Department of Epidemiology and Evidence-based Medicine

Information for students


Тем. плани eng







Summing-up module control


for 5th-year students of medical faculties

Summing-up module control takes place after finishing of all topic mastering at the last control lesson on the module. The students, who performed all types of activity provided by the curriculum on epidemiology (attended lectures, practical lessons, mastered practical skills provided by curriculum) , and received scores not less than minimum (60 scores), are allowed to take the summing-up module control. Duration of control lesson – 2 academic hours.

Maximum total score for the summing-up module control equals to   80.

Summing    up   module   control   is   passed   if   the   student   has   received   not less than   50   scores.

Summing-up module control on epidemiology for 5th-year students of medical faculties is performed with test problems and examinational papers that were approved by methodical counsel of the epidemiology department.

Summing-up module control is performed in oral-written form: students solve test problems and situational problems with substantiations in written form; student answers on integrated tasks and questions. Teacher checks the performed written tasks and can put additional questions for receiving a more precise definition to tasks of the examinational paper.

Tasks are standardized and directed at the control of the achievement of final objectives on epidemiology by students.

According to the educational program on epidemiology, approved by Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, 20 questions for control of practical skills were developed.

For the summing-up module control the department has made 7 variants of test problems (format A) and 20 examinational papers.

Every examinational paper includes situational problem. These problems cover questions concerning organization and carrying out of anti-epidemic measures in foci of infectious diseases, analysis of level and structure of infectious morbidity of population, interpretation of results of epidemiological investigations and prognostication of an epidemiologic situation.

40 test problems of format A are added to the examinational paper.

The control of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of student on summing-up module control is carried out according to algorithm:

1. Organization issues. Acquaintance of students with the algorithm of carrying out of summing-up module control – 10 minutes.

2. Test control – 40 minutes.

3. Break – 10 minutes.

4. If student had received more than 10 scores after test control student answered situational problem for 30 minutes in written form with substantiated conclusions.

5. Check of performed educational tasks is carried out by teacher during summing-up module control after their fulfilments by a student and during time that is present before the final of the summing-up module control.

Criteria of assessment:

Complex sum of scores that is received by students on summing-up module control has next components:

1) Students receive after the test control:

40 scores – if he has 36-40 correct answers;

30 scores – if he has 31-35 correct answers;

20 scores – if he has 26-30 correct answers;

10 scores – if he has 21-25 correct answers;

0 scores – if he has 20 or less correct answers.

2) Students receive after the solution of situational problem or skill:

40 scores – if student gave correct answer to the problem and made well-reasoned conclusions, and also gave correct answers non less than for 95 % of integrated task or question;

30 scores – if student gave correct answer to the problem and made well-reasoned conclusions, and also gave correct answers non less than for 75 % of integrated task or question;

20 scores – if student gave correct answer to the problem, and also gave correct answers non less than for 50 % of integrated task or question;

10 scores – if student gave correct answer to the problem, and also gave correct answers non less than for 50 % of integrated task or question;

0 scores – if student did not give correct answer to the problem and did not analyze and interpret it, and also gave correct answers less than for 50 % of integrated task or question.

Teacher who conducts summing-up module control   should assess and calculate:

1) scores that were received by student after test control;

2) scores that were received by student after fulfilments of situational problem or task;

3) sum of scores that were received by students on summing-up module control.

At the end of summing-up module control teacher should acquaint students with results of the summing-up module control, fill in register of academic achievements and individual plans of the students , write date of summing-up module control and affix a signature.