Department of Internal Medicine №3


Iaremenko Oleg Borysovych


The head of Department of Internal Medicine № 3 of Bogomolets National Medical University, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Vice President and Chairman of the Ethics Committee of Ukraine Rheumatology Association, Рresident of the Kyiv Association of Rheumatologists, member of EUVAS, expert of the State Expert Centre of the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, Chairman of Task Force for Rheumatology of Central Form Committee of the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, member of some committees and expert groups of Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine.

In 1980 graduated with honors from Kyiv Medical Institute, then studied in clinical residency, postgraduate course and worked as a Junior researcher, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor. Since 2003 worked as a Professor of Department of Clinical Therapy № 1 (since 2008 – Internal Medicine Department № 2). In 1988 he defended PhD (Candidate of Science) thesis in “Cardiology” (“Transport of oxygen in patients with start period of myocardial infarction with different severity of acute cardiac insufficiency”), performed under the supervision of Corresponding Member of the Medical Science Academy of USSR, Professor Grytsiuk O.Y. In 1999 defended doctoral thesis in “Rheumatology”: “Clinical and pathogenetic heterogeneity and ways to optimize the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus: value of tissue oxygen changes and processes that define it” (Consultant was the Corresponding Member of the Medical Sciences Academy of Ukraine, Professor Amosova K. M.). The topic of doctoral thesis is “Clinico-pathogenetic heterogeneity and ways to optimize the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus: the importance of changes in the oxygen supply of tissues and the processes that determine it.”

The rank Associate Professor was awarded in 1996 and the rank Professor – in 2005. Professor Iaremenko has highest medical category in specialties “Rheumatology” and “Internal Medicine.” He was responsible for the scientific work of the Department of Internal Medicine № 2 during 20 years. From 2011 to 2017 Professor Iaremenko O.B. was a head of the Department of Internal Medicine of Dental Faculty. Since 2017 he has been working as a head of Department of Internal Medicine № 3 of Bogomolets National Medical University. He was a Secretary of University Administration from 2001 till 2005, and a Scientific Secretary of the Academic Council of Bogomolets National Medical University during 2005-2014.

Repeatedly he was awarded by diplomas of young scientists competition of Ukraine, diplomas and medals of the economy achievement of USSR and Ukraine, diplomas of the Cabinet of Ukraine, Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Academic Senate of Bogomolets National Medical University, commendations of Kyiv Mayor. He was awarded the Medal of Academician M.D. Strazhesko “For merits in public health care”, with two Certificates of Honor of the Presidium of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.

Professor Oleg Iaremenko is a member of two specialized scientific council on the protection of theses in “Cardiology. Rheumatology”, “Rheumatology. Gastroenterology”, “Gastroenterology”, “Nervous system diseases” (in one of its – is a chairman). He is a chairman of Cyclic Methodical Commission for Therapeutic Disciplines of Bogomolets National Medical University, member of Scientific-Coordinating council of Bogomolets National Medical University, member of Academic Council of University and Academic Council of faculty for training of doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. During 2013-2017 professor Oleg Iaremenko was the main freelance expert of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for the specialty “Rheumatology”. He is a member of the editorial boards of eight professional journals.

The main directions of his scientific research are the theory of optimality in medicine, methods of intensive therapy in rheumatology, immunobiological therapy, clinical pharmacology of anti-inflammatory drugs, the improvement of diagnostics and treatment of immune-dependent arthropathies, systemic vasculitis, oxygen supply system of the body, acute heart failure, myocardial infarction.

Professor Iaremenko O.B. is the author and co-author of 730 scientific publications (over 90 – in the foreign medical editions in English), including 3 textbook, 48 monographs, manuals and reference books, 7 methodical guidelines, 26 patents, 52 rationalization proposals, 23 field innovations in Trade Registry of Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine. From 2000 the results of scientific and practical work were presented by more than 380 reports and lectures at the different forums, including symposiums, congresses, conferences in Ukraine, Republic of Belarus, Russian Federation, Turkey, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Canada, Poland.

Professor Oleg Iaremenko was the member of task group designing eight Unified Clinical Protocols for management of patients with systemic connective tissue diseases.

He conducts his medical advisory work in Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 3, in Kyiv Oleksandrivska City Clinical Hospital and in other hospitals of Kyiv.




Burmak Yurii Hryhorovych


Doctor of Medical Sciences (since 1998), Professor (since 2003), Professor of the department


After graduating in 1981 from the Voroshilovgrad State Medical Institute and an internship in the specialty “Therapy”, he worked in the city of Voroshilovgrad first as a resident in the regional clinical center of cardiovascular surgery, regional cardiology dispensary, and later as the head of the functional diagnostics department of the regional clinical hospital. From 1988 to 2014 was the period of work at the Voroshilovgrad Medical Institute (later Luhansk State Medical University), which he had started as an assistant at the Department of Therapy of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education. After defending his PhD (Candidate of Science) thesis “Indicators of bronchial patency and bronchial reactivity in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis” in 1990 (perfomed under the supervision Professor V.Plotkin) he continued working as an assistant, and since 1994 as an associate professor of the same department. In 1996 he defended the doctoral thesis “Mechanisms of the development of diseases of internal organs in coke chemical production workers and possible ways of their prevention”, Сonsultant was Professor V.Plotkin (with further confirmation in Ukraine in the specialized council of the Bogomolets National Medical University in 1998) and continued working in administrative positions at the university (dean of the faculty, vice-rector) and at the regional clinical hospital (head of the rheumatology department, deputy head physician). Since 2002 he had been working as a professor of the department of therapy of the faculty of postgraduate education, and since 2003 as the head of the department of family medicine (since 2006 – the department of internal and family medicine), which he headed until 2014 inclusive. During the next 6 years he had been working at the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy as a professor of the department of propaedeutics of internal medicine with patient care, general practice (family medicine). Since 2020 he has been working at Bogomolets National Medical University. For a long time, he was a member of the specialized boards for the defense of candidate and doctoral theses D 29.600.01 and D 52.600.01, a member of the editorial boards of the specialized publications “Ukrainian Medical Almanac” and “Ukrainian Morphological Almanac”, chairman of the certification commission of Luhansk State Medical University and chief freelance specialist and a member of the certification commission of the Main Department of Health Protection of the Luhansk Regional State Administration. Currently he is a member of the specialized academic council for the defense of theses D 44.601.02 at the Poltava State Medical University. He is an active participant of scientific congresses and conferences, author and co-author of more than 700 scientific, clinical, educational and methodical publications, including more than 170 articles, 3 monographs, 5 training manuals. He has 10 patents for inventions and about 50 innovative clinical and diagnostic proposals. In the period from 2003 to 2013 inclusive under his supervision were trained 5 clinical residents and 4 post-graduate students, were defended 5 master’s theses and 7 candidate theses. (candidates of sciences). In recent years he has been studing the peculiarities of the formation of pathology of the cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems in conditions of syntropy.

Certified for the highest qualification category in the specialty “Therapy” since 2002. He carries out medical and advisory work at the Government Agency«TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv city».





Dudka Petro Fedorovych


Doctor of Sciences (since 1996), Professor (since 2004).


In 1972 he graduated from the Medical Faculty of N.I. Pirogov Medical Institute in Vinnytsia. Then he worked as a district physician. From 1977 to 1980 he studied in clinical residency at the Department of Therapy of Dental Faculty of Bogomolets Medical Institute in Kyiv. In 1980 he defended his PhD (Candidate of Science) thesis “Clinical and instrumental evaluation of cardiac hemodynamics in patients with chronic cor pulmonale during threatment of homfotin” Since 1980 he has worked as an Assistant Professor. Since 1994 he has worked as an Associate Professor of Department of Therapy of Dental Faculty. In 1996 he defended his doctoral thesis in “Cardiology”: “Hemomicrocirculation and kinin system in pathogenesis of early stages of heart failure”. The rank of Professor was awarded to him in 2004. In 2004-2017 he worked as a Professor of Department of Internal Medicine of Dental Faculty. During more than 22 years he was a responsible person for the scientific work of the department and the head of student scientific group of department. During more than 19 years Professor Dudka P.F. was a responsible person for training of doctors in the internship of speciality “Emergency Medicine” at the Department of Internal Medicine of Dental Faculty. From November 2009 to March 2011 he was the acting director of the Department of Internal Medicine of Dental Faculty. Since 2017 – he has been working as a Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine № 3.

He delivers lectures for students of IV-VІ years study.

He is an active participant of the scientific congresses and conferences. He was the one of organizers of the four national and two local scientific conferences. He is a member of Academic Council of faculty for training of doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine of Bogomolets NMU.

The main directions of scientific research of Professor Dudka P.F. are the energy supply system of the heart, microcirculation system in pulmonology and cardiology, myocardial electrical instability, hypoxic therapy, antihomotoxic therapy, metabolic cytoprotection in cardiology and pulmonology.

Professor Dudka P.F. is the author and co-author of more than 346 scientific publications, including 6 textbooks and manuals for students of institutes of higher medical education of IV accreditation level, 1 standard educational program for residents of speciality “Emergency Medicine”, 6 methodical guidelines, 22 patents, 27 innovations. Under Professor Dudka’s P.F. direction two PhD theses were successfully defended.

He is a doctor of highest category in speciality “Therapy”. He conducts his medical advisory work in Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 3. He is a curator of Cardiology Department for treatment of patients with myocardial infarction of Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 3.




Zahorodnyi Maksym Ivanovych


Doctor of Sciences (since 2016).

Associate professor (since 2016).


Graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University in 1999. Residency and full-time postgraduate schools for master and candidate of sciences (C.Sc.) degrees in specialty «Internal diseases», then worked as an assistant professor at the department of hospital therapy №2 (renamed − of internal medicine №3) as an associate professor at the department of internal medicine №3 as well.

C.Sc. in 2003: the thesis «Rationale of the effectiveness of combined therapy of gastropathy caused by diclofenac sodium in patients with osteoarthritis (experimental and clinical study» (scientific supervisor: prof. Svintsitsky А.S.). Academic rank of associate professor in 2016. D.Sc. since 2016: the thesis «Metabolic medications in the treatment of arterial hypertension (clinical-experimental study)» (scientific consultants: prof. Svintsitsky А.S.).

Awards: a scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists (2005), MD of the highest qualification category in specialty «therapy» (since 2014). Internship at the Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of the University of Vienna (2000).

Language proficiency: English, German Author of 210 scientific and methodological publications, including 3 monographs of 7 patents of Ukraine for invention and others like that. At the department is responsible for the scientific circle. Therapeutic and advisory work – State Institution “Territorial Medical Incorporation of Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kyiv”.




Bondarenko Yurii Mykolaiovych


PhD in Medical Sciences (since 1985 р.)

Associate Professor (since 1993)


In 1976 he graduated from the Medical Faculty of the Kyiv Medical Institute, then he was an intern of speciality “Internal Medicine”, after that he worked as a therapeutist in the Hospital for Scientists of Sciences Academy of Ukraine. From 1980 to 1982 he studied in clinical residency at the Department of Therapy of Dental Faculty. Since 1983 he has worked as an Assistant Professor of Department of Internal Medicine. In 1985 he defended his PhD thesis “Cardiac hemodynamics in patients with chronic cor pulmonale before and after antioxidant therapy.” Since 1993 he has been working as an Associate Professor at the Department of Internal Diseases of Dental Faculty of Bogomolets National Medical University. Since September 2017 he has been working as an Associate Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine № 3.

He delivers lectures for students of 2-4 year study.

He is responsible for the clinical consulting work of the department.

Research interests: diagnostics and treatment of chronic heart failure and chronic cor pulmonale.

He is the author and co-author of 110 scientific publications, including of five textbooks and manuals for medical students, 1 patent.

He is a doctor of highest category in speciality “Therapy”. He conducts his medical advisory work in Therapeutics Department of Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 3. He is the curator of Therapeutics Department.





Dobrianskyi Dmytro Victorovych


PhD in Medical Sciences (since 2011)

Assistant professor (since 2010)

Associate Professor (since 2017 р.)


Since the beginning of 2016 he is responsible for the teaching and methodological work of the department.

In 2003 he graduated from the Bogomolets National Medical University on a specialty ” Medical case “, in 2005 – an internship on a specialty “Medicine of urgent states” on the basis of Kyiv city ambulance station. In 2005-2007 he studied at the Clinical residency on the specialty “Medicine of Emergency Conditions”.

In 2010 he received the title of specialist doctor in the field of “Pulmonology”.

In 2011, he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic ” Effectiveness of treating patients with exacerbation of 1st – 2nd stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease taking into account the indices of hemorheology and immune status».

Since 2013 an expert, since 2018 a deputy chairman, and since 2020 co-chair of the Advisory and Expert Group “Pulmonology. Phthisiology. Medicines» State Expert Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Since 2015, Section 4 Expert in Pulmonology. Medicines used in obstructive airways diseases» Central Ministry Committee of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

He is the author and co-author of more than 300 printed scientific works devoted mainly to topical issues of pulmonology, 2 manuals, 12 patents for invention and 8 industry innovations.

Member of the editorial board of the professional scientific and practical journal Asthma and Allergy.

B2 language proficiency is confirmed.

He conducts clinical work in CNE “Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 3”.




Ilnytskyi Roman Ivanovych


PhD in Medical Sciences (since 1993)

Associate Professor (since 2006)


In 1980 he graduated with honors from 2nd Medical Faculty of Kyiv Medical Institute. After graduating in 1987 from clinical residency at the Department of Therapy of Dental Faculty he worked in various levels of the health care practice in Kyiv. From 1991 to 2001 he was the Head of the Pulmonary Department of the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 3. Since December 2001 he has worked as an Assistant Professor of Department of Internal Medicine of Dental Faculty of Bogomolets National Medical University. In 1993 he defended his PhD thesis “Hemorheological and cardiohemodynamic features in patients with chronic cor pulmonale during therapy by mildronat”. Since 2006 he has been working as an Associate Professor. In 2005-2015 he performed administrative duties of Vice-dean of occupational practice department.

Research interests: clinical lung pathology such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma, and problems of heart failure due to obstructive lung diseases. He is the author and co-author of 255 scientific and educational publications, 5 textbooks and 3 manuals for medical students, 5 monographs, 9 patents.

He is a doctor of highest category in specialty “Pulmonology”. He conducts clinical work in CNE “Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 3”.

Language proficiency: English. He teaches Internal Medicine for foreign English speaking students.




Mykytenko Ganna Mykhailivna


PhD in Medical Sciences (since 2011)

Associate professor (since 2024)


In 2004 she graduated with honors from the Bogomolets National Medical University. In 2005 she graduated from internship at the Department of Hospital therapy №1 and received Master’s degree in “General practice family medicine”.  From 2004 to 2012 she worked as a cardiologist in the Central Polyclinic of Desnyanskyi district of Kiev.

In 2010 she defended her PhD thesis “Differentiated approach to the appointment of non-biological basic drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis”.

In 2011-2017 she worked as an Assistant Professor of Department of Internal Medicine of Dental Faculty of Bogomolets NMU. Since September 2017 she has been working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine № 3 of Bogomolets NMU.

She is the author and co-author more than 100 published works, 5 patents of inventions, 1 guideline and 1 manual.

Experience in the cardiology – 18 years. In 2008 the title of specialist in “Rheumatology” was conferred. In 2020 the high qualifying category of doctor in “Cardiology” was received.

She conducts clinical work in CNE “Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 3”.

Language proficiency: English.




Smyrnova Olena Valeriivna


Candidate of Medical Sciences (since 1994), Associate Professor of the Faculty of Medicine.


In 1989, she graduated from the Kyiv Medical Institute named after O.O. Bohomolets


From 1989 to 1991, she studied at a clinical residency, from 1991 to 1994 at a postgraduate course at the Department of Cardiology of P.L. Shupyka.


In 1994, she finished her PhD thesis on the topic “Investigation of the electrophysiological and hemodynamic effects of bonnecor in patients with paroxysmal supragastric tachyarrhythmias.” Since 1994, she worked as an assistant at the Department of Cardiology of P.L. Shupyka, since 2001 – assistant of the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 2 (further – Internal Medicine No. 3). Since 2003, he has been an associate professor at the Department of Internal Medicine No. 3.


Since 2017, a member of the Central Committee of Therapeutic Disciplines.

Since 2017, a member of the Academic Council of the FPL of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Olena is an experienced teacher. Field of scientific interests: clinical cardiology.

She is the author and co-author of 65 printed scientific and educational and methodological works, one educational manual.

Has a higher category in the specialty “Therapy”.


Medical and advisory work in therapeutic department No. 2, pulmonology, gastroenterology departments of the State institution “Main Medical Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine”.




Antonenko Antonina Volodymyrivna


PhD in Medical Sciences (since 2016)

Assistant professor (since 2016).


Graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University in 2011 with honors. From September 2016 works as an assistant professor at the department of Internal Medicine №3.

The thesis of PhD “The peculiarities of appearance and prediction and the improvement of treatment of gastropathy, associated with the use of NSAIDs in patients with osteoarthritis” were defended pre-term in 2016. The results of thesis were presented and discussed on foreign and republican conferences (Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Germany, Portugal). She has 27 published works, among them – 7 published works in scientific professional journals, 5 articles – in foreign journals indexed in SCOPUS, 3 thesis – in materials of national scientific conferences, 9 thesis in materials of foreign conferences, 1 informational list.

In 2018 she completed a Clinical Observership at the Department of Hepatology in Inselspital (Bern, Switzerland), and in 2019 – a Clinical Observership at the Department of Gastroenterology at the Wilhelminenspital (Vienna, Austria).

Awards: International Scholarship Award – 2013 (20th United European Gastroenterology Week), laureate of President’s Award for young scientists 2016. From 2012 – member of EASL. MD of the 1st qualification category in specialty «Therapy» and 2nd qualification category in specialty “Gastroenterology”. She provides medical-and-consulting work in the therapeutic and surgical departments of Main Hospital №3 of the station Darnytsia.

Language proficiency: English (level C1 – certificate British Council), Italian, German (level C1 – Goethe-Zertifikat).




Afendikova Ganna Petrivna


PhD in Medical Sciences (since 1986)

Assistant professor (since 1984 р.)


In 1978 she graduated National Pirogov Memorial Medical University Vinnytsya. From 1978 to 1979 – residence at the Clinical Hospital №2 (Vinnytsya). From 1979 to 1984 she studied at postgraduate study at the Institute of Occupational Diseases. From 1984 till nowadays works as an assistant of the department of internal medicine №3.

In 1986 defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic: “The effect of carbon tetrachloride on the functional state of sympatho-adrenal and weight-insular systems of the body”. Medical experience – 38 years, has the highest category in the specialty “Therapy”. Scientific and pedagogical experience – 37 years. Has 51 scientific works. Medical-and-consulting work provides in the pulmonologic, gastroenterological and geriatric departments of the Central Hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Language proficiency: English.





Vozniuk Vitalii Vasylovych


PhD in Medical Sciences (since 1988)

Assistant professor (since 1990 р.)


In 1973 he graduated with honors from Kyiv Medical Institute. In 1988 he defended his PhD thesis “Peculiarities of instrumental diagnostics of chronic cor pulmonale in elderly age patients and senile patients.” In 1990-2017 he worked as an Assistant Professor of Deparment of Therapy (later – Department of Internal Medicine) of Dental Faculty of Bogomolets NMU. Since September 2017 he has been working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine № 3 of Bogomolets NMU.

He is a financially responsible person of the department.

Research interests: problems of diagnostics and treatment in cardiology and pulmonology, chronic cor pulmonale, instrumental diagnostics, metabolic therapy for patients with cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases.

He is the author and co-author of more than 65 scientific publications, including 5 books, 1 methodical guidelines, 2 innovations.

He is a doctor of the higher category in speciality “Cardiology”. He conducts his medical advisory work in Cardiology Department for treatment of patients with myocardial infarction of Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 3.




Volkova Ganna Vitaliivna


PhD in Medical Sciences (since 1991)

Assistant professor (since 1994)


In 1985 graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University. From 1985 to 1987 she studied in clinical residency at the Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of the National Academy of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine in specialty “Therapy”, from 1987 to 1991 she studied at the correspondence postgraduate study at the Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of the National Academy of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine in specialty “Cardiology”. The PhD-thesis “Pregnancy, childbirth, state of the cardiorespiratory and fetoplacental system of women with congenital heart defects” was defended in 1991. Since 1994 she has been working as an assistant at the Department of Hospital Therapy №2 (hereafter – Internal Medicine №3) of Bogomolets NMU.

She has the highest category in therapy, the first category in cardiology.

Has more than 35 published works.

Language proficiency: English.




Dubovenko Zoya Oleksiivna


PhD in Medical Sciences (since 1986)

Assistant professor (since1995)


Graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University in 1979. Residency has passed at the department of Hospital №22 (nowadays Hospital №18).

From 1980 to 1995 she worked as a physician-therapist at the department for pregnant women with extragenital pathology of the Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology. In 1986, she completed a postgraduate study program and defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Pregnancy, childbirth and state of contractile function of myocardium in women with mitral heart disease”. In 1995, on a competitive basis, she was elected to the position of assistant of the department of hospital therapy №2 (from 2008 – Department of Internal Medicine №3) of Bogomolets National Medical University, where she works till this day.

From 2002 to 2015, she held the position of deputy dean for working with foreign students. From 1995 to 2017, she provided medical and advisory work at the”Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”. Has a higher qualification category of “physician-therapist”. Has 28 published works. Medical-and-consulting work provides in the departments of the therapeutic and neurological departments of Main Hospital №3 of the station Darnytsia.




Koliadenko Daria Ihorivna


Assistant professor (since 2019)


In 2017 has graduated with honors from Bogomolets National Medical University with specialization “General Medicine”. In 2019 has finished internship with specialization “Internal Medicine”. Since 2019 – PhD student at the Department of Internal Medicine №3 of Bogomolets National Medical University. Topic of scientific research: “The value of inflammatory markers, interleukin-10 and specific autoantibodies for assessment of activity and prognosis of systemic lupus erythematosus”.

Сonducts clinical work at CNE “Kyiv City Clinical Hospital #3”

Co-author of 30 scientific publications, 2 monographs.

Language proficiency: English. 





Petelytska Liubov Bohdanivna


PhD in Medical Sciences (since 2016)

Assistant professor (since 2016).


In 2010 she graduated with honors from Bogomolets National Medical University. In 2012 she graduated internship at the Department of Internal Medicine № 2. In 2014 she graduated from the clinical residency at the Department of Internal Medicine of Dental Faculty. From 2017 works as an assistant professor at the department of Internal Medicine №3.

PhD thesis “Improving the diagnosis and prognosis of polyarteritis nodosa and antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis by studying the characteristics of clinical manifestations, immunobiochemical markers of inflammation and vascular wall’s lesions” were defended in 2021.

She was a member of the Council of the Association of Young Scientists of the Bogomolets National Medical University from 2012 till 2017.  Based on grands, she attended the 16th International ANCA & Vasculitis Workshop (Paris, 2013) and the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Course (Pisa, 2013). She completed an online EULAR training course in rheumatology in 2018. Since 2014 she is a member of European Vasculitis Study Group (EUVAS).

She is the author and co-author of more than 94 scientific publications, including 1 practice manuals for physicians, 1 practice manuals for students, and 3 patents, 14 thesis in the materials of foreign scientific conferences. Since 2012 the results of thesis were presented and discussed on foreign conferences (France, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark and USA).

Reviewer of foreign journals with an impact factor “Rheumatology”, “Rheumatology International” and “Clinical rheumatology”. Member of the editorial board of the Ukrainian Scientific and Medical Youth Journal (UNMMJ).

The main directions of scientific and practical work: diagnosis and treatment of patients with systemic connective tissue diseases and the use of immunobiological therapy for the treatment of rheumatological diseases.

She conducts clinical work in CNE “Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 3”.

Language proficiency: English (level B2) and German (level A2). 

Since April 2022 – according to the program of international academic mobility, postdoctoral researcher in the department of rheumatology at University Hospital Zurich (Switzerland) based on the grant of the Scholars At Risk (SAR).





Sisetskyi Andrii Petrovych


PhD in Medical Sciences (since 1995)

Assistant professor (since 2018 р.)


Graduated from Vinnitsa National Medical University with honors in 1984. He is author and co-author of more than 100 scientific papers. He was awarded a grant from the Soros Foundation and the University of Cambridge for his active scientific work. In 1995 he defended his PhD thesis on “Functional activity of erythrocytes in the treatment of heart failure with mildronate in patients with coronary heart disease”. He is currently working on a dissertation for a doctorate in medical sciences, majoring in cardiology, psychology: “Predictors of destabilization in angina pectoris III functional class, hypertension II stage, somatoform disorders and its correction.”

He developed the direction of cardiac rehabilitation – cardiopsychology (1995), anti-stress program (2001), methods of figurative-associative correction (2013) and landscape-figurative kinesiotherapy (2014). Conducts lectures and seminars on cardiac rehabilitation in coronary heart disease, hypertension, somatoform disorders, including doctors, ATO participants, their families and volunteers.

Investigates the functional state of endothelium, erythrocytes and psychological status in patients with coronary heart disease, hypertension and somatoform disorders. Develops new information technologies in cardiology, including holographic modeling.

Medical-consulting work is carried out in the therapeutic department of the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital №4.

Fluent in and teaches English.






Sokolova Larysa Ivanivna


PhD in Medical Sciences (since 2013)

Assistant professor (since 2006)


In 1989 she graduated from the Medical Faculty of the Kyiv Medical Institute. She worked as a general practitioner. In 2002 she graduated from clinical residency and in 2006 she graduated from postgraduate course at the Department of Internal Medicine of Dental Faculty. In 2006-2017 she worked as an Assistant Professor of Department of Internal Medicine of Dental Faculty of Bogomolets NMU. Since September 2017 she has been working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine № 3 of Bogomolets NMU.

In 2013 she defended her PhD thesis “The influence of interval hypoxic therapy and fenspirid therapy on the fatty acid metabolism and ultrastructural organization of cells in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease I and II stages”.

Research interests: clinical pulmonology, heart and respiratory failure, influence of interval hypoxic therapy on the composition of biological membranes and ultrastructural organization of cells.

She is the author and co-author of 46 scientific publications, one patent and one guideline.

She is a doctor of the higher category in speciality “Therapy”. She conducts clinical work in CNE “Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 3”




Tarchenko Inna Petrivna


PhD in Medical Sciences (since 1975)

Assistant professor (since 1973)


In 1966 she graduated from Kyiv Medical Institute. She worked as a district physician of outpatients’ clinic № 4. Later she worked as a resident doctor of Regional Hospital in Chernihiv. In 1975 she defended her PhD thesis “Clinical course and pathogenetic mechanisms of the pulmonary hypertension.”

In 1973-2017 she worked as an Assistant Professor of Department of Internal Medicine of Dental Faculty of Bogomolets NMU. Since September 2017 she has been working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine № 3 of Bogomolets NMU.

She is responsible for publishing and methodical work of the department. She is a member of Academic Council of faculty for training of doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine of Bogomolets NMU (since 2017).

Research interests: problems of diagnostics and treatment chronic heart failure and chronic cor pulmonale.

She is the author and co-author of more than 160 scientific publications about actual problems in cardiolody and pulmonology, culturology, history of medicine. She is the co-author of textbook “Propedeutics of Internal Medicine” (edition 2007, re-edition 2011, 2013), 4 manuals, 1 monograph.

She is a doctor of the highest category in speciality “Therapy”. She conducts clinical work in CNE “Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 3”.





Kuzmenko Nina Mykhaylivna


Kuzmenko Nina Mykhaylivna

PhD student (since 2017)


In 2013 she graduated with honors from Bogomolets National Medical University with a specialization “General Medicine”. In 2015 she finished the internship in the specialization “Emergency Medicine”. In 2015 – 2016 she was in clinical residency at the Department of Internal Medicine of Dental Faculty. In 2017 she graduated from the clinical residency at the Department of Internal Medicine of Dental Faculty. In 2015-2016 she worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Internal Medicine of Dental Faculty,  Bogomolets National Medical University, in 2018 – 2020 – assistant professor at the Department of Internal Medicine  №3. Since 2017 – PhD student at the Department of Internal Medicine №3 Bogomolets National Medical University. In 2017 – 2020 she worked part-time as a physician at Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 3. The topic of scientific research: «Evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of drugs for nebulizer therapy in patients with COPD».

She is the author of more than 30 scientific publications.

She provides clinical work in the Pulmonology Department of Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 3.




Dorokhova Alina


Completed her higher education at the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Bohomolets National Medical University in 2021.

Sr Assistant at the 3rd Internal Medicine Dept






Kozhevnikova Kateryna


Completed her higher education at the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Bohomolets National Medical University in 2021.

Sr Assistant at the 3rd Internal Medicine Dept