Department of Psychiatry and Narcology
Scientific work
Responsible for research work is the assistant of the department, Ph.D. V.V.Babych, and in the implementation of state budget topics the responsible executor is Associate Professor, PhD in Medicine N.Yu.Napreyenko.
Over the last decade, the Department has been handling the problem of non-circular depression: “Depression in the main forms of mental and somato-neurologicalpathology” (2009-2011); “Medico-social rehabilitation of patients with depression in the main forms of mental and somato-neurological disorders” (2012-2014); “Anti-relapse treatment and tertiary prevention of non-circular depressionsin the main forms of mental disorders in the period of remission” (2015-2017); “Improvement of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of combatants with anxiety-depressive disorders and alcohol dependence on the basis of the development and use of algorithms to identify their causes, formation patterns, clinical structure features and psychosocial maladaptive factors“; “Emergency psychiatric care for self-injurious behavior associated with non-circular depression in people with main forms of mental disorders“ (2018-2020).
On the basis of the conducted researches the origin of non-circular depressions was established: biological, psychological and social predictors of occurrence, their clinical structure was studied, differential-diagnostic criteria of non-circular depressions were developed for the main forms of psychiatric disorders: schizophrenia, dysthymia, neurotic and somatoform disorders, the whole spectrum of psychopathology caused by the Chernobyl accident, involvement in hostilities in eastern Ukraine and mental trauma among adolescents. An algorithm and system of differential diagnostics, treatment, medico-social rehabilitation, anti-relapse treatment and tertiary prevention of non-circular depression in the above mentioned pathology have been proposed and implemented as an innovation in the system of practical health care.
In order to increase the level of education of students, masters, graduate students and clinical residencies, these developments are placed in 12 monographs, including the main “Non-circular depressions”, 12 textbooks and 11 educational manuals approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for higher medical institutions of the III-IV accreditation levels, publications, reports at national and international conferences, developments were introduced into the medical institutions’medical process in Kyiv.
As of 2020, Professor O.K.Napreyenko has prepared 5 Doctors of Sciences and 20 PhDs, Professor N.O. Dzeruzhynska has prepared 3 PhDs.