Department of Epidemiology and Evidence-based Medicine
TETYANA VOLODYMYRIVNA PETRUSEVYCH, Head of the Department of Epidemiology, associate professor, MD, PhD.
Tetyana Petrusevych graduated from the Faculty of Medicine and Prevention of the Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy in 1997 and received a higher education in the specialty “Medical and Preventive Affairs” and qualified as a doctor. From 1998 to 2003, postgraduate studies. From December 2003, she worked as an assistant at the department, from 2005 she worked as a senior lecturer at the department, from September 2009 to the present, she works as an associate professor of the Department of Epidemiology of the Bogomolets National Medical University. In 2004, she defended her candidate’s thesis on the topic: “Causes of diphtheria diseases in vaccinated people.” She is the author and co-author of more than 100 scientific works, of which more than 30 are educational and methodological works. Dr. Petrusevych has a Patent of Ukraine for the invention “Method of simulating experimental diphtheria intoxication” (2003). He is a co-author of the textbook “Epidemiology” (2007); the textbook “Epidemiology” (2012); one of the developers of the programs of the study discipline “Epidemiology” for students of higher educational institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation. Petrusevych T.V. is responsible for educational and methodological work at the department. She regularly improves her qualifications, completed an internship at the clinical bases of René Descartes University and Denis Diderot University (France, 2019). Scientific interests: modeling and forecasting of the epidemic process of vaccine-controlled infections, analytical epidemiology.
IRYNA PAVLIVNA KOLESNIKOVA, Professor of the Department of Epidemiology, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Iryna Kolesnikova graduated with honors from the sanitary-hygienic faculty of the Kharkiv Medical Institute (1988) and received a higher education in the specialty “Hygiene, sanitation, epidemiology”. From 1988 to 1992, she worked as a senior laboratory assistant, from 1992 as an assistant, from 2002 to 2005 as an associate professor of the Department of Epidemiology of the Kharkiv State Medical University. Since September 2005, he has been working as the head of the Department of Epidemiology at the Bogomolets National Medical University. In 1997, she become PhD, topic of Phd work is “The influence of acute pneumonia, acute bronchitis and acute obstructive bronchitis on the level of intensity of post-vaccination anti-measles immunity”, in 2004 she become MD, topic of doctorate work “Optimization of epidemiological surveillance and improvement of the tactics of vaccine prevention of epidemic mumps”. In 1988-1998, the scientific work of I.P. Kolesnikova was devoted to the study of the influence of various factors of exogenous and endogenous genesis on the state of specific immunity against infections controlled by means of immunoprophylaxis. Since 1999, scientific and methodological publications of I.P. Kolesnikova are devoted to the determination of ways to optimize epidemiological surveillance of priority infectious diseases and to improve the tactics of immunoprophylaxis of vaccine-controlled infections. Dr. Kolesnikova is the author and co-author of more than 200 scientific and scientific-methodical works, including 5 textbooks (2006, 2007, 2009, 2012, 2018), 4 training manuals, more than 60 methodological recommendations , 2 invention patents and 3 innovative proposals, 14 standard training programs and more than 100 working training programs in the discipline “Epidemiology”. Under the scientific guidance of prof. Kolesnikova I.P. defended 2 master’s theses, 3 PhD’s and 1 doctoral theses. I.P. Kolesnikova is a member of the editorial board of the journals “Prophylactic Medicine”, “Modern Infections”, “Infectious Diseases”, a member of the specialized scientific council D 26.614.02 “Epidemiology” at the State University “Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases named after L.V. Gromashevsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”. Since 2010, dr. Kolesnikova has been a member of the problem commission of the Ministry of Health and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for epidemiology. Since 2011, she has been a member of the National Independent Technical Group of Immunization Experts. In 2014-2016, she was an adviser to the Head of the State Health Service of Ukraine on epidemiological issues. In 2011-2017, she was the chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in the specialty “epidemiology”. From 2017 to now, she is an expert of the group of experts of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine “Microbiology. Virology. Epidemiology”. From 2012 to the present, she is a member of the National Certification Committee of Ukraine for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis. From 2013 to now, she is the Chairman of the National Commission for Verification of the Elimination of Measles and Rubella in Ukraine. As a national expert, she participated in the work of working groups on the development of the National Program to combat HIV infection in Ukraine; Concepts of building the public health system in Ukraine; State level emergency response plan; National action plan for combating resistance to antimicrobial drugs; Strategies for ensuring biological safety and biological protection based on the principle of “One Health” and a plan of measures for its implementation; Strategies for the development of immunoprophylaxis and protection of the population from infectious diseases that can be prevented by conducting immunoprophylaxis and a plan of measures for its implementation; a number of regulatory and legal documents regulating the implementation of epidemiological surveillance of priority infections. In 2009, Iryna Kolesnikova completed a one-week internship “Safety of injections. Safe handling of medical waste” (Astana, Kazakhstan), based on the results of which the development of State sanitary and anti-epidemic rules and norms for handling medical waste was started. In 2011, a 3-week internship “Strategy to protect the population from the threat of pandemics” was held (Boston, Worcester, USA), as a result of which the implementation of the “One Health” concept in Ukraine was started. In 2015, she completed a one-week internship “Sanitary legislation in the field of infection control” at the Robert Koch Institute (Berlin, Germany), based on the results of which the development of national documents on the prevention of antibiotic resistance was started. Cooperates with the WHO European Bureau and the WHO office in Ukraine. As a national expert, the WHO office in Ukraine was involved in the analysis of the problems of teaching HIV infection prevention (2007), evidence-based medicine (2013), and vaccine prophylaxis (2014-2017) at the country’s medical institutes. She took part in the work of WHO and UNICEF missions to assess the safety of vaccination and vaccine logistics in Ukraine (2008, 2013, 2018), international missions to assess the response to the outbreak caused by cVDPV in Ukraine (2015-2016), international audit of the network of laboratory centers of the Ministry of Health (2015-2017), independent monitoring of vaccination offices (2019).
In 1995, Hennadii Mokhort graduated from the Faculty of Preventive Medicine of the Ukrainian State Bogomolets Medical University named after and received a full higher education in the specialty “Hygiene, sanitation, epidemiology, professional pathology” and obtained the qualification of “doctor-epidemiologist”. in 1996, after completing an internship in epidemiology at the Department of Epidemiology of Bogomolets NMU (full-time cycle) and the sanitary-epidemiological station of the Podilsky District of Kyiv (part-time cycle), where he then worked as an epidemiologist from November 1996 to November 1998From 1998 to 2001, he studied at a postgraduate course at the Department of Epidemiology of O.O. NMU. Bogomolets. Under the leadership of Professor Y.D. Gots defended his PhD thesis in 2003 on the topic “Manifestations of the epidemic process of diphtheria in modern conditions and ways to improve epidemiological surveillance”. Since 2001, he has been an assistant at the Department of Epidemiology, since 2004, he has been a senior lecturer, and since 2006, he has been an associate professor at the Department of Epidemiology Dr. Mokhort is actively engaged in scientific activities and is the author and co-author of more than 50 scientific works, including those indexed in international scientometric databases (Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar). Also Mohort H.A. is a co-author of the textbook “Epidemiology” edited by Professor I.P. Kolesnikova, 2012. He is responsible for the scientific work of the department and is the responsible executor of scientific research topics of the department of epidemiology. Other areas of work of Associate Professor Mohort H.A. there is work with interns and students of the secondary specialization in epidemiology (specialization and thematic improvement), as well as the work of the scientific student group of the department of epidemiology.
ORCID, Hennadii Mokhort, Scopus, Hennadii Mokhort, Web of Science, Hennadii Mokhort, Google Scholar, Геннадій Мохорт /Hennadii Mokhort /Г.А. Мохорт,
In 1997, she graduated from the Faculty of Preventive Medicine of the Bogomolets National Medical University and received a higher education in the specialty ” Hygiene, epidemiology, professional pathology ” and qualified as a doctor. From 1997 to 2002, she worked as an epidemiologist. Since 2002, she has been working at the Department of Epidemiology. In 2007, she defended her candidate’s thesis on the topic: “Epidemiological characteristics of chicken pox in Ukraine and its vaccine prevention.” Dr. Zublenko has been working as an associate professor at the Department of Epidemiology since 2014. He is the author and co-author of 95 scientific and educational works. She completed an internship at the clinical bases of René Descartes University and Denis Diderot University (France, 2019). Scientific interests: epidemiological surveillance of vaccine-controlled infections, analytical epidemiology. Zublenko O.V. is the deputy head of the trade union bureau of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Health and Preventive Medicine.
In 2005, she graduated from the Faculty of Preventive Medicine of the Bogomolets National Medical University and received a full higher education in the specialty “Medical and Preventive Affairs” and qualified as a doctor. In 2005, she completed an internship at the Department of Epidemiology of O.O. Bogomoletsa, after which in 2005 she received a diploma in the specialty “Epidemiology”. From 2005 to 2010, she worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Epidemiology at the Bogomolets National Medical University. Since February 2010 has been working as an assistant at the Department Department of Epidemiology at the Bogomolets National Medical University. Performs aPhD thesis on the topic: «Epidemiology of foodborn botulism in Ukraine and methods of its prevention». Dr. Sokolovska has an international IELTS English language certificate, as well as an English language certificate for teachers of O.O. NMU. Bogomolets. At the Department of Epidemiology Olga Sokolovska conducts educational work with Ukrainian-speaking and foreign students, participates in writing educational and methodological materials. Dr. Sokolovska is the author and co-author of 30 scientific and 24 educational and methodological works, 20 of them in English. He is the co-author of the textbook “Epidemiology” (2012). 2023 obtaine specialist qualification ‘Epidemiology” in Hospital Epidemiology area. Scopus, Olga Sokolovska 57205092331 Google Scholar, Ольга Соколовськa
In 2006, she graduated from the Faculty of Preventive Medicine of the Bogomolets National Medical University and received a full higher education in the specialty “Medical and Preventive Affairs” and qualified as a doctor. From 1997 to 2000, she worked as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Epidemiology. From August 2006, she worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the department, from 2009 to the present, she works as an assistant at the Department of Epidemiology of the National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets. Performs a candidate’s thesis on the topic “Epidemiological features of influenza and SARS in Ukraine in the context of a pandemic”. Dr. Hlushko-Makivska is the author and co-author of more than 30 scientific works, of which more than 15 are educational and methodological works. He is a co-author of the textbook “Epidemiology” (2007); of the textbook “Epidemiology” (2012). In 2023, she obtained the qualification of a doctor – specialist in the specialty “Epidemiology”.
In 2013, she graduated from the Medical Faculty No. 4 of the National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets, majoring in “medical and preventive care”. Since August 2013, she has been studying at an internship as an intern doctor, by speciality “Epidemiology”, at the Cherkasy Regional Laboratory Center of the State Sanitation Service of Ukraine, and the full-time part of the internship at the National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets After completing the internship, the qualification of a specialist doctor was awarded. From 2014 to 2019, dr. worked as an epidemiologist at Cherkasy Regional Laboratory Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. From 2019 to 2020, she worked as an epidemiologist at the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. From 2021 to the present, he works as an assistant at the Department of Epidemiology at the Bogomolets National Medical University. In 2020, she successfully completed the two-year course of the first cohort “Interventional Epidemiological Service (Field Epidemiology Training Program)” (Advanced), founded by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine together with the State University “Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States (CDC, USA). Since 2022, a member of the International Epidemiological Association (IEA).
In 2019, he graduated from the National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets From 2019 to 2020, he studied at an internship in the specialty “general hygiene” at the Institute of Postgraduate Education of Bogomolets NMU. fter graduation, the qualification of a doctor – specialist in the specialty ” nutritional hygiene”. He worked at the “Kyiv City Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” as a nutritionist. From 2021 to the present, he works as an assistant at the Department of Epidemiology at the Bogomolets National Medical University. Scientific interests: epidemiological surveillance of viral hepatitis, prevention of nosocomial infections. At the department, he is engaged in teaching, scientific and educational-methodical work. In 2021, he was awarded with the gratitude of the Kyiv mayor.