Department of oncology
Responsible Officer: Associate Professor Ph.D. OO Lobanova +380503574092
The leading direction in the work of the Department of Oncology is educational and methodological work. The annual amount of academic work is 7-8 thousand academic hours.
2022-2023 s.y.
Plan of practical course medical facilities
Regulations for conducting and evaluation for practical lessons
2021-2022 s.y.
Plan for 5 course students of medical facilities
Requirements to the regulations of final control
Basic training courses: Oncology course for students of 4 courses of dental faculty, 5 and 6 courses of medical faculties, faculty of physicians training for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, medical and psychological faculty; elective course “Palliative surgery” for students of 6th year of medical faculties, faculty of preparation of doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine; course “Clinical Oncology” for interns in the specialty “Clinical Oncology”, cycles “Oncology” for interns in the specialty “Surgery”, “Medical Psychology”.
The problem-based lectures delivered by the professors and associate professors of the department are accompanied by the use of multimedia and interactive equipment. The latter allow you to demonstrate the results of modern survey methods and videos of individual stages of operations.
Guided by the principles of the Bologna Declaration, the teachers of the department pay great attention to the implementation of European standards for the training of young doctors. In practice, test programs are widely used to facilitate the acquisition of educational material, and students’ practical skills are constantly being improved. The main part of the session is spent in the patient’s bed, in the diagnostic wards and the consulting clinic.
Clinical bases are leading oncology institutions: National Cancer Institute, Kyiv City Clinical Oncology Center, which allows students to demonstrate the latest diagnostic methods, curate patients with any oncological pathology, using modern therapeutics.
Much work has been done by the teachers of the department on the transition to the Bologna system of study. Work curriculum, guidelines for students for practical classes and independent work, guidelines for teachers have been developed. Ongoing work is being done to complete the test database to test intermediate and final levels of knowledge, including the database of state qualification exams KROK-2 and KROK-3.
During the last 5 years, Oncology textbooks have been published in Ukrainian, Russian and English, a manual for physicians “Algorithms of modern oncology”, manuals for students and interns “Diagnosis in clinical oncology”, “Modern methods of radiation diagnostics in oncology” Breast cancer “,” Colorectal cancer. The second edition of the Oncology textbook was published. The staff of the department are co-authors of the national textbook Oncology.
The department has created all the conditions for teaching the course in English. Five teachers of the department have been trained in courses at the Department of Foreign Languages of NMU and received the relevant certificates. Fully formed package of educational documentation in English. In 2010, an English-language textbook was published.
10-12 groups of foreign students are taught annually at the department, taught by the most experienced teachers. The teaching takes into account the specificities of cancer incidence and the provision of specialized care in the countries concerned.
The department pays a lot of attention to the organization of students’ independent work, for which forms such as curation of patients, solving of situational problems, independent mastering of research methods are actively used. This allows students to learn the necessary skills, to deepen their knowledge.
Since 1999 the scientific student circle has been fruitfully working. Today, about 30 students are involved in the group. Hurtkivtsi participate in scientific conferences, forums, symposia on a regional and international scale. The Student Science Circle is an effective means of engaging capable youth in creative, research work.
ONCOLOGY DEPARTMENT WORK PLAN for 2020/21 academic year
- Educational work
- Improvement of methodological documents (development of practical classes for students, for teachers, for independent work of students) for students of 4 courses of dental, 5 and 6 courses of medical, 6 courses of medical and psychological courses.
- Development of new and improvement of existing test tasks and situational tasks for checking the level of knowledge of students of 4, 5 and 6 courses of medical, dental and medical-psychological faculties.
- Updating of the departmental base of test tasks of format A; editing and creating new tests for the KROK-2 licensing exam database.
- Constant updating of lectures (presentations, abstracts and methodical developments), creation of lecture-visualizations.
- Improving the teaching of oncology in English.
- Ongoing analysis and discussion at the meetings of the department of teaching experience, quality of practical classes and lectures.
- Preparation of 6th year students to take the KROK-2 licensing exam.
- Participation of employees of the department in educational-methodical meetings and conferences
Work programs, current thematic plans of lectures, practical and independent classes and schedule are available on the homepage of the department site.