Department of Medical and Biological Physics and Informatics
Responsible for the teaching and methodological work
Chaika Оlena M., Ph.D., Associate Professor
The department of medical and biological physics of NMU of the name of O.O.Bogomol’cya makes much of educational – methodical work and is basic among departments of medical and biological physics of higher medical educational establishments of Ukraine. The collective of department has issued a number of textbooks and train aids on medical and biological physics, higher mathematics and medical informatics. Among them the first Ukrainian-language textbook “Medical and biological physics”.
At the department of medical and biological physics of NMU of the name of O.O.Bogomol’cya teaching of discipline “Medical and biological physics” is conducted by a new on-line tutorials for the students of specializations “medical business” and “pediatrics”, “medico-prophylaxis business”, “stomatology”, “pharmacy”; disciplines “Higher mathematics”for the students of speciality “pharmacy”. These profiled programs were developed by a commission under the direction of prof. O.V.Chaliy and ratified by MOH of Ukraine.
2 display classes were created at the department of medical and biological physics, in which the students of all faculties, listeners of faculty of the training and students of lyceum of the Ukrainian medical lyceum can master the bases of disciplines, which are read at the department, and also prepare to the computer-integrated licensed examinations “Step».
The multimedia educational-demonstration computer programs are developed to all sections of textbook “Medical and biological physics” (edited by a corresponding member of APN Ukraine, a professor O.V.Chaliy).
A textbook “Medical and biological physics” (edited by a corresponding member of APN of Ukraine, a professor O.V.Chaliy) in the renewed release is issued in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English.