Department of Dermatology and Venereology with the course of Cosmetology

Department Staff

Viktor Ivanovych Stepanenko

Head of the Department (2009), Professor of the Department (1995), doctor of medical sciences (1990), Honored Doctor of Ukraine (2003)

Viktor Ivanovych Stepanenko was born on 10 October 1954 in v. Ksaverivka, Vasylkiv District in Kyiv Region in the family of workers. In 1973 After graduating from Medical School in Bila Tserkva he worked as the Head of medical and obstetric unit in Vasylkiv District. Later he entered into the Kyiv Medical Institute named after O.O. Bogomolets. Since 1995 he became a Professor. During 1993-2003 he simultaneously worked as the Head of the Post-Graduate and Clinical Residency of NMU n.a. O.O. Bogomolets.

V. I. Stepanenko is the author and co-author of more than 300 scientific works, including one textbook, two manuals on Dermatology for students and internship doctors, two monographs. He prepared one doctor and 12 Candidates of Medical Sciences, during 2000-2006. He was an expert of HAC of Ukraine. He is the Deputy Head of the Specialized Board on the issues of defense of Doctor’s and Candidate’s theses of the NMU and Member of editorial boards of the several professional journals and collected books. During 1997-2008 he was the Chief Expert on Skin Diseases of the Chief Department of Health in Kiev of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, since 2004 he worked as the Chief Freelance Specialist on Skin Diseases of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. During his occupying the above offices he paid the special attention to the increase of the level of medical assistance to the people along with continuous enhancement of professional level of the STD and skin specialists. Since 2008 V. I. Stepanenko has been a member of the Academic Medical Board of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the expert of Pharmacological Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and Expert on Dermatovenerology of the Department of Health at the Affairs Department of the President of Ukraine. V. I. Stepanenko was elected as the Vice-president of the Ukrainian Association of the STD and skin specialists, as well as a the Member of the European Academy of Dermatologists and Venereologists. Since 2009 he has been as the Head of the Department

Work performed by V.I. Stepanenko in Medicinal, Scientific, Educational and Social fields has been highly awarded in the state level: in 2003 he was awarded with the title of Honorary Doctor of Ukraine. Ukrainian Orthodox Church has distinguished the charitable activity performed by Viktor Ivanovich and awarded him with the Order of St. Vladimir of III degree and the Order of St. Agapito of Pechersk of II degree.


Sergii G. Svyryd

Professor of the Department (2001), Doctor of Medical Sciences (1990)





Olexander Ye. Fedorenko

Professor of the Department (2019), Doctor of Medical Sciences (2003)





Associate Professor of the Department (2019), Candidate of Medical Sciences (1987)




Katerina V. Kolyadenko

Associate Professor of the Department (2013), Candidate of Medical Sciences (2004)




Oksana D. Puryshkina

Associate Professor of the Department (2019), Candidate of Medical Sciences (2001)





Bardov Pavlo Vasyliovych

Associate Professor of the Department (2010), Candidate of Medical Sciences (2003)



Olena P. Shevchenko

Associate Professor of the Department (2010), Candidate of Medical Sciences (2005)




Tetiana O. Litinska

Professor of the Department (2019), Doctor of Medical Sciences (2016)




Tetiana I. Trunina

Associate Professor of the Department (2013), Candidate of Medical Sciences (1999)





Tetiana S. Konovalova

Associate Professor of the Department (2013), Candidate of Medical Sciences (2007)




Sergii V. Ivanov  

Associate Professor of the Department (2014), Candidate of Medical Sciences (1995)



Pavlo V. Chernyshov

Associate Professor of the Department (2019), Candidate of Medical Sciences (2004)




Roman L. Stepanenko

Professor of the Department (2019), Doctor of Medical Sciences (2017)




Anna V. Klymenko

Assistant Professor (2011), Candidate of Medical Sciences (2009)





Liudmyla O. Naumova

Assistant Professor (2016), Candidate of Medical Sciences (2016)




Olena A. Kachalova

Master of Medicine, Senior Laboratory Assistant






Tkachyshyna Kseniia Sergiivna

Dermatovenereology resident, Senior Laboratory Assistant