Department of Epidemiology and Evidence-based Medicine
Scientific Group
The history and development of Students’ Scientific Group of the Department of Epidemiology in Bogomolets National Medical University:
- Group operates from the date of foundation of the Department of Epidemiology at Kyiv Medical Institute in 1939;
- Pupils of the Group during its work became prominent scientists-epidemiologists, organizers of Health protection, a large number of practitioners and representatives of large and medium-sized businesses;
- Students – members of Scientific Group activly participate in scientific work and regularly report on research and student’s conferences about their achievements. Students and scholars of Faculty Group also publish their research papers in professional medical journals.
Scientific activities of the Group :
- History of Epidemiology;
- Place of epidemiological method in modern medical science, the problem of “infectious epidemiology”;
- Study of symptoms of epidemic process of infectious diseases in Ukraine and abroad;
- Evaluation of the quality of preventive and anti-epidemic measures aimed at the prevention of infectious diseases;
- Study the state of population immunity to infectious disease and its impact on morbidity;
- Mathematical modeling and prediction of epidemic diseases rises;
- Study of the effectiveness of preventive vaccination for diphtheria, tetanus, measles, chicken pox, rubella, etc.;
- Epidemiology and prevention of intra-hospital infections;
- Epidemiology and prevention of infections with parenteral mechanism of transmission (HIV, viral hepatitis B and C);
- Epidemiology and prevention of botulism;
- Etiology and prevention of SARS and influenza.
Group meetings are held every first and third Thursday of each month from 4 PM at the Department of Epidemiology. All are welcome to attend.
Address:: : Kyiv, Peremohy Av., 34, 4th floor, Department of Epidemiology.
Tel.: 454-49-36.
Head of the Department of Epidemiology: Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor Iryna P. Kolesnikova.
Curator of the Group: : Candidate of Medical Sciences, PhD, Assistance professor Hennadiy A. Mokhort.