Department of neurosurgery
Medical and advisory work
Responsible for medical and consultative work at the Department of Neurosurgery – Associate Professor of the Department of Neurosurgery, Ph.D. Associate Professor Troyan Oleksandr Ivanovych.
Contacts: +38 (044) 4861253 (department); +38 (067) 9739452
Clinical base of the department – State Institution «Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute NAMSc of Ukraine ».
Clinical base address: Kyiv – 04050, 32 Platona Mayborody str., 1 building, 2 floor
List of new treatments and diagnostics:
- Restoration of function of the tibia after severe traumatic injuries of the lower extremity.
- Treatment of neuropathic pain by transcranial magnetic stimulation.
- Clinical protocols were developed and improved with the participation of the department staff:
- Clinical protocol for the provision of medical care to patients with extra-cerebral basal and convexital supratentorial tumors of the meninges (meningiomas).
- A local clinical protocol of (highly specialized) medical care and rehabilitation for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with cerebellar and intracerebral brain tumors.
- Clinical protocol of (highly specialized) medical care and rehabilitation for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with cerebrovascular tumors.
- Clinical protocol for the provision of (highly specialized) medical care for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with extra-cerebral tumors extending beyond the cerebral skull (intra-extracranial and extra-intracranial distribution).
- Improvement of clinical protocols for the treatment of traumatic peripheral nerve injuries.
- Improvement of protocols for treatment of severe neuropathic pain.
Perspective directions of development of medical and diagnostic work of the department of neurosurgery:
- Improvement of methods for the diagnosis of peripheral nerve injuries and diseases using MRI and ultrasound.
- Expansion of surgical methods of repairing severe nerve damage with major defects.
- Improvement of surgical tactics for inflammatory injuries of peripheral nerves complicated by pain syndromes;
- Stimulation of nerve regeneration in the period.
- Reconstructive surgery for severe spinal cord injury.
- Improvement of methods of surgical treatment of pain syndromes
- Development of electrical stimulation techniques including deep stimulation of brain structures, stimulation of n. vagus in epilepsy.
- Introduction of intraoperative monitoring of nervous system structures.
- Ultrasound diagnosis of peripheral nerve damage, video archiving of surgical interventions.
Head of the Department, Academician of the National Academy of Medical Sciences and Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Professor Tsymbaliuk V.I., MD, D.Sc.; Associate Professor Medvediev V.V., MD, PhD, D.Sc.; Associate Professor Luzan B.M., MD, Ph.D.; Associate Professor Maruschenko M.O., MD, Ph.D.; Associate Professor Dmyterko I.P., MD, Ph.D.; have the highest qualification category in the specialty “neurosurgery”, Assistant Professor Molotkovets V.Yu., MD, has the first category in the specialty “neurosurgery”, Assistant Professor Cheshuk Y.V. without category.
Employees of the department, who are members of the Expert Commissions of the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, NAMS, etc.
Tsymbaliuk V.I. – the Head of the NAMSc Operational Staff for Assistance to Victims in the East of Ukraine, Member of the Committee and Chairman of the Medicine Section of the Committee on State Prizes of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Member of the Scientific Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Member of the Academic Council and Member of the Specialized Academic Council State Institution «Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute of NAMSc of Ukraine».
The staff of the department annually performs on average 350-380 surgical interventions, 2000-2500 consultations of patients with various neurosurgical pathology, as at the clinical base of the department – State Institution «Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute of NAMSc of Ukraine», as well as in other medical institutions of Kyiv.
In the educational process the department uses medical – diagnostic equipment and equipment belonging to the clinical base of the department (State Institution ” Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute of NAMSc of Ukraine “).
The department has a set of simulation models for lumbar puncture and primary treatment of upper extremity wounds, which is actively used during meetings of the student scientific circle and practical classes with the interns of the department.