Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
Academic activity
Students in medical faculties and faculty for the Armed Forces of Ukraine study anesthesiology and intensive therapy. Besides doctors-interns and doctors-interns in first and emergency medical aid, as well as doctors-interns in family medicine study anesthesiology. The department is the supportive one for teaching the discipline in higher medical schools in Ukraine. Students, resident medical practitioners and post-graduate students from 25 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America study at department. The significant amount of clinical bases allows demonstrating the whole range of anesthetic aid and intensive therapy to students, doctors-interns, resident medical practitioners and post-graduate students. The department has a great number of modern learning materials, demonstration models, computer provision. Only newest data, based on principles of evidence medicine, are taught. The great attention is paid to practical work of students (i.e. near the bed of patient).