Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
Medical work
One of the main directions in the work of department is the medical consulting work.
As of the present moment, the department of anesthesiology and intensive therapy has 8 clinical bases in medical preventive establishments of CAHC in c. Kyiv, NAMS of Ukraine, MHC of Ukraine, establishments of departmental subordination and private medical establishments, due to a number of clinical bases our department takes the first place among all clinical departments of university.
Every year the total number of patients that are treated in divisions of anesthesiology and intensive therapy, which are the clinical bases of department, is about 10 thousands persons. The employees of department professor F.S. Glumcher, assistant professors S.O. Dubrov, S.M. Yaroslavska, Yu.L. Kuchyn and N.O. Voloshyna are the consultants in Ukrainian center of emergency medical aid at MHC of Ukraine (sanitary aviation service). Every year the employees of department make about 20 visits due to calls by regional centers of sanitary aviation service to all regions of Ukraine that corresponds to over 20% from all visits by employees at Bogomolets NMU. For recent some years the clinical bases of department for the first time in Ukraine implemented the new methodologies on anesthetic provision and intensive therapy, such as:
- Application of non-invasive lung ventilation at patients with viral pneumonia;
- Intradermal dilated tracheostomy,
- Application of high-frequency auxiliary lung ventilation in order to disconnect the patients from respirator after performance of long artificial lung ventilation.
- Application of inhalation anesthetic – xenon,
- Implementation of methodology on minimal stream oriented anesthesia and low stream-oriented anesthesia with sevoflurane with performance of lecture courses in all regions of Ukraine (according to the errand from MHC of Ukraine);
- Wide implementation of methods on regional anesthesia;
- Transoesophageal monitoring for central hemodynamics, etc.
The indices on lethality of patients in division of intensive therapy, which are below average ones in c. Kyiv, testify first of all about high efficiency in cooperation of department with health care establishments; thus, the level of lethality in KCCH No 17, despite the severe contingent of patients, (center of polytrauma in the right bank in c. Kyiv and thoracal surgery) for 2010 was one of the lowest among all health care establishments of CAHC in c. Kyiv.