Department of Therapy, Infectious Diseases and Dermatology Postgraduate Education

CPD and postgraduate education



cycles of thematic improvement, specialization, training internships and internships for 2024

(at the expense of the state budget)


Contact person:

Therapy – Alekseeva Viktoria Vyacheslavivna: 067 401 20 04

Professional pathology – Nataliya Volodymyrivna Grechkivska: 095 845 99 34


The name of the cycle Cycle start and end date A contingent of listeners
1. Specialization “Therapy” 09.09.24-09.12.24 general practitioners – family doctors; therapists who have not worked for more than three years in this specialty
2. TU “Antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis B and C” 04.11.24-15.11.24 Doctors who have completed an internship in any of the medical specialties
3. TU “TORCH infections in clinical practice” 08.04.24-19.04.24 Doctors who have completed an internship in any of the medical specialties
4. TU “The procedure for organizing medical examinations of certain (high-risk) employees


08.04.24-19.04.24 20.05.24-31.05.24 General practitioners – family doctors, therapists, occupational pathologists
5. TU “Issues of medical and sanitary examination at professional


14.10.24-25.10.24 09.12.24-20.12.24 General practitioners-family doctors, therapists, doctors-

professional pathologists

6. Specialization “Professional Pathology” 20.02.24-23.05.24
General practitioners-family doctors, therapists; doctors and pathologists who have not worked for more than three years in this specialty




The name of the cycle Cycle start and end date A contingent of listeners

cycles of thematic improvement, specialization, training internships and internships for 2024

(at the expense of the state budget)


Contact person:

Therapy – Alekseeva Viktoria Vyacheslavivna: 067 401 20 04

Professional pathology – Nataliya Volodymyrivna Grechkivska: 095 845 99 34

1. Specialization “Dietology” 16.09.24-15.10.24 gastroenterologists, children’s gastroenterologists;
2. Specialization “Therapy” 11.09.24-10.02.25 Doctors who have completed a residency in one of the medical specialties, except for specialties of stomatological, medical preventive, laboratory, medical and psychological profile;
3. TU “Individual issues of dietetics based on evidence-based medicine” 19.02.24-23.02.24 Doctors who completed a residency in one of the medical specialties, except for dental, medical preventive, laboratory, medical and psychological specialties
4. TU “Certain aspects of modern gastropsychology” 13.05.24-24.05.24 Doctors who completed an internship in one of the medical specialties, except for dental, medical preventive, laboratory, medical and psychological specialties
5. TU “The most common questions

nutrition of general therapeutic patients


16.09.24-27.09.24 Doctors who completed a residency in one of the medical specialties, except for dental, medical preventive, laboratory, medical and psychological specialties
6. TU “Modern dietary approaches to complex treatment of patients with endocrine pathology” 05.02.24-09.02.24 Doctors who completed a residency in one of the medical specialties, except for dental, medical preventive, laboratory, medical and psychological specialties
7. TU “Procedure for organizing medical examinations of employees of certain (high-risk) categories” 08.04.24-19.04.24 14.10.24-25.10.24 General practitioners – family doctors, therapists, professional pathologists
8. Specialization “Professional Pathology” 22.02.24-21.05.24
General practitioners-family doctors, therapists; professional pathologists who have not worked for more than three years in this specialty
9. Internship “Professional Pathology” Інд.граф. Professional pathologists
10. Internship “Dietology” Інд. граф. Dietitian doctors
11. Internship “Therapy” Інд. граф. Internal medicine doctors


Cycles of specialization, medical residency, thematic improvement and PDP activities are carried out in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 14.07.21 No. 725 “On approval of the Regulations on the BPR system of medical and pharmaceutical workers” (entered into force on January 1, 2022), Orders of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine from 22.02.19 No. 446 (with changes); dated August 18, 2021, No. 1753, which amended the “Procedure for the Certification of Doctors” and the “Nomenclature of Medical Specialties”; dated 18.08.2021 No. 1751, which approved the “REGULATION on some measures of continuous professional development of medical and pharmaceutical workers” and amended the “Regulations on post-graduate training of doctors (pharmacists)”; dated 07.25.2023 No. 1347 “On the approval of the List of specialization cycles and thematic improvement in medical and pharmaceutical (provisional) specialties” and other regulatory documents regulating the training of specialists in the field of knowledge “Health care” at the postgraduate stage.