to the publication the article, short reports, letters to release which contain materials of original researches mainly from the followings themes:
1. Automation of processes of diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation.
2. Acoustic methods in medicine.
3. An apparatus for a clinic laboratory analysis.
4. An apparatus for sanitary-hygienic laboratory control.
5. Biomedical measuring systems and telecommunication technologies.
6. Biomechanics, biocenology and hemodynamic.
7. A biotelemetry and telemedicine.
8. Dosimeter, radiometry and planning in radial diagnostics and therapy.
9. Innovative technologies in medical and pharmaceutical education.
10. Mathematical treatment of these medico-biologic researches.
11. The mathematic models in medicine, pharmacology and biology.
12. Medical engineering aspects of maloinvasion surgery and medical robotic techniques.
13. Medical technical providing of treatment diagnostic process.
14. A medical introscopy and visualization with the use of unionizing and ionizing radiations.
15. Medical informative systems.
16. Medical instrument-making and material knowledge.
17. The medical systems for the analysis of bioelectric activity of organs.
18. Metrology, standardization and certification of medical equipment and materials.
19. Nanomaterials and nanotechnology of the medical and pharmaceutical setting.
20. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics in medico-biologic researches.
21. Problems of safety of patients and medical personnel.
22. Progress trends and general questions of the biomedical engineering and medical physics.
23. Technologies of receipt, maintenance, transmission and analysis of medico-biologic information.
24. Physical aspects of the use of optical, laser and optoelectronic biomedical technique.
25. Physical methods of research in medicine and pharmacy.
26. Physical and engineering aspects of radial diagnostics and therapy.
By decision of editorial college to the publishing can be also accepted the reviews on actual questions of the biomedical engineering and medical physics, descriptions of long-range scientific researches, review, background and informative papers, educate methodic materials, announcements regarding the scientific measures and report of publicity maintenance.
A decision In relation to publication is made by an editorial board on the basis of results of criticizing of the articles. A release does not assume obligations in relation to elucidation of reasons of refusal in publication of the article. Materials sent to the release are not returned to the authors. Manuscripts must present materials which were not published before and were not given to other editors.