Department of neurosurgery
DEPARTMENT of NEURO-SURGERY of NMU of the name of O.O. Bogomol’cya
Year of foundation : 1980.
Head of the department:
Tsymbaliuk Vitaliy Ivanovych, MD, D.Sc., Professor, Academician of NAMS and Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine
Contacts of the department:
+38 (044) 4838227 (Head of Department)
+38 (044) 4831253 (Laboratory)
+38 (067) 5079825 (Responsible person for educational work)
Address: Kyiv-04050, 32 P.Mayborody str., State Institution «Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute of NAMSc of Ukraine », building 1, 2 floor.
Page on social networks: Group on Facebook «Department of Neurosurgery Bogomolets National Medical University»
Presence of a separate site of the department: page on the site of Bogomolets National Medical University
Specialties in which undergraduate and postgraduate studies are conducted: neurosurgery