Department of neurosurgery
Training and methodological work
Responsible person for training and methodological work at the Department of Neurosurgery: Associate Professor of the Department of Neurosurgery, Maruschenko Myroslava Olegivna, MD, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Contacts: +38 (067) 5079825
2022-2023 s.y.
Plan of independent work for students 221 Dentistry
Plan of independent work for students 222 Medicine; 228 Pediatrics
Recommended Literature for students
REGULATION of FMC 221 Dentistry
The list of practical skills and individual work 221 Dentistry
The List of questions for FMC 221 Dentistry
2021-2022 s.y.
Plan of independent work for students
List of questions for Final Module Controle on Neurosurgery
Regulations for conducting and evaluating current and final control of neurosurgery
Thematic plan of practical classes
Methodologacal materials for preparations for module Neurosurgery
2020-2021 s.y.
Sheldule 2019.2020. Department of Neurosurgery
Normative documents for which the education is conducted:
- Educational-professional program “Medicine” of the Second (master’s) level of higher education. Specialty – 222 “Medicine”. Knowledge area – 22 “Health care. Qualification – Master of Medicine. Doctor (2019).
- Educational and professional program “Medical Psychology” of the Second (master’s) level of higher education. Specialty – 225 “Medical Psychology” Knowledge Area – 22 “Health. Qualification – Master of Medical Psychology. Psychologist (2019).
- Educational and professional program “Pediatrics” of the Second (master’s) level of higher education. Specialty – 228 Pediatrics. Knowledge area – 22 “Health care. Qualification – Master of Pediatrics. Pediatrician (2019).
- Educational and professional program “Dentistry” of the Second (master’s) level of higher education. Specialty – 221 “Dentistry”. Knowledge area – 22 “Health care. Qualification – Master of Dentistry. Dentist (2019).
and the curricula developed in the field of knowledge 22 «Health care» Specialty – 222 «Medicine», «Work program of the discipline« Neurosurgery »Specialty – 222 «Medicine », Specialty – 225 «Medical psychology», Specialty – 228 «Pediatrics”, Exemplary curriculum for the training of specialists of the second (master’s) level of higher education qualification of educational “Master of Dentistry”, qualification of professional” Dentist “in the field of knowledge 22 “Health care” specialty 221 “Dentistry.
Regulations for conducting practical classes and final module control (FMC) at the Department of Neurosurgery
The total number of hours for the study of Neurosurgery at the medical, psychological and dental faculties is 45 hours (1.5 ECTS credits), of which 20 hours – practical classes, 25 hours – independent work.
Forms of organization of the educational process at the department of Neurosurgery at Bogomolets NMU: The educational process at the department of Neurosurgery NMU is carried out in the following forms: educational classes (practical classes, consultations), individual tasks, students’ independent work, practical training, control measures.
Practical classes – a form of training sessions, in which the theoretical provisions of the discipline are discussed in detail, the skills and their practical application are formed by the student completing the formulated tasks. Attending practical classes of at least 75% of the educational hours (15 hours) stipulated in the Work Curriculum is required for the student to be admitted to the final module control.
Counseling is a training session in which the student receives the teacher’s answers to specific questions or explanations of certain theoretical provisions or aspects of their practical application. The department conducts current and pre-module consultations.
Individual tasks – are medical histories, abstracts, presentations, which are given to students in the terms stipulated by the calendar-thematic plan for Neurosurgery; individual tasks are performed by the student independently in consultation with the teacher. The student has the opportunity to individualize his education by studying an elective course in Neurosurgery “Topical issues of modern neurosurgery”, one of which is mandatory annually in the curriculum.
Independent work of the student – is carried out in the free time of class lessons. Forms and content of independent work are determined by the work program of the discipline, the order of its implementation is regulated by methodical instructions for students. Independent work is aimed at mastering the student learning material, practical skills, which involves his active cognitive activity, gaining new knowledge from textbooks, manuals, monographs, etc., independent problem solving, acquisition of self-control skills.
Student evaluation regulations at the Department of Neurosurgery of Bogomolets NMU:
- Ongoing monitoring of each practical activity during which 100% of students are to be interviewed. Each topic of the lesson also provides for the control of practical skills by checking the student’s ability to use the acquired knowledge in solving practical problems. The individual tasks of the student he has received at the department and his independent work during extracurricular time are also subject to control. Assessment weight at the current control: “5” – 16-20 points, “4” – 10-15 points, “3” – 5-9 points, “2” – 1-4 points.
- The final module control, which is carried out upon completion of the study module of the discipline, includes the control of theoretical and practical training. The final module control is allowed to students who have attended at least 75% of the practical classes (at least 3 practical classes – 15 hours) during the current study, and presented a syllabus for missed classes, in a causes of possible missing.
The structure of the final module control in the discipline
Forms of teacherʼs control | Number of points (max) |
1 | Answer to 5 “key questions” (one question per module). | 50 (10х5) |
2 | Solve 2 situational tasks, one of which is for urgent conditions. | 40 (20х2) |
· Collection of complaints, medical history and their evaluation.
· • Reviewing the patient, collecting information about the patient’s general condition and analyzing it. · • Physical examination of the patient, analysis of the information received. · • Isolation of the leading syndrome, statement of the most probable preliminary or syndromic diagnosis of the underlying disease, its complication, concomitant pathology. · • Drawing up a survey plan. · • Evaluation of laboratory results and interpretation of the results of instrumental research methods. · • Differential diagnostics based on laboratory and instrumental research data. · • Defining the principles of medicinal tactics. · • Determination of prognosis in this patient. · • Recommendations for changing lifestyles / if necessary /. |
3. | Perform (description) of at least three medical procedures | 30 (10х3) |
Total points (max) | 120 |
The maximum number of points a student can gain when studying a module in neurosurgery is 200, including up to 80 points for current educational activity, and up to 120 points for the results of the final module control. The points from the discipline are converted into both the ECTS and the four-point scale.
After studying the discipline, all students of this course, who study in one specialty – “medical”, “pediatrics”, “medical and preventive business”, rank students in the deans on ECTS scale with assigning grades “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, “F”. Only students who have successfully completed the discipline are ranked. Students who have received FX and F grades are not included in the list of students who are ranked, even after the module has been reassigned. Such students will automatically receive an E. grade upon transfer.
Assessments in FX, F are given to students who do not enroll in at least one module after completing their course. The FX score is given to students who have earned a minimum score for their current academic activities but who have not enrolled in the final module test. This category of students is entitled to rescheduling the final module control of the approved schedule during the winter or summer holidays within two weeks after the end of the semester or academic year. Resumption of the final module control is allowed no more than two times. Grade F is given to students who have attended all of the module lessons but have not earned a minimum score for their current teaching activities and are not allowed to complete module control. This category of students has the right to re-study the module.
Points in the discipline of neurosurgery (the sum of points in the assessment at the current control in practical classes, total module control and points for independent and individual work):
- 170 to 200 points – 5 points on a four-point scale (ECTS A)
- from 140 to 169 points – 4 points on a four-point scale (B, C according to ECTS)
- from 111 to 139 points – “4” points on a four-point scale (D, E according to ECTS)
- less than 111 points – the discipline is not counted, the student is sent for a re-study of the discipline (FX, F).
With the permission of the Vice-rector for scientific-pedagogical work, the student can increase the grade from the discipline by rescheduling the final module control (no more than three times for the whole period of study). Students who have received no more than two unsatisfactory grades during the session are allowed to liquidate their academic debt by the beginning of the next semester. Reassembly of the FMC on Neurosurgery is allowed no more than twice with: once a teacher, the second – commissions. Students who did not show up for a re-grade of the FMC without good reason are considered to have received a poor grade.