Department of Hygiene and Ecology №3
Information for students
1. Questions for course exam in communal hygiene and human ecology. 4th course. Rar-13 kb
2. List of topics for essays for students in the 4th course in medical faculties. Rar – 6 kb/a>
3. Materials to topics “Prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases of water origin” and “Methodology on evaluation of indices for quality of drinking water using GOST for drinking water” – Rar – 66kb.
4. Hygienic requirements to inner planning the operational units and surgical divisions – Rar – 20kb
5. Microbiological aspects for hospital-acquired infections – Rar – 19 kb
6. Measures on prevention of hospital-acquired infections – Rar – 15kb
7. History for development of hygiene – Rar – 9 kb
8. 2 Year Medicine of emergency situations