Department of Therapy, Infectious Diseases and Dermatology Postgraduate Education

History of the Department

The Department of Therapy, Infectious Diseases and Dermatology Postgraduate Education was established on August 1, 2015, in accordance with order No. 459 dated June 22, 2015, in the structure of the Institute of Postgraduate Education of the O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University

The Head of the Department is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Olena Gubska.

The Department employs 4 Professors – Doctor of Medical Sciences, 4 associate professors and 2 assistants – PhD. All teachers have a higher qualification medical category in various specialties: “Therapy”, “Infectious Diseases”, “Gastroenterology”, “Pulmonology”, “Haematology”, “Cardiology”, “Rheumatology”, “Nephrology” and “Occupational Pathology”.

The Department carries out educational, methodical, medical-diagnostic and scientific activities in the field of postgraduate training of intern doctors in the specialties “Internal Diseases”, “General Practice – Family Medicine”, “Infectious Diseases”, “Nephrology” and “Occupational Diseases”.


The main tasks of the Department are:

  • promote comprehensive training of highly qualified personnel who possess deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills, a high level of professionalism and competence in the specialty of training in accordance with national educational standards;
  • ensure the generalization and dissemination of best practices in the organization of educational and methodological work, the development of a methodological strategy for teaching specialized disciplines based on the latest learning technologies, and the improvement of theoretical and practical training of medical interns, trainees, master’s students, clinical residents, graduate students, and teaching staff.