The Department of propaedeutics of internal medicine №2

Staff at department




The Head of the department of propaedeutics of internal medicine № 2, Doctor of Medicine, Professor.

  • in 1991 he graduated from the medical school № 4 in Kyiv specializing in nursing.
  • in 1997 he graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University with the specialization in general medicine.
  • in 1998 is a district therapeutist in Kyiv.
  • in 1999 is the head of the medical and sanitary part of the plant “Volcano”
  • in 2000 is an anaesthesiologist-resuscitator of the emergency medical aid hospital in Kyiv.
  • 2000 – 2003 – he studied in postgraduate course in the Institute of Gerontology of the Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine, the Department of Clinical and Epidemiological Cardiology.
  • in 2003 he defended the Ph.D. thesis in cardiology.
  • in 2007 he is awarded the academic title “senior scientific specialist” in cardiology.
  • in 2010 he defended the M.D. thesis in cardiology on topic “Electrical inhomogeneity of hypertensive heart: mechanisms of formation, diagnostic and ways of correction”
  • in 2019 is awarded the academic title of professor.

The main stages and directions of scientific and practical work:

  • 2003 – 2004 – he worked as scientific specialist in the Department of Clinical and Epidemiological Cardiology, Institute of Gerontology, Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.
  • 2004 – 2009 – senior scientific specialist in the Department of Clinical and Epidemiological Cardiology, Institute of Gerontology, Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.
  • 2009 – 2010 – Leading Scientific Specialist in the Department of Clinical and Epidemiological Cardiology, Institute of Gerontology, Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.
  • 2010 – 2011 – performed duties of Head of the Department of Cardiology, Department of Radiation Therapy, Institute of Clinical Radiology, State Institute “Scientific Center for Radiation Medicine of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”.
  • 2011 – Senior Researcher of the Department of Clinical and Epidemiological Cardiology of the State Institution “Institute of Gerontology, Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”.
  • 2011 – 2015 – professor of the Department of the internal medicine № 2 Bohomolets National Medical University.
  • 02.02.2015 – till now – Head of the department of propedeutics of internal medicine № 2 Bohomolets National Medical University.
  • Number of prepared: masters – 2, clinical interns – 11, supervises the preparation of one doctoral student and 3 graduate students
  • Scientific interests: interdisciplinary problems in the clinic of internal medicine.
  • The highest qualification category in therapy, cardiology.

Implementation in clinical practice: 10 imformation leaflets and 12 innovations are published.

  • 271 publications, including 256 scientific and 15 educational and methodical publications, including 3 training manuals (2 of which in English ), 13 declarative patents, 7 publications in periodicals, which are included in the scientific databases of Scopus or Web of Science.


  • The member Academic Council of the medical faculty №4, Academic Council of Bogomolets National Medical University, a member of the approbation and specialized scientific Council D 26.003.08 at NMU named after O. O. Bogomolets in the field of “Cardiology” and specialized scientific Council D 26.003.07 in the field of “Rheumatology”. Member of the editorial board of the journal “Actual problems of nephrology”. Expert of the clinic-expert commission of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in cardiology.
  • Member of National Associations of Cardiologists, Rheumatologists and Neurocardiologists.
  • Achievement success was awarded with the “Certificate of Honor” from the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.




Doctor of Medicine, professor.

Graduated in 1985 from the medical faculty of the Kiev medical Institute (KMI), specialty medical care. In 1985-1987 clinical intern at the Department of internal diseases № 3, in 1987-1990 – time postgraduate student of the same Department, then the Department of therapy sanitary-hygienic faculty of KMI. Completed ahead of schedule he defended his thesis “Clinical significance of the study of fibrinogen, fibrin and fibrinolysis in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis” in 1990, after which he was appointed to the position of assistant of the Department of therapy of medical-prophylactic faculty of KMI. In 1994 he was elected to the post of Professor in Department of propedeutics of internal diseases no 2 in 1996 was awarded the academic title of Professor in Department of propedeutics of internal diseases. Completed in 2003 he defended his doctoral thesis: “Lateral therapy of internal diseases (clinical and pathogenetic substantiation)”. In 2005 he was elected to the post of  Professor of the Department of propedeutics of internal diseases № 2 of NMU named after O. O. Bogomolets, in 2007 he was awarded the title of Professor in Department of propedeutics of internal diseases. In 2003-2008 he worked as Deputy head of educational and methodical Department of NMU named after O. O. Bogomolets. For 20 years, performs duties responsible for the scientific work at the Department of propedeutics of internal medicine no 2.

He is the author of more then 190 publications, including 8 textbooks, 4 monographs, 3 guidelines, 12 inventions/patents. Has the highest qualification category in the specialty of internal medicine, specialization in the field of cardiology “and “rheumatology”. Is a member of the specialized scientific Council for defending candidate and doctoral dissertations at NMU named after O. O. Bogomolets, in the field of “Internal diseases. Cardiology. Rheumatology and a member of the approbation of the Council, Academic Council of the medical faculty №4. Editorial Board member of 2 professional journals. Conducts medical a dvisory work in Kyiv city clinical hospital No. 3 and hospital for scientists of the NAS of Ukraine.





Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Vice-President of the Department of Natural Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, receives the Scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Graduated from high school with a gold medal. Specialized in medical treatment at the medical faculty of the Kyiv Medical Institute, with a Diploma (1987). Studied at the clinical residency of the Kyiv Medical Institute (1987-1989) and completed a course in therapy with a course of acupuncture, interned at the Water Transport Workers Hospital base (now Kyiv State Institute Republican Clinical Hospital of Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine). After full-time postgraduate study (1989-1990), completed and defended ahead of schedule her PhD, Microwave resonance therapy of reflux-esophagitis (1990), and her doctoral dissertation, Clinical evaluation of physical methods for diagnosis and treatment of gastroduodenal zone lesions in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis (2000). She defended a Ph.D. thesis (1990) and a doctoral dissertation (2000). Developed from a clinical intern, a post-graduate student, an assistant, and a senior lecturer, into a professor, acting head of the department of propaedeutics of internal medicine № 2 of the O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University (2014-2015). Main directions of scientific activity are therapy, gastroenterology, and nephrology. Three PhDs and one magisterial dissertation have been defended under her guidance. For a series of scientific works, two Prof. VO Moyseyenko students – Olena Karpenko (Biyakova) and Olga Parafenko – received the Academic Prize of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine for young scientists in the field of medicine for 2005. Research interests include immunonutrition, nutrition science, and history of medicine. Has two Higher qualification categories – therapy and nephrology, and specialization in gastroenterology. Has a Certificate of Good Clinical Practice issued by the German Medical Association. Has experience in conducting multicenter research, which she led as a researcher and chief researcher. Introduced to clinical practice: a treatment method for ulcer disease combined with pyelonephritis, a rehabilitation method for patients with chronic glomerulonephritis combined with chronic gastroduodenitis, a prevention method for urate-oxalate crystalluria and others. Published 596 scientific works (113 of them as the sole author, 40 in English-language international publications, including 27 books (4 textbooks, 12 manuals, 4 monographs, 6 dictionaries), 7 methodological recommendations, 21 patent for her inventions and useful models, numerous innovations.

Co-authors educational and test programs on internal medicine, manuals “Emergency Conditions”, “Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases”, “First Pre-Treatment Assistance”, “Diagnosis and Treatment of Kidney Diseases”, “Internal Medicine” (Ukrainian, Russian), “Gastroenterology”, monograph “Routine Therapy. Ordinatio Antihomotoxica et Materia Medica (Georgia)”. Member of two Specialized Scientists’ Councils (from internal diseases and nephrology at the State University “Institute of Nephrology, the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”). The responsible secretary of the specialty “Actual problems of nephrology”, a member of the editorial board of the magazines “Practicing doctor”, the Ukrainian version of the German magazine “International Journal for Biomedical Research & Therapy” and a number of other magazines. Elected as an active member of the ERA-EDTA European Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Association and ISN International Nephrology Society, is a member of the National Federation of Scientific Analysts of the Republic of Ukraine at the World Federation of Scientific Analysts in the field of Medical Sciences, an international expert in the National Championship for Scientific Analysis (London, UK). Trained in Germany, the Netherlands, France, Great Britain, Poland, Georgia, Moldova, Bulgaria, and Italy.

Moyseyenko V.O. is a member of the presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukrainian Association of Nephrologists, National Medical Council, member of the Audit Commission of the Ukrainian Therapeutic Society. Member of the CMC for therapeutic disciplines. In the framework of fundamental and clinical disciplines integration in the NMU teaching, she chaired the commission “Content analysis of the Latin language department curriculum program”. She is a co-author of the Unified clinical protocols of secondary (specialized) and tertiary (highly specialized) medical care “Treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease in stage V: diagnosis and correction of malnutrition”.

In recent years, directs social activity at charity. Has published a series of popular science articles – “Echoes of Mercy and Succession of the Holy Protection Monastery”, “The building of the National Scientific Medical Library of Ukraine – a unique architectural structure of the Tereshchenko family of patrons”. Attracts public attention to the problems of palliative medicine through “Rehabilitation and Palliative Medicine. International Journal of Rehabilitation and Palliative Medicine”. Participated in the round table “The Concept of Academic Integrity: Actual Problems and Solutions” with the support of the American Councils for International Education ACTR and ACCELS. Authored the book “Beneficence and charity in Ukraine”, 2020.

Received awards:

  • Order of the “Medical Olympus of Ukraine”
  • Medal “Honoring Community Service and Professional Achievement” (USA, 2005)
  • Medal “For a significant contribution to the development of education and science”
  • Medal “For success in scientific and pedagogical activities”
  • Medal of the Holy Filaret- Patriarch of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine “For sacrifice and love to Ukraine”
  • O. Bogomolets medal
  • Diploma of the Mayor of Kyiv
  • Certificate of Honor of the International Academy of Education and Science of the International Academy of Education and Science “For High Professionalism and Significant Contribution to the Development of Education and Science”
  • Diploma of the ANU of Ukraine “For a significant personal contribution to the development of education and multi-year fruitful scientific activity”

Diplomas in the nominations “Best study guide”, “Best invention of the year”, “For a series of scientific works – Actual problems of nephrology”, “For a significant contribution to the development of domestic medicine” within the framework of the All-Ukrainian View start project.

She is a prize-winner in scientific analytics in the framework of the Global International Scientific and Analytical Project GISAP (2013, 2015), awarded the Silver Medal for Scientific Work from the International Academy of Sciences and Higher Education (London, UK) – International Academy of Science and High Education World Research Analytics Federation for the best analytical work (Silver decoration, 2014).

Performs a lot of teaching and methodological work. Conducts practical classes and lectures in English and Ukrainian. For 20 years, directed the work of the student’s scientific circle of the department of propaedeutics of internal medicine №2.

Works are quoted in international databases.






M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine №2 at Bogomolets National Medical University.

Graduated from Medical Faculty of Kiev Medical Institute. Worked as junior research scientist at Strazhesko Ukrainian Cardiology Institute up to 1978. Passed Ph.D defense, subject of dissertation: “Some aspects of external respiration, pulmonary gas exchange and energetics under physical exercise in patients with initial clinical signs of IHD in latent period”. The work was done under guidance of Professor G.V. Yanovsky (grandson of famous therapeutist F.G Yanovsky). Since 1978 worked as Assistant, since 1990 – as Associate Professor at Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine №2, Bogomolets National Medical University.

An author of 9 education manuals, more than 160 scientific publications in cardiology, gastroenterology, rheumatology, clinical pharmacology, and teaching.

Highly qualified teacher and doctor, has the Highest and 1 st categories in Therapy. Was a member of Approbatory Council for Internal Diseases at National Medical University, Trade union leader, member of Central Methodical Committee on sanitary and therapeutic disciplines. Has been responsible for teaching work of the Department for more than 20 years. Guides the scientific work of students.





M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine №2

In 1987 graduated with honors from the Medical Faculty of the Kiev O.Bogomolets Medical Institute, in 1989 – finished the clinical residency. Since 1989 worked as assistant of Therapy Department of Sanitary and Hygienic Faculty, since 1994 – an assistant of the reorganized Department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases №2. In 2000 defended her PhD thesis ‘Adaptive changes of the heart in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension’ . Since 2004 – Associate Professor at Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine №2, awarded the academic rank of Associate Professor in 2006.

Khomaziuk V.A. is responsible for training and methodological support of English teaching at the department, a lecturer in English. In 2002 and 2005 she attended the training courses for teachers at the University of Virginia (USA), in 2012 – at the Medical Center of Utrecht University (Netherlands). In 2012-2014 – a team member of EU funded Tempus project “Modernizing undergraduate medical education in EU Eastern Neighbouring Area” (MUMEENA).

Author of 199 scientific works, including 8 manuals, 14 Guidelines and an inventor’s certificate. Research interests: cardiology, nephrology, functional diagnostics. A physician of the highest category, she has mastered several methods of instrumental diagnostics, including echocardiography. Member of the All-Ukrainian Association of Cardiologists of Ukraine; member of the Kiev Cardiology Society.





M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine №2 at Bogomolets National Medical University.

Graduated from Medical Faculty of Kiev Medical Institute. Passed Ph.D defense, subject of dissertation: “Content of trace elements in the blood of patient with liver diseases ”. Since 1992 worked as Assistant, since 2007 – as Associate Professor at Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine №2, Bogomolets National Medical University.

An author of 3 education manuals, more than 90 scientific publications in cardiology, gastroenterology, rheumatology, clinical pharmacology, and teaching.

Highly qualified teacher and doctor, has the Highest and 1 st categories in Therapy. Guides the scientific work of students.








M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine №2

In 2007 graduated with honors from the Medical Faculty №1 of Bogomolets National Medical University. In the same year he entered the magistracy of the specialty “General practice-family medicine” on the Department of Propedeutics of Internal diseases №2. Master of Medicine. From 2009 to 2012 he studied in graduate school full-time at the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine №2. Since 2012 he has been working as an assistant. In 2013 he passed Ph.D defense, subject of dissertation “Clinical, pathogenesis and treatment peculiarities of arterial hypertension, combined with osteoarthritis.” Author of over 150 scientific publications, including  11 patents for an invention and utility model, newsletters. Has a second medical category on a specialty “General practice-family medicine” and in “Therapy”. Manages the scientific work of students. Performs the classes with English speaking students in II and III course, level of English – B2. Since April 2015 responsible for teaching and methodological work at the department. The member Academic Council of the medical faculty №4





PhD, MD, Associate Professor of the Internal Medicine Propedeutics Department of the National O.O. Bogomolets Medical University, responsible for the educational work of the department. She is a graduate of Odessa Medical Institute. From 1989 to 1991 she studied in clinical residency specializing in “Therapy” at the Kiev Medical Institute. In 1994 she defended her PhD thesis “Evaluation of the effectiveness of information-wave therapy and enterosorption in patients with renoparenchymal arterial hypertension according to clinical, rheological and radionuclide studies”. From 1997 to 2014 she worked as an Assistant Professor, since 2015 – as an Associate Professor of the Internal Medicine Propedeutics Department №2 of the NMU. She is an author of 97 published scientific papers on rheumatology, cardiology, nephrology, pedagogy, incl. monograph, has a copyright and 2 patents for invention. She is a medical doctor specializing in therapy and rheumatology. Deputy Dean of the Medical Faculty №1.





M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine №2

In 1999, she graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University. Since 2001 and up to the present time, she has been working as a physician – gastroenterologist at a day care Advisory Diagnostic Center of Podilskyi district, Kyiv. Ukraine. Since 2004 till 2008, she had been a graduate student of Internal Medicine at the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases №2. In 2010, under the guidance of prof. T. Nykula she defended her thesis “The Role of neuropsychiatric correction factors in the treatment of peptic duodenal ulcer.” In 2013 an assistant and in 2018 Associate Professor at the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine №2. At present, she is working on her doctoral dissertation.

She is the author and co-author of 110 scientific publications, 7 scientific publications were placed in the foreign journals. She has received two patents for a method of treating peptic ulcer. Doctor of higher category, a member of Ukrainian, European and American Associations for the Study of Liver Diseases, a member of Ukrainian Society of Gastroenterology. In 2014, she was awarded the Silver Medal of International Academy of Science and Higher Education of Britain for her analytical research (London, UK). In 2013, she was honored by the letters of gratitude for providing high qualitative standards of medical care to the population of Ukraine, personal dedication and active civil position of Podilskyi district of Kyiv City State Administration.

President of the Ukrainian Liver Foundation (ulf), Chief Executive Officer of the Global longevity institute, Member of the American (aasld) and European (easl) Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, Member of the Committee on Education in the Specialty Study on Liver Fibrosis








M.D., Ph.D., Assistant, Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine №2

In 1990 graduated from Kyiv medical institute (diploma with honors), included in Golden Book of graduates. At once after graduation from the institute he entered clinical residency at department of therapy in sanitary hygienic faculty, from which he graduated in 1992. In 1992-1995 he studied in residency at department of propedeutics of internal diseases No 2. Since 1995 – assistant in that department. Author of two study guides. Under supervision of professor T.D. Nykula in 2010 he defended the candidate’s dissertation on topic “Uremic cardiomyopathy and ischemic heart disease in patients with chronic kidney disease: peculiarities for pathogenesis, diagnostics and prediction (Clinical experimental research)”. He published 30 scientific works on actual issues of clinical and experimental nephrology and cardiology. In 1999-2001 he studied at master’s course due to program “Business management” in International institute of management (c. Kyiv) and passed through training in Belgium and Switzerland. He defended the master’s thesis due to specialty “Business management”. Responsible for external design and publishing activity at department.






Graduated with honors from OO National Medical University. Bogomolets in 1996. He defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences in 2017 in the specialty 14.02.01 – hygiene and professional pathology on the topic: “Production-conditioned vegetotrophic cardiac dysfunction in assemblers-rivets and locksmiths-assemblers of aviation enterprises, diagnostics. Professor of the department, performs the duties of the dean of medical faculty № 2 of the NMU named after O.O. Praying Mantis since 2019. Scientific and pedagogical experience of 19 years. He is the author and co-author of 73 scientific papers, 4 patents of Ukraine, a textbook, guidelines and training programs. The Hirsch Index is 3.0. Founder and co-chair of NGO “All-Ukrainian Association of Occupational Dentists and Occupational Health Physicians”. Has a higher qualification medical category in the specialty “professional pathology”. The sphere of practical and scientific interests covers the areas of occupational health of the working population, psychoneurology and internal medicine. Manages the clinical base of the department, which is located on the basis of the City Center of Occupational Pathology at the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 5. Responsible for medical work on a clinical basis.





MD, PhD, assistant of Department of Propaedeutic of Internal Diseases #2, graduated from National Medical University named after O. Bohomolets in 2009.

Internship: National Medical University named after O. Bohomolets, 2010. Specialization: “Occupational pathology”, National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P. Shupik, 2013.

Defense of the dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of Philosophy Doctor in State Institution «Institute of Hygiene and Medical Ecology named after O. Marseev, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», 2014. Thesis topic “Pathological changes of the hepatobiliary system of locomotive crews workers: ways of prevention and correction” Traineeship: “Occupational Pathology”, National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P. Shupik, 2018

Established and implemented in the working process of adult polyclinics of the State Institutions of the “Road Clinical Hospital # 1 Station “Kyiv” and “Road Clinical Hospital # 2 of the Station “Kyiv” of the State Territorial Branch of the South-Western Railway”, which includes criteria for referral to a dispensary group and practical recommendations for improving medical examinations locomotive crew’s workers. The criteria for early diagnosis of pathological changes in the hepatobiliary system in locomotive crew’s workers are established.

Author and co-author of 35 scientific works, incl. 2 Utility Model Patents and 4 Guidelines. Membership in Public organization “Ukrainian association of Occupational Diseases Doctors and Occupational Medicine Doctors”






Assistant of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine №2 O.O.Bogomolets.

Graduated from  National Medical University O.O.Bogomolets In 1999. From 1999 to 2000 – studied in internship in the specialty “Therapy” at the  National Medical University O.O.Bogomolets.

Works on writing a dissertation on obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the theme “Role of production factors in the emergence of pathological processes of internal organs in subway train drivers: means of prevention and correction”, approved at the meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Medicine №4 NMU O.O. Bogomolets from 12 September 2012 of the year. Irina Dumka has 16 scientific papers, 7 of them – articles in professional scientific journals and collections, 5 – in conference materials and abstracts. 3 guidelines and 1 manual have been developed and approved. Has a higher qualification category in the specialty “Therapy”, higher – in the specialty “Occupational pathology”, higher – in the specialty “Organization and management of health care”.