Department of Medical and Biological Physics and Informatics

Students’ scientific club


Optional school-seminar “Problems of bioethics and physics of the living

for students and teachers of Bogomolets NMU

  1. Creation date: 2003/2004, department of medical and biological physics, Bogomolets NMU. (a Head of the department, corresponding member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Chaliy A. V.)
  2. Concept: The school-seminar “Problems of bioethics and physics of the living” is an experimental platform for interdisciplinary (humanitarian and natural science) dialogue and public discussion, giving a professional information in issues of bioethics and bioethical legislation for medical students, teachers of NMU and other biomedical participants), ethical expertise of biomedical research, resolution of bioethical conflicts, analysis of risk / benefit ratio of modern biomedical technologies.
  3. Scientific adviser (since the date of founding in 2003/2004): Yegorenkov A.I. (Pashenko V.V.)
  4. Forms of work: preparation and holding of open meetings at various sites, students’ work with individual projects and their speeches at public meetings, participation in conferences, preparation of thematic posters, participation in thematic photo contests, conducting of sociological surveys.
  5. Work participants: medical students, teachers and research assistants.
  6. Directions of work:
  • Organization and holding of open-university seminars on topical issues of biomedical ethics and bioethical expertise;
  • Conducting field meetings on bioethics based on various educational and scientific organizations to popularize the idea of ​​bioethics for students, students, and the population;
  • Development of information package (materials, stands, posters, video) on various aspects of bioethics for use in the modern information space and educational process of higher medical school;
  • Organization of meetings of students and teachers of NMU with leading specialists and experts in the field of bioethics and modern biomedical technologies;
  • Organizing a professional discussion of bioethical collisions in collaboration with specialist theologians.
  1. Collaboration: since 2003-2004 the school-seminar has cooperated with A. Kysil Students’ scientific society, Bioethics Commission of the Bogomolets NMU, with some teachers and researchers of different departments of Bogomolets NMU and other scientific institutions of Kyiv, lecturer on bioethics of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (starting in 2019), National Museum of Medicine of Ukraine, Kyiv Zoo, researchers outside Ukraine (in person or absentia). During the period of its existence, more than 115 open meetings of the school-seminar were organized and held at various places in and outside Kyiv.
  2. The results of the work in 2019-2020 (photos in the app). Open meetings and participation in scientific conferences:

1) “Biophysical and psychological aspects of the perception of portrait painting” (meeting of 23.11.2019, National Museum “Kyiv Art Gallery”);

2) “Trial of the 1949 Japanese criminal doctors Unit 731: bioethical, medical, historical and social, psychological Aspects” (meeting of 26.11.2019, L. Ukrainka National Academic Theater);

3) “Doctor and society – the facets of bioethical interaction” (meeting of 1.12.2019, L. Ukrainka National Academic Theater);

4) «Physics of the living in the zoo» (meeting of 26.10.2019, Kyiv Zoo);

5) “Phenomenon of time: scientific and humanitarian aspects” (meeting of 9.12.2019, National Museum of Medicine);

6) “Art therapy: biomedical and humanitarian aspects” (meeting of December 16, 2019, National Museum of Medicine of Ukraine);

7) Participation (with report) in the work of the 7th National Congress on Bioethics (09/31/2019-2/10/2019, Kyiv), report and publication of the student and participant of the school-seminar;

8) Season 1 of the thematic photo contest “Physics of the living and bioethics around us” (

  1. Work plan:

– Holding of the 2nd season of the photo contest “Physics of the living and bioethics around us” (during the 2nd semester 2019-2020)

– organization and holding of some open meetings of the school-seminar (during the 2nd semester in 2019-2020)

– participation in scientific conferences (at the request of students and participants of the school-seminar, during the 2019-2020 academic year).