Department of Dermatology and Venereology with the course of Cosmetology
History of the Department
The Establishment of the Dermatology Department
On 4 October 1863, at the meeting of the Council of St. Volodymyr University the decree of medical faculty was considered with the following text: “The Medical Faculty in the session of September, 25-th under the commission given by Professor Mering gave the assignment to Adjunct. L.K. Goretskyi to teach the course on skin diseases. In the course of informing of the above to the Supervisory Board, the Faculty is making the request for establishing on general grounds the Clinical Department of Skin Diseases in the Kiev Military Hospital and conferring the office of Resident Physician to L.K. Goretskyi with his exemption from attendances and from any other activities incompatible with the duties of the Professor”. The Board had approved this decision.
Among the disciples of the Head of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the Medical Faculty of the University n.a. Saint Vladimir, S. P. Tomashevskyi the name of Mykhailo Afanasyevych Bulgakov, the prominent writer, occupied a special place. His short stories, novels and plays are known all over the world. The period of M. Bulgakov’s study at the Medical Faculty of the University of Saint Vladimir played the considerable role in his forming as a writer wherein he studied during 1909 – 1916 Mikhail Bulgakov, in his student’s years he was interested in laboratory research studies, surgery and dermatology. After receiving the title of “doctor cum laude” he worked in mobile hospitals of the Western front. Then he worked as a provincial doctor and showed himself as energetic employee. During the year he made examination and treated over 16000 patients. Then, at the times of his being as a professional writer he regretted about that he had left the medicine “However, as God sees, the only reason for this was my enormous lo the literature”.
During the years of the existence of the Department 26 Doctoral and 67 Candidate’s dissertations have been fulfilled and defended.
Today at the Department there are 4 Doctors of Medical Science and 18 Candidates of Sciences deployed. Each year the post-graduated defend their dissertations at the Department. Masters, interns and clinical residents are successfully studied. For many years there have not been any lecturer employed without having scientific degree.
About 120 inventions protected by patents of Ukraine, Russia, Belgium and other countries of the world are blissful evidence of the significant contribution of the scientists of the Department into the researches in the field of skin and venereal diseases. Prof. V.G. Koliadenko and the Candidate of Medical Sciences V. M. Korol received with the Personalized Award of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for his development and implementation of the efferent methods of treatment of chronic dermatoses. Prof. V.I. Stepanenko was the winner of the Award of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for Young Scientists, and his Doctorate Dissertation defended in 1989 was recognized as the best by the HAC of USSR.
Successful implementation of scientific dissertation researches, both planned and commercial contractual scientific researches enables to introduce the effective methods of diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from chronic dermatoses and diseases transmitted mainly through sexual contacts. This has enabled the creation of the Centre for Treatment of the Skin Diseases headed by the Chief of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V. Koliadenko on the basis of the Central Clinical Hospital in Kyiv .
Ludwig K. Goretskyi
Doctor of Medicine 1855). Associate Professor of the Department of Special Therapy in Kiev. Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Kyiv University (1848). Within 1864 and 1880 had an office as the Head of Dermatological Clinic and taught the course of cutaneous diseases as a docent. Compiled the first report for dermatological of Dermatological Clinic of Kyiv University. He had studied the history of Dermatology.
Mikhail Ivanovych Stukovenkov
Doctor of Medicine (1871), professor, Head of the Department of Dermatology and Syphilitic Diseases in Kiev (1883-1897). Graduated from St. Petersburg Medico-Surgical Academy (1866). S. P. Botkin’s disciple. Participant of the Russian and Turkish War (during 1877-1878). In 1879, he was elected as the Second a Teacher and Consultant of the and dermatology department to the women’s medical courses. With 1883r – associate professor, professor, head of the chair of Dermatology and Syphilology Department of the University named after St. Vladimir. He was the first scientist who had given the scientific medical description of such disease as band-shaped herpes (1886), mycosis fungoides, Kaposi’s sarcoma(1890) and others. Number of scientific works devoted to venereal diseases. He was the first scientist in the world who had scientifically substantiation of syphilis treatment by mercury drugs. Founder of Kiev scientific medical school of dermato-venereologists.
P.V. Nikolskyi
Doctor of Medicine, Professor. In 1884, he graduated from faculty of Medicine of Kyiv University n.a. St. Vladimir. M.I. Stukovenkov’s disciple He worked in the clinic for treatment of skin and venereal diseases (1884-1897). Published over 70 scientific works. Provided new evidence of neurogenic pathogenesis of eczema. Famous with his scientific works on Acantholytic Pemphigus Disease, which have been still interesting. He described the characteristic diagnostic symptom of Pemphigus, that is light exfoliation of the epidermis. He had substantiated possibility of treatment of congenital dermatoses.
(1860 – 1918)
Professor M.I. Stukovenkov’s disciple
Dr. of Medicine (1892), Professor. Head of the Department (1897-1898). Founder and publisher of the scientific journal “Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases” (1900-1916). Organizer of Russian League on Fight against Sexually Transmitted Diseases (1914).
S.P. Tomashevskyi
(1854 – 1916)
Dr. of Medicine (1892), Professor. Head of the Department (1898-1916). The first Head of the Kiev Scientific Society course (1900), the Chairman of the Council of Professors of Women’s Higher Courses in Kiev, an honorary member of the societies of dermatovenereologists in St. Petersburg, Paris and Vienna.
Volodymyr I. Terebynskyi
Doctor of Medicine (1906), professor, Head of the Department of Dermatology and Syphilitic Diseases in Kiev (1917-1919). Graduated from St. Petersburg Medico-Surgical Academy (1903). I.P. Pavlov’s disciple. In 1904, the full member and the secretary of Russian scientific societies on the problems of Syphilology and Dermatology. In 1919, he emigrated to Belgrade, then lived in Paris. He was elected as the Member of the Board of the Societies of Russian Scientists in the Kingdom of Serbia. Author of more than 40 scientific works.
Unfortunately V. Terebynskyi’s photograph had not been preserved even in archives.
V.K. Borovskyi
(1859 – 1926)
Dr. of Medicine (1896), Professor, Head of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases in Kiev (1919-1923), the disciple of the Professor M. Stukovenkov.
He had work over the development of methods of treatment of syphilis disease.
Andriy M. Tyzhnenko
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases (1921-1941), the Head of the Kiev Scientific Society of Dermatovenereologists (1922-1941). Dean of the Faculty of General Medicine(1926-1936). Graduated from Military Medical Academy (1903). Disciple of I.V. Pavlov. Under his leadership the scientific works on serology in the presence of syphilis, on the treatment of syphilis and gonorrhoea, skin cancer, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, tuberculosis skin.
A.I. Kartamyshev
(1897 – 1973)
Dr. of Medicine (1930), Professor, Head of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases in Kiev (1945-1952), the disciple of the Professor A.M. Tyzhnenko. Author of 2 textbooks, 200 scientific works, having studied the pathogenesis of pemphigus, scientific adviser of 13 doctoral and 44 Candidate’s dissertations.
S.M. Bogdanovych
(1893 – 1976)
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant Professor, acting Head of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases (1943-1945, 1952-1953, 1959-1960). He had developed expurgation method of treatment of patients. Published over 50 scientific works. Secretary of Kiev Societies of Dermatovenereologists (1939-1968).
M.M. Kuznets (1890-1959)
Dr. of Medicine (1930), Professor, Head of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases. He had performed studies in skin histopathology and vitamin exchange in the presence of dermatoses, skin hardening with aging. He had occupied the office of the Chief Dermatovenerologist in the active army during the Great Patriotic War. He had won the award of the armed forces of the USSR (1947) for his original works on skin diseases in the army during the Second World War.
I.I. Pototskyi
(1898 – 1978)
Dr. of Medicine (1930), Professor, Head of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases(1960-1974). Disciple of Academician Orbeli. Under his leadership 8 doctoral and 42 Candidate’s dissertations were accomplished and defended. 5 author’s certificates received. Author of more than 300 scientific works, 13 monographs, 2 textbooks. He was one of organizers of the international symposium dedicated to the fight against venereal diseases held in Kiev in 1961.