Zoological collection at biology department

There is an interesting collection of exhibits for representative of animal world. It is open to visits for all zoo1comers (students, lyceum pupils, school pupils).

Many generations of teachers-biologists have established this collection.

The exhibits of zoological collection are located in the systematic order: from protozoa (models) to primates. There are moist specimens of invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, stuffed birds, mammals, skeletons of mammals.

The collection includes the exhibits of representatives not only of national but world fauna, in particular, those ones, who are of medical importance: beef tapeworm, human ascarid, threadworm, scorpion, black widow, bird spider, amphibians, adders, mammals.

zoo3The collection is used to provide the academic process at department of biology, so, the students from all faculties, lyceum pupils of Ukrainian medical lyceum at O.O. Bogomolets National medical university, students at preliminary courses for national and foreign citizens at the corresponding academic courses study the representatives of animal world.



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