Department of Dermatology and Venereology with the course of Cosmetology


2023-2024 s.y.



2020-2021 s.y.

Lectures. Dental

Lectures. Medical

Practical. Dental

Practical. Medical







The schedule of lectures on dermatology IV year students of medical faculties

Schedule of the final module control (PMC) in dermatology for medical students IV year (№1, 2, 3, 4 and RIS) and stomat. facylty

Schedule of workshops for students IV course medical faculties

Schedule of workshops for students of dental faculties IV course

List of required practical skills for students of dermatology medical and dental faculties

The schedule of trainings practical trainings and ongoing consultations on dermatology

A list of questions to the final modular control for students of stomatological faculty

A list of questions to the final modular control for students of medical faculties

Assessment criteria knowledge and skills of students during final module control

The list of questions for the final module control according to the topic “skin diseases”

The list of questions for the final module control according to the section “sexually transmitted diseases”

The plan practical training in dermatology and venereology for IV year students of medical psychology faculty

Themed and schedule of lectures for students of dermatology fourth year dental faculty

Plan of practical training in Dermatology and Venereology IV year students of the Faculty of Dentistry

Thematic plan of practical training in Dermatology and Venereology for third-year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy

Thematic plan of lectures on dermatology and venereology for fourth year students of medical faculties

Plan of practical training in Dermatology and Venereology fourth year students of medical faculties

Schedule of the final module control of students knowledge

The criterion of evaluation of knowledge and skills of students in the ongoing assessment of students  knowledge

The subject of an Independent work for students of IV course of medical and dental faculty

Dermatology Venereology Medical Faculty Plans Lections Topics and Timetable

Dermatology Venereology Medical Faculty Plans Lections Practical_&_Timetable

Dermatology Venereology Medical Faculty Final Control Timetable

Dermatology Venereology All Faculties Shedule Consultations

Dermatology Venereology All Faculties Make-Up Work Timetable

Dermatology Venereology Medical Faculty List of Questions Final Control Module

Dermatology Venerology Medical Faculty Practical Skills Questions

Dermatology Venereology Medical Faculty Notes to Practical Training Course